Chapter 10

Lycoris P


One hour later I was in the kitchen chopping vegetables with Nana. ‘Is there something bothering you? You are not as fast with the knife as usual.’ She said and I shook my head. ‘Nothing except Zico.’ She looked at me with curious eyes but didn’t ask any questions. We had already moved her things in the room next to mine which was where she used to sleep before. Four months ago we had a fight and she moved to Joonhee and Yuri’s house. Week after that we made it up but she stayed there. I don’t know why. Maybe grandma had a talk with her?


‘Do you need any help?’ Yoon asked appearing on the door with Sohee next to her. ‘After all cooking for fourteen people isn’t easy.’ Nana gave them orders what to do without taking her eyes off the vegetables.


Half hour later everything was put on slow fire and we were resting. The door bell rang and Joonhee went to open. ‘Holy ! What the hell happened?!’ I asked jumping from my place along with the others when the guys appeared all in wounds. ‘Shinee.’ Zico said looking over my shoulder. We seated everyone somewhere and every girl from Lycoris took care of a boy from Block B.


Jaehyo had only small cuts so Yuri who was treating him was ready quickly and helped Joonhee take cater of Taeil who had sprained his ankle. They seated him on the armchair. The two maknaes were together on the floor. Yeonju was taking care of a possible knife wound on P.O. As expected Yoon was taking care of U-kwon on the floor while blushing furiously because he had a lot of cuts and bruises. The situation with Sohee and B-bomb was similar except that B-bomb was sitting on the couch next to Kyung and Zico. Nana was checking Kyung for any serious wounds and I was doing the same with Zico but from safe distance.


‘Why are you staring at me like that? Are you checking for wounds? I am fine. I am a badass leader.’ Zico said but he was looking somewhere next to me in the space. Was he avoiding my eyes?


‘Zico look me in the eyes.’ He laughed.


‘I am looking at you in the eyes. Wait which eyes again?’ I brushed aside that last comment. ‘How many fingers am I holding up?’ I asked and he tried to focus. ‘Ten.’ He finally said and I grasped. ‘Not? Well if the light wasn’t so dim and if you were standing on one place then I wouldn’t have mistaken.’ I shook my head and took a flashlight from one of the two first aid kits on the table.


‘I held up two fingers, there is nothing wrong with the light, I wasn’t moving and you may have concussion. Does your head hurt?’ he nodded. ‘One good thing for now. Your pupils are one and the same so this makes two good things. Doctor Yuri what do you think?’


‘That he fell hard on his head and shouldn’t move much. Also don’t fall asleep until you start seeing normally even then we need to wake him up every hour just to be sure his brain didn’t turn off.’ She really is starting to sound like a doctor but I guess that is a good thing since she wants to become one.


‘Oh !’ I heard Nana say next to me. ‘Kyung did you fall on something or someone stabbed you?’ Nana was pulling aside Kyung’s shirt to look at something. There was at least two centimeters deep wound on Kyung’s back.


‘He fell on a piece of metal but don’t worry we took it all out. How is the wound I think we stopped the blood.’ Zico said. Yuri pusher Nana aside and examined the wound.


‘It is too deep I can’t say if there are some parts left. We will need x-ray for that but I don’t suppose we can go to a hospital, can we?’ I shook my head. ‘The least we can do is put injection to prevent some kind of infection.’ Blackness fell in front of my eyes.


‘I-injection y-you s-say.’ I was trembling while Kyung was yelling that there is no need for that.


‘What is wrong? Big scary Lijung is afraid of needles?’ Zico mocked me but I wasn’t listening to him anymore I was looking at the needle Yuri was filling with medicine. Was that thing in the first aid kit? I was really scared but couldn’t take my eyes of the needle. The moment it went beneath Kyung’s skin I closed my eyes and fainted.


Nana POV


‘She has phobia of needles don’t mention her.’ I yelled as I was sitting in Kyung’s lap holding his hands down and not allowing him to move… a lot. Yuri finally did the injection and I heard a loud thump. L had fainted. Kyung finally calmed down. ‘That wasn’t that scary now was it? Now be a good boy and don’t move while Yuri stitches you up.’ I said.


‘NO! NO WAY! You are nor stitching me up!’ he yelled and I sighted.


‘Leave him be just bandage it.’ I said standing up from Kyung. ‘I have dinner to finish.’


‘Fine but you will have to get your shoulder checked on an x-ray one way or another.’ Yuri said starting to take care of the wound.


Zico was up from his place and next to L. ‘Yah! Sit down again you are just making it worse!’


‘Not after I take her in my lap.’ He said grinning and looking at L. I shuddered and went to check on the dinner.


Lijung POV


I woke up in Zico’s lap. Again! ’What the hell? Why am I always in your lap when I wake up?’


‘You didn’t seem to mind that when you are drunk.’ He was smirking. I gave him the bird.


‘Yah! Lijung! A lady shouldn’t do that!’ Kyung yelled and I shuddered. The maknaes were on the floor with Taeil and Joonhee playing Monopoly and B-bomb was going through my CD collection which now was all at one place next the TV instead everywhere in my room. That were all the people in the room except me, Zico and Kyung so I assumed the others were still cooking.


‘You have… peculiar taste in music.’ B-bomb said. ‘I haven’t heard of most of them. Thousand Foot Krutch, Three Days Grace and what the hell is Icon for hire?’ he read out loud in broken English.


‘I woke you up with a song from the last one.’ Zico said proudly.


‘She has Eminem and Fort Minor.’ I heard Sohee’s voice from the door. ‘We lived in the states but please don’t expect us to like things like Justin Bieber.’ She sat down on the sofa’s arm behind my back.


‘I don’t go by perfect and typical.’ I said proudly. ‘They are boring.’


‘That is why unni likes to walk around the house dressed like a guy and outside like a gothic doll. Unni is in love with the lolita gothic style.’ Yeonju said.


‘Shut up. You too love those kinds of clothes.’


‘What style?’ Kyung asked with a puzzled look.


‘I have seen girls dressed like that when I was in Japan but you don’t look like the kind of girl that would dress up like that.’ Zico stated. ‘I would like to see you dressed like that.’ I raised an eyebrow at him. ‘Is that an order because if it isn’t I am not doing it.’ He shook his head. ‘It is an order.’


I sighted and stood up. ‘Yah, maknae you are coming with me. I am not the only one who is going to be embarrassed.’ She wined but came. Up in my room I gave Yeonju a black and white dress with large sleeves a lot of bows and while lace. The dress had white collar and three black buttons. Mine dress was all black with a corset and lace at the end. It had four small ribbons and a pin at the top of the corset. I had long gloves with ties and lace and on my neck I had a collar with black lace.


‘Unni looks super cute!’ said Yeonju holding one of my bear. We went down and the moment we stepped in the room all conversations stopped. ‘Thad am!’ Yeonju said spinning lightly.


‘Great you saw us so now we are going to change.’ Before I could turn around Zico and Kyung grabbed my wrists and yelled “Don’t!” at the same time.


‘Sorry but for a moment I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Now I see that I am very much alive, and heaven has been brought to me.’ Kyung said.


‘That is not fair I forgot all my pick up lines!’ Zico said winking at me and I just shook my head at them.


‘Ow my little flower put on a dress!’ Nana hugged me from behind. ‘Ow you are coming to my room!’ she nuzzled my neck and I giggled.


‘Oh that is why your grandma thought that you are plying in my team. How can you two talk like that to each other?!’ Zico faked indignation. Next to us P.O was hugging Yeonju like there was no tomorrow and Taeil and Joonhee were trying to get him to let her go. After all this we put the food on the floor and had dinner. I have no idea how so many people gathered in one place. I was squished between Zico and Kyung but Nana did her best to at least take Kyung’s attention away from me. Zico however couldn’t take his eyes away from my thighs.


‘Stop staring at my thighs!’ I yelled at him. ‘I can’t! They are too nice for your own good!’ he yelled back. I made a face and pushed a piece of meat in his mouth. After dinner everyone started going home. Zico and Kyung stayed over because we had to watch over them.


‘Why are Yoon and Sohee not staying?’Zico asked when everybody had left.


‘They live with their mother and can’t leave her alone in their house.’ Nana explained while wiping her hands from washing the dishes. ‘Where are we going to put them?’ she asked me pointing at Zico and Kyung on the sofa. I shuddered.


‘L let’s sleep together!’ said Kyung looking at me with puppy eyes.


‘Yah! No way! I am sleeping next to her!’ and Zico’s word was law so… We went to my room and I put on an alarm to wake us up every hour. Zico of course wouldn’t lie like a normal person! He wrapped his hands and legs around me hugging me like a teddy bear. ‘The bet is short for me and I have to put my legs somewhere.’ That was a lame excuse but I went with it.


Nana POV


Kyung looked kind a disappointed for a moment when Zico said that he would sleep next to L but then quickly smiled at me with his greasy smile. ’So it will be me and you tonight.’ I giggled covering my own disappointment. In my room I was thinking about how we should sleep since Kyung’s right shoulder was wounded and he shouldn’t move mush this right hand or sleep on it. Actually because of that I spend the dinner feeding him and blushing like a tomato.


‘Wow Nana you have some really cute clothes!’ he was going through my closet.


‘Stop you are going to open your wound! Plus that is personal!’ I closed the door to the closet.


‘Help me change because I might open the wound.’ He wined and I helped him take off his shirt. That was easy but helping him put on L’s oversized sweatshirt was really hard. I tried so hard not to make him move his hand that when the shirt was finally on we were standing breath away from each other and I practically felt the words against my lips when he spoke. ‘I think I will need help with my pants too.’ I bushed furiously.


‘Do it yourself!’ I nearly yelled and hid in the bathroom grabbing my nightdress. The top was v-neck shirt and it was blue with indigo butterflies. I brushed my teeth and went out. Kyung was ready and was going through my collection of scripts. He was already dressed in the clothes L gave him. The sweatpants were kind a short for him but the sweatshirt was big even for him. What kind of clothes does L wear?


‘Why do you have so many scripts? Do you want to become an actress?’ I nodded. ‘Do you know them by hart? Show me how you act.’ He started reading and I followed without even looking at the script. I got so quickly in character that I forgot the scene ends with a kiss. For my surprise in the end of the scene he did close the distance between us and kissed me. I was shocked and quickly pulled away.


‘You like L.’ I started slowly. ‘You like Lijung. You like my purple slider lily. I know she doesn’t like you. She doesn’t like anyone out of the gang and I have no idea why is she putting up with the whole Block B. I am not y prize so don’t think I will be L’s replacement. I will sleep on the sofa.’ I said grabbing my pillow.


‘Nayoung! Wait! ’ he grabbed my hand. ’I really don’t think about you like that. Zico is like my brother and if L is his girl then she is like my sister. I am interested in you. My type of girl is one with nice thighs and nice hart. I think you are the girl with the nicest heart in Lycoris.’ He explained and pulled me closer to him. I was ready to pull my hand away but then remembered he holds me with his right hand.


‘Let go because if I pull away your wound will open.’


‘Then don’t.’ he learned in and kissed me again to my surprise I kissed back.

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Chapter 14: Awww I love this! Something about her being forced to be with him & then eventually falling for him is so romantic to me, like Beauty & the Beast, lol. I love it!
WatashinoOrenji #2
Chapter 14: I just love this story SO MUCH!
I almost cry again when The Z-I-C-O got shot.
But then there's a happy ending!Yay! :D
WatashinoOrenji #3
Chapter 12: I almost cry T.T
I don't think Zico's the one who post the video.It must be Hyuna!
I hope they get back together.
WatashinoOrenji #4
Chapter 9: OH my gosh that was SO intense! >////<
Chapter 11: Asdfghjk. I really do love this story. ;A; It's simply awesome orz. I read all the chapters at once and now I'm craving for more and more. T^T Especially when the ending of the newest chapter is so uncertain and somehow keeping the reader in suspense. ouo If Hyuna really have done something that concerns Lijung, Zico or whoever else, I promise I'll slit without hesitation. xD /takes her forks out/ Aww, so curious what's gonna happen. ;~; Please update soon~! <333


And seriously, why does this story have just only two subscribers and two comments including mine? DX It deserves a lot better! ;A; You're really amazing writer, aww. Now I feel like doing some promotions on other people's walls. xD
Zeal95 #6
Chapter 9: Woooooiw! That was so intense LOL. I Really Like the Story line Update soon plzz" :D