Dalmatian member fullfilled lucky fans hope!! 1

Dalmatian fanmeet & long-distance relationship

one hour pass like that..Dalmatian go out to their rest room to change their clothes..Alex the emcee start to say something

"well..it will be boring if the show doesnt have any game..well,i would like to call Dalmatian to come back to stage..they will playing game with lucky fans here!!"*chaoosss*Dalmatian start to enter the stage..wooww..they already changed their appearance to casual,and dang!!they all look so hot with a normal t-shirt...."so Dalmatian member,u guys can start choose which lucky fans u want to be pair with" Alex start to ask them to do so..but at the same time i can see all the fans start to check their hair,clothes..others..all fans keep in silence..

Mikka took my water bottle,but it got stuck in my hand..i mean i dont want give to her.. "damn..im so exhausted,i shouldnt scream like that!!faster..give it to me..." and i just mocked her..after that Mikka look into my eyes,we both got the feelings that eveyone looking at us..yeah..we both right!!everyone looking at us now include Dalmatian member and Alex too..Mikka start to hide her face,while me just act like nothing happened..but suddenly Mr.Lee took my hoodie off to cover my face..i can only said "haishh" to him..but then the emcee start to laugh after he watching our behaviour..he continue the event "ok Dalmatian member,i bet u guys have someone on your mind now" Dalmatian just nodd their head..

4 of them already pick their fav fans..but Dari doesnt pick me*sad* but im glad none of them didnt pick me since im a shy girl^^..now only Dayday and Jisu..Mr.Lee start to say something at me before Mikka screaming. "~~~~~,Dayday pick u!!!" and i was like ""..and i was like "uhh..ohh..damn,why must he pick me?"...Dalmatian member start to smile at me..and suddenly i point my hand to Mikka.. "ok i chose her.." Jisu said.. "yes..~~~~,lets go" Mikka said to me..

i followed Mikka stepped at the back with embrassing face.. Dayday gave his hand to me.. "hey..i cant see ur face." of course he cant see my face since i cover it my hoodie,.. "hmm..im not talkative,so please take care of me" i said to him.. he just smile and start to pull of my hoodie..everyone screaming after they saw what Dayday did to me... "u cute"..

Mikka stand next to me.. Jisu coming to us while other member with their pick fans "seems like u both know each other?" "ur right".Mikka replying to him.."hmmm..we both know each other since we still a kid"..i said to him.."there's another 2 of our bestie"..i point to Eqie and Leah..they just waving their hand to me..i just smile back to them.. Dayday come to us....

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