Chapter 4

Lycoris P

Warning: there will be fights between characters and other idols. I will try to not beat them up a lot because fans maybe reading.


‘Hey there. It was Crinum right? Is this a nickname right?’


‘Will you leave me alone already?!’ I yelled and pulled my hand away but he held tight. I turned to him and behind him I saw Girls’ Generation’s Tiffany and Jessica disappearing in one of the corridors leading to the back exit. ‘Oh no you don’t.’ With my free hand I pulled my phone and dialed Nana. ‘Nan south exit tell the others! I am coming.’ Zico was staring at me. ‘Sorry gang business. We will finish that later.’ I grabbed his wrist and squeezed it until he let go after that I ran to the exit pushing away the people in my way.


I ran as hard as I could and made a mental note to start training. Soon I caught up with the rest. There were two boys on the ground and four more standing. The girls were kicking their asses so I skipped through them and swung my fist at Jessica. She blocked me and on her turn she swung her fist at me. I clicked to avoid impact. After that I stood up and drove my fist into her stomach. She grabbed her stomach and fall backwards. I looked around. The guys were down and Sohee was holding Tiffany’s head crushed to the wall.


‘I offer you next time you think twice about going in our territory.’ I said glaring at Jessica. Sohee let Tiffany go and she picked up Jessica.


‘Next time you won’t beat us so easy Lycoris es.’ Said Tiffany.


‘And don’t even think you have any chances with L!’ yelled Jessica just before they went out of the back door.


I clenched my hands into fists and said: ‘Let’s go home.’


‘They killed the fun again.’ Said Yoon. Damn it I couldn’t even take picture of Myungsoo. Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw smiling Nana holding her phone in front of me. There was a close-up picture of my bias. I yelled and threw myself on her neck.


Joonhee drove us all home. As usual I was last. ‘Are you alright?’ she asked me when she pulled over in front my house.


‘Yeah just little bit tired.’ I said and smiled at her. After that I went out of the car and up to my house. I entered the code like a boss and slipped in. Grandma had already gone home so I just walked up the stairs to my room. In there I opened the window and started preparing for bed. I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt and had my hair down. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw none other than Zico stretched out on my bed.


‘You have a nice room. Did you pay a professional to do it?’ he asked getting off the bed and starting to look around with curiosity.


‘I did it myself. Now get out before I had thrown you our through the balcony! ... Wait a minute. How did you come in here in first place?’


‘Through the balcony.’ He said simply taking in hand one of my notebooks with drawings.


‘Get out!’ I said taking it from his hands.


‘Don’t be rude. You know the principle may not be pleased with your behavior tonight.’


‘I have no idea what you are talking about.’ I was hoping he hadn’t recognized me but noo life is not so simple. He took out his phone and played a video of me fighting with Jessica.


‘You are not going to send it. You can’t.’ I was starting to panic. If I have another offence I won’t be able to get in to the college I want.


‘I won’t if you do what I say.’


‘Are you blackmailing me?’ he nodded and I noticed how close we were standing. I stepped back.


‘I suggest you take your sleep because tomorrow hell will open for you.’ He sad grinning and after that went out through the balcony window.


‘In what did I got myself?’ That night I couldn’t sleep. I spun like crazy in the bed and when I finally fell asleep I had nightmares. I dreamed a tattoo on a thigh- heart with wings and a little ball. I dreamed spilled blood and two bodies which were of people I have only seen on pictures in the old photo album. Those people were my parents.


I woke up in cold sweat. It was freaking 5 in the morning. I moaned and got up. I had no intention to fall asleep again. I dressed and went out. I ran to Taehyun’s house. I rang the bell and she opened dressed in her night down. She lived two blocks away in quite a big house. All originals lived there along with Yeonju because they had nowhere to go. The rest had at least one relative. Taehyun had bought the house year ago and now we were sitting in the yellow kitchen with a cup of coffee in hand and I was giving a report on yesterday.


‘He did what!’ she yelled in the end. ‘This is bad. You have to delete that video! You can’t have yourself exposed again. This time they may find out about us all.’


‘That’s why I will be living in hell now. He is blackmailing me. I was thinking: should I call truce?’


‘For now maybe.’ She said thinking. ‘I really don’t like where this is going. Call me if something happens. You know what I mean. We can always kick his and get that video.’


‘You said it yourself. We have to stay low.’ I reminded her.


‘Oh shut up! Don’t you have school?’ I laughed and took my cup to the sink. After that I went home running. It was getting late and I had no time to properly get ready. I took a shower and got dressed. I didn’t have time to even dry my hair or eat. I hugged my grandma ignoring the ‘Did you eat? ‘question. I took my bag and stomped out yelling. ‘Love you halmeoni!’ Nana and Zelo were waiting on the front gate along with Block B.


‘What now? Are we all walking to school?’ I asked Zico.


‘Why you want us to be alone? Why didn’t you say so?’ he asked smirking. I snored and Nana and Zelo gave me a questioning look.


‘He is blackmailing me.’ I said glaring at Zico. We were walking to school now. ‘I call truce. But only if after two weeks you delete that video.’


‘Why would I want your truce when I can blackmail you?’ he asked. Everyone else was looking between us like we were playing tennis.


‘Because I am not the leader of Lycoris and our Radiata is willing to come and kick your for just hanging out in our territory.’


‘Did you talk with her?!’ asker frightened Nana and I nodded. ‘What did she say? Are you hurt?’ She started checking me out for injures. ‘Is that why you are wet? Did she dump water on you this time?’


‘What? NO! I took shower. I didn’t have time to dry out. She doesn’t always throw things. Besides she wasn’t that angry because I first told her about Girls’ Generation.’ Taehyun really did have the habit to throw things when she was angry.


‘Fine. Whatever. I accept the truce but I will delete the video after a month.’


‘Three weeks?’ I tied barging but he shook his head.


‘Month or else I go back home right away and post the video in YouTube.’ I felt like I was making deal with the devil.


‘Fine.’ I sighted. On the front gate were waiting rests of the gang plus Tammy. Nana ran to them and quietly told them everything. I clearly saw the “Leader couple!” yell from Yoon and glared at her before she did it. After that I glared at the others just so they were warned too.


Tammy, of course being the swagger kid she is, said it. ‘New leader couple!’ she yelled and I was this close to kill her right away. ‘We are in school!’ she yelled when I without realizing started to step towards her. Zelo hugged me from behind and Nana and Sohee pushed me back.


I cleared my throat. ‘Let’s go. It is getting late. I don’t want to be late for class.’ I literally walked through them like a tank. I have no idea when did Block B walk in the room because I was so sleepy that I fell asleep the moment my head hit the desk.

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Chapter 14: Awww I love this! Something about her being forced to be with him & then eventually falling for him is so romantic to me, like Beauty & the Beast, lol. I love it!
WatashinoOrenji #2
Chapter 14: I just love this story SO MUCH!
I almost cry again when The Z-I-C-O got shot.
But then there's a happy ending!Yay! :D
WatashinoOrenji #3
Chapter 12: I almost cry T.T
I don't think Zico's the one who post the video.It must be Hyuna!
I hope they get back together.
WatashinoOrenji #4
Chapter 9: OH my gosh that was SO intense! >////<
Chapter 11: Asdfghjk. I really do love this story. ;A; It's simply awesome orz. I read all the chapters at once and now I'm craving for more and more. T^T Especially when the ending of the newest chapter is so uncertain and somehow keeping the reader in suspense. ouo If Hyuna really have done something that concerns Lijung, Zico or whoever else, I promise I'll slit without hesitation. xD /takes her forks out/ Aww, so curious what's gonna happen. ;~; Please update soon~! <333


And seriously, why does this story have just only two subscribers and two comments including mine? DX It deserves a lot better! ;A; You're really amazing writer, aww. Now I feel like doing some promotions on other people's walls. xD
Zeal95 #6
Chapter 9: Woooooiw! That was so intense LOL. I Really Like the Story line Update soon plzz" :D