
New Life

Key's eyes widened as the woman told him what had happened two years ago. The reason behind why Jae had left. 

"She blames herself for what happened...but it's not her fault. The man who killed my son. He was a murderer who had escaped from Seoul. I...I just don't want my son to have died for nothing. He sacrificed his own life for Jae Sun. And now...I just want her to lead the happy life Hyun Suk couldn't live."

Key didn't know what to say. He remained silent, not knowing how he should respond to the story he had just been told.

"Kim Kibum-ssi, please look after her..."


Jae was standing in front of a simple gravestone. She swallowed hard, trying to dight off her tears.

"Hyung-nim...I'm back..." she said softly. "I'm sorry I ran away...I'm truly sorry..." A silent tear rolled down her face as she apologized. She knelt down and placed a bouquet of white lilies over the grave. "I brought your favourite...white lilies, right?" she said, gently smiling. "I'm sorry I'm late...please forgive me."

She heard footsteps behind her and she turned to see a boy. The wind blew his blonde hair and he wasn't bothered with fixing it as he usually would. Instead, he just smiled at the girl in front of him. 

"...I found you." he said with a soft smile on his face. 


"She told me where you might be. Everything that happened, I already know." he said, his eyes, softening.

"...Oppa..." she didn't know what to say. She was on the verge on tears, but she didn't want to cry in front of him.

"It's not your fault...Nobody could've predicted what would have happened."

"...But still..." 

"Yah!! What are you doing here?!" a voice shouted from a distance. Jae could tell that it was Hyun Won's voice. He ran over to Jae, ignoring Key's presence. "What the hell do you think you're doing here?!"

"Hyung...I...I came to apologize...." Jae said, sadly looking down to the grave, then shifting her gaze to the boy standing in front of her.

"Apologize? You think that if you apologized, things will be better?" he shouted at her. "Hyung died because of you!!" 

Key was about to say something when Jae shook her head at him. She had to do it by herself. "I know that nothing I do will change what happened...I'm sorry I ran away...I'm really sorry..." her tears ran down her face as she apologized.

He grabbed her by the shoulders and looked at her. His knees became weak and when they gave in, he dropped on his knees and cried out loud. Jae Sun looked up to the sky and closed her eyes, feeling the tears that were continually dripping down her face. Key stood watch, not wanting to interrupt. That was something she had to face by herself, and he knew it. It was the reason why she had left. 


Jae Sun and Key bowed politely and bid Hyun Won and his parents farewell before boarding the bus back to Seoul. Hyun Won had revealed that he had also blamed himself for his brother's death, claiming that if he wasn't sick on the day, he could have been there to help. He had never truly blamed Jae Sun for what happened that night, and was only mad at her for leaving the village straight after the incident without saying goodbye to him and his brother. He was simply using her as a way to relieve his grief. The two reconciled their friendship and he apologized for forcing her to break up with Key, as well as the other things he had done to her.

"I already told everyone else that we're on the way home." Key said, after getting off the phone with Onew. "You got us all really worried."


Key kept silent and Jae Sun turned to her right to look at him. He lookeed back at her and he finally let out his feelings when he looked into her eyes. 

"How could you run away like that? Don't you know how worried we all got? The least you could do was at least give us a call or something. If Jonghyun-hyung had not seen you on the bus, we wouldn't have known where you were. Do you know how worried I was?" 

"I'm sorry...I..."

Key let out a soft sigh and took Jae's hands. "Just...just don't do it again, okay? You got me really worried."

She nodded silently. "Oppa...about what I said..."

"It's okay. I listened to your recording." Key said with a soft smile on his lips. "It's okay."

Jae rested her head on his shoulders, tired. She barely had any sleep in the past few days and she was tired. She rested her eyes and Key rested his head softly on top of her head.

"Oppa..." she said, her eyes still closed.


"...I love you..." she said, smiling softly to herself as she said those three words.

"I love you too." he replied her, smiling to himself as well.

The two fell asleep together on the bus that carried just the two of them. 


When the bus reached Seoul, the two got off the bus and thanked the driver. As soon as Jae got off the bus, she felt a tight hug. It was Yoogeun, who had gone to the bus station to wait for the two to arrive, along with Onew and his family, as well as the other SHINee members. Onew hugged his sister, followed by his parents, and it soon turned into a group hug with everyone that was present. They had heard of what had happened from Key who had called them earlier to explain the situation. None of them had minded what had happened. They understood her fully, and things returned to normal.


Two weeks had passed since and it was Jae's birthday. She had spent the day with her friends and family, and was now having some time with Key at night, in the very same park they had shared Key's birthday. They were sitting on the same swings, gently moving back and forth as they had before. They were just talking about anything that came to mind when Key got up from his seat, prompting Jae to get up. He walked over to her and held her hands, giving her a gentle smile. 

Key leaned in and sweetly whispered into her ears. "I love you."

She blushed in response and nodded softly, whispering back the three words. "I love you."

He moved in and gave her a long, gentle kiss. He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, closing his eyes while smiling happily to himself.

"I will never let you go."


The end~ did you find it? Interesting? Bad? Average? Thoughts? I think I've decided to write a Taemin fic next, then a Minho. As for who's next after Minho, we'll see. Maybe Jonghyun then Onew. But I haven't decided for now. It's the end of my first fic~~ I feel so old, though I wrote it in a short amount of time. I think...I didn't do much planning for this fic and instead just wrote whatever came to mind. When I started was kind of like a just like...on the spur of the moment. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it^^

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Chapter 23: Aw!! I love the story!!
thestrangelittlegirl #2
Chapter 23: it was a great story, but I'm a bit confused. so who were the people that she was afraid of?
shineelovely #3
Chapter 23: Waah authour-nim!! Your story is very nice!!! It ended =( But sweet ending <3
keykim #4
Chapter 23: It ended~~ omo. Loved it!!! Great story.
VIPrimShAplus #5
Chapter 23: woa it's end.. nice story author-nim hehe ^^
choong_11 #6
Chapter 18: Pls update soon!!!! Key muz find her!!
shineelovely #7
Chapter 16: New reader here. Very interesting story author-nim. loving it
keykim #8
Chapter 16: giving me mixed feelings~~ birthday so sweet but so sad =( thanks for updating
Chapter 15: ahhh!!! the suspense!! XD
keykim #10
Chapter 14: omo. the girl in the pic must be her, right? Key~~~ don't cry Q.Q