eye-contact with Dayday

Dalmatian fanmeet & long-distance relationship

"here we are,~~~~~ and friends come..lets meet with other members" Inati ask us.. "OK!!" Mikka,Qie and Leah answered at the same time.. "hmm..this kid" i talk to myself.. "u dont mind right?" Dari asked me..i just smile

Dalmatian POV

Dayday: she smile again!

Jisu:yaa..hyung whats wrong with her smile let her be..i know your jealous

Drama and manager just laugh after Jisu said that

~~~~~ POV

here we are..all the member look at us,but Dayday staring at me,haihshh..this guy whats wrong with him.

"manager hyung..sorry we late" Dari and Youngwon bowed their head.. "hm..its ok" manager replied to them. . "ehem..ehem..Dayday hyung,dont stare at ~~~~~ like that,she will scare of u" Youngwon smirk..  "~~~~~ and friends!!nice to meet u again" Jisu greeted us,4 of us just bow our head.. "we gotta go now,see u guys next time" i said to them.. "hmm..ok,be careful" Inati tell us..he shook his hand to me followed by Youngwon,Drama,Dari too..but Dayday seems like he doesnt want shook his hand to me,he still staring at me..*heartbeat* whats wrong with me,goshh..his eyes so clear.."hmm..bye"..i dont know else to say..but then..someone pull me!!

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