The day!!at home

Dalmatian fanmeet & long-distance relationship


~(phone calls from Mikka~haishh..this girl so excited..

"hmm..wassup?" speak with my sleeping voice "~~~~,hey wake up!!you promise me to send me to your sis saloon!!" "hey..its 5am still sis shop open at 10 am,Dalmatian fanmeet start at 8pm..long time to go..ok..bye bye..i call you later" i hang up.. haishh..i cant continue my sleep now..Mikka fault!! took my shower at 5am,its too early to take breakfast..goes to my pc start to surf about Dalmatian,since im going to meet them today..well,im not a hardcore fans such Mikka..i only know their songs..

start to type Dalmatian

(~~~~ mind)..owh..Inati,Dayday,Dari,Jisu,Youngwon and Drama..okey2 i recognize them now...i have my eyes on Dari,his 6th pack so so outstanding..still cute..huh??whose Bbangku??what a weird name..their manager perhaps..hmm...searching for their all of them so talented,especially Dayday,he was a rap teacher for other KPOP artiste..bravo..but there has something weird about him...his height??170 below??WTH..there's nothing much difference between me and him...

~sms alert from Leah~

"~~~~,u wake up already??Mikka disturbed me..and i cant sleep now!!"...wakakakaka..Mikka too much today, "hey..she disturbed me too,go online..lets skype!!"

~sms alert from Qie~

"~~~~,can i curse Mikka!!!" "Qie!!she woke u up too?? too..lets skype if u cant sleep"

Skype-ing with 3 of each other..they also looking for Dalmatian profile..


took my on my way to my room before my mom called me "~~~~,Mikka here!!" "asked her to come in maa.."

"dont u think its too early to come to my house??waa..such a hardcore fans" mumbling at Mikka..she just smilling.. *knock2* my mom bring orange juice and sandwich.. "thanks aunt" "ur welcome,enjoy it ok..make urself comfortable"..

chatting with Mikka for 2 hours,surfing internet.. Leah and Qie came at 10 am..

"hi are u today??" Leah ask ~~~~ mom.. "hello kid,im fine today..go upstair ~~~~ in her room with Mikka too,im going to shop now..make urself comfortable ok" "thanks aunt"

"~~~~,Mikka!!we're here..lets go to ~~~~ saloon" Qie screaming downstairs "we're coming"

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