Chapter 5

Lycoris P

I woke up at lunch jumping from the desk. The bell had just rang and I was sitting on the floor looking like a scared rabbit. ‘Was that nightmare again?’ asked me Nana quietly and I nodded.


‘They are getting worse. The panic attack is close.’ Once a month or two I had a panic attack. I had tried to cure it but nothing helped. Those dreams are eating me away. I am literally losing my mind.


Someone kicked my arm. ‘Go buy me lunch.’ Zico said not moving from his chair.


‘Since you are going can you buy me too?’ asked one of the guys and the others joined in ordering food.


I sighted and held my hands high. ‘I need paper and names.’ I felt like a waitress. Nana and Kyung came with me to help. Well at least one of them is a gentleman. Though he didn’t stop flirting with both me and Nana. It was kind a fun. Actually he made my day.


‘You didn’t by anything for yourself?’ asked me Nana when we had already given everyone their orders. I shook my head.


‘I am not hungry. Really I am not.’ This wasn’t a lie despite the fact I didn’t have breakfast. Suddenly Zico’s food appeared on my desk.


‘I am not hungry anymore. Take it.’ He wasn’t even looking at me.


‘YAH! What the hell do you think you are doing! ’ I was getting angry. I stood up from my chair. ‘Why did I buy it then?! You haven’t eaten even a third of it!’


‘Shut up you sound like my mother.’ He said glaring at me and I glared back.


‘I may have not eaten but I can still try kicking your if you don’t eat it.’ Now we were both standing up glaring.


‘Guys chill out.’ Kyung tried to calm us down.


‘Shut up! I will kick your !’ we both yell turning to him after that we kept glaring at each other. The bell rang and none of us ate the food. Next recess he gave me money and made me go buy him a drink. He didn’t say what he wants and no one told me what he likes. I tried asking everyone.


‘Sorry can’t tell you.’ Kyung said when I asked him.


‘He is doing it on purpose, isn’t he?’ he nodded. I growled and bought him cherry soda. When I gave it to him he eyed it and opened it. He took a slip and pulled it aside. ‘Not going to drink it?’ He shook his head and I could see his smirk. But I wasn’t finished. I shuddered, took the can and drank it in one breath. He looked shocked. I stuck my tongue at him. ‘It’s my favorite.’ I victoriously sat down on my desk. He didn’t make me do anything more.


It was Friday night and the whole Lycoris P, Tammy and Zelo were in my hose. Granny was out- bingo night. We made a move night with a lot of popcorns, sticks, jelly candy, marshmallow and a lot of different kinds of soda. We were watching scary movies. The purpose of this movie night was to avoid Zico. That didn’t happen. Nine o’clock someone knocked on the front door. I opened and there was Kyung in front me smiling with his greasy smile behind him was U-kwon, if I recall right, too smiling. I couldn’t help smile back- they have the cutest smiles ever.


‘We are invading.’ Announced Kyung and I noticed that in the dark behind them were the rest of Block B. I really couldn’t say no to those to smiles so I let them in. Zico was last and he didn’t look happy to be here. ‘Hey there beautiful ladies.’ Greeted Kyung and Nana, Tammy, Yoon and Yeonju laughed. The rest were looking confused. Block B introduced themselves officially.


I shook my head. ‘I can’t say no to Kyung’s and U-kwon’s smiles.’


‘Is that alcohol in those bags?’ Sohee asked. I looked about what she was talking. Damn she was right.


‘Oh no! I am not allowing fifteen- year- olds drink!’ I said and Tammy, Zelo and Yeonju groaned.


‘Great! So you and Yoon will be making them company!’ teased Yuri. ‘After all seventeen- year- olds too shouldn’t be drinking.’


I stuck my tongue at her. ‘I also shouldn’t have ring on my tongue and a tattoo but I have.’


‘Screw it! We won’t give them much.’ Said Sohee taking one of the bags from B-bomb, I think.


‘This will be nothing for them. Each of us had been a drink buddy for Yona.’ Reminded me Joonhee.


‘Come on.’ Kyung shook a receptacle in front my face. I made a face but took it and drank it in one breath. Soon the movie was forgotten and the bags were half way empty. My rock music was playing loudly.  I couldn’t believe I was having so much fun dancing with my girls, Zelo and Block B in my house. Though I was so high on sugar and alcohol that it all could be a dream.


By midnight everyone was completely exhausted. Tammy, Yeonju, Zelo and P.O. were asleep in my room. Joonhee and Taeil, I think, were asleep on the stairs. I think I saw Yoon and U-kwon going in the bathroom. Yuri was asleep on the counter and Block B’s Jaehyo was lying on the kitchen table staring in the space. Sohee was spinning in front me but soon tripped over B-bomb’s leg and fell on the floor. They both started laughing. I was sitting in Nana’s lap next to her was Kyung. Across me was sitting Zico with his legs in the coffee table with the popcorns in his lap. We six were the only one awake.


‘So you are two years younger?’ asked Zico and I only made a humming noise. ‘Yah! Are you ignoring me?’ He threw popcorn my way and I coughed it in the air. ‘Wha! Do it again!’ said Kyung slurring his words. Zico threw another one and I coughed it again.


‘Remind me to never drink with kids again.’ Said Nana poking my cheek.


‘Kid you call me kid? Damn Nana I drank twice more than you!’ I said and Sohee laughed like I said the funniest thing ever after that she got up from the ground and started dancing. I stood up from Nana’s lap. The front door opened. Grandma came in sight. ‘We are screwed.’ I said but I wasn’t right. She just looked around like there wasn’t anyone in the room.


‘Having fun, dear?’ I nodded bur she was actually looking Kyung’s way. ‘Great! I will be going to bed.’ She almost walked in the doorway.


‘Is it just me or is she even more drunk than me?’ I asked no one in particular and the others laughed. I looked around. The room was spinning. I didn’t feel like throwing up but I was barely walking scratch that I was barely standing. I needed to sit somewhere but the armchair was tip-over, Kyung had his legs up and I didn’t want to go back to Nana. Floor looked nice but I didn’t want to look as drunk as Sohee and B-bomb. So I did something I would do only in this situation. I walked over to Zico balancing in the spinning room, took the bow from his lap and sat on the bow’s place.


Nana was looking at me like I had lost my mind. ‘And you were saying you weren’t so drunk.’


‘I am not.’ I said sitting back on Zico. He wrapped his hands around my waist and a shiver ran through my body like electricity. I had to use all my self control no to moan. Wait a minute! From where did that come from? I don’t like him! I can’t even stand him. Nana tried standing up but fell on the floor right away.


‘Fine! Forget what I was saying about who is more drunk.’ She said and tried crawling back on the couch. Sohee fell on the ground again. This time on top B-bomb who has already fallen asleep. While Kyung was... Well he too was sleeping.


I tried to stand up but Zico pulled me back down to him. That damn shiver ran through my body again. ‘Where do you think you are going? You will be my pet. Now tell me your real name.’ he breathed in my ear. My name, what was my name? The music had stopped playing and we both were the only one awake. I just couldn’t think straight with him so close.


’Lijung.’ I finally remembered. I thought he had fallen asleep too. But then he liked my neck and bit down. Shivers started running through my body and I couldn’t help but moan loud. His dark chuckle in my ear was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

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Chapter 14: Awww I love this! Something about her being forced to be with him & then eventually falling for him is so romantic to me, like Beauty & the Beast, lol. I love it!
WatashinoOrenji #2
Chapter 14: I just love this story SO MUCH!
I almost cry again when The Z-I-C-O got shot.
But then there's a happy ending!Yay! :D
WatashinoOrenji #3
Chapter 12: I almost cry T.T
I don't think Zico's the one who post the video.It must be Hyuna!
I hope they get back together.
WatashinoOrenji #4
Chapter 9: OH my gosh that was SO intense! >////<
Chapter 11: Asdfghjk. I really do love this story. ;A; It's simply awesome orz. I read all the chapters at once and now I'm craving for more and more. T^T Especially when the ending of the newest chapter is so uncertain and somehow keeping the reader in suspense. ouo If Hyuna really have done something that concerns Lijung, Zico or whoever else, I promise I'll slit without hesitation. xD /takes her forks out/ Aww, so curious what's gonna happen. ;~; Please update soon~! <333


And seriously, why does this story have just only two subscribers and two comments including mine? DX It deserves a lot better! ;A; You're really amazing writer, aww. Now I feel like doing some promotions on other people's walls. xD
Zeal95 #6
Chapter 9: Woooooiw! That was so intense LOL. I Really Like the Story line Update soon plzz" :D