Silent Tears

New Life

The next day passed by really slowly for Jae. It seemed as though strange incidents were happening around her. She was receiving flowers, cakes, letters, and other various gifts throught the day but with each gift, there was a letter and it simply had a smiley face drawn on it. But other than receiving gifts, things around her were breaking when she was alone. Vases, windows, anything breakable. And eachwere broken with a stone that had been thrown. Each having a smiley face on it as well. Jae knew what this meant, but she refused to believe it. She thought that perhaps, if she denied it, then it wouldn't be true. But she was naive. Minho had noticed the incidents as well. He saw her alone and pulled her to a side to talk to her. 

"Jae, can I talk to you?"

"Uh? Sure." she followed him and stopped when he did. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I don't know if it's just me, but I've been noticing something lately. Or maybe just today."

"Noticing what exactly?"

"...Receiving gifts? Things breaking? Doesn't it all seem kind of strange to you? I talked to the others but they didn't know anything. They didn't even realise anything. So I thought I'd talk to you."

"...I...I don't know." Jae tried to avoid the question. "...but it doesn't seem to be anything serious so I'm not giving it any mind."

"...I guess you're right...anyways, we should probably get going now." Minho said, not fully convinced that the incidents weren't important, but still decided to follow Jae's advice.

"Uh? Yeah. Let's go." did they find me? I need to get this sorted out soon...


Wednesday came and school was over. Jae had stayed behind to take a look at the extra class which Taemin and Key attended. They had left to join the class and Jae said that she would stop by later. She was in the empty classroom as she had stayed behind to tidy up as it was her duty day. Once she was done with the cleaning, she rushed to get to the class. When she grabbed her bad off her desk, an envelope fell out of the outer compartment. She bent over to pick it up and recalled that it was the letter she had received on Monday. She opened the envelope and looked at the contents.

There was a letter. She read it and as she read through the contents, she could feel that her face fell.

I found you. Quite easily it seems. You know that you're not going to win this little hide-and-seek game if you go out shouting that you're here? So naive, just like before. Tell you what, since I'm so nice, I'll give you a present. I'm sure you'll love it. And just remember, I know where you are. I'm watching.

She gulped hard and her hand shook as she flipped open a folded piece of paper. It was a picture. There was a picture of a young girl, and standing next to her were two boys, only slightly older than the girl. They were looking at the camera, all three, and each had a huge grin on their faces. Tears started flowing out uncontrollably and she dropped down and hugged her knees, crying. And for once, she was glad that Key wasn't there. She didn't want him to see her in this state. She couldn't contain her feelings anymore. 


Elsewhere in the school, Key was waiting for Jae's arrival. 30 minutes had already passed since the class started and he was worried that Jae hadn't turned up. Even if she had duty, it wouldn't take that long.

"Hyung, noona isn't here yet?"

Key shook his head and looked around. "Taemin ah, I'm going to go and check on her. When Eunhyuk comes back, tell him that I have something to do." Taemin nodded and he immediately left, looking for Jae Sun.

I should check the classroom first.

He ran over to their classroom and as he was approaching, he could hear her crying. Worried, he immediately ran over and stopped at the door where he saw Jae Sun crying alone. He wanted to reach out to her but something stopped him. Something told him that she needed to be alone. He wanted to be by her side. To comfort her. But he knew that she wouldn't want him to see her in her current state. He didn't want to force it out of her. He could only watch from the distance. 

Slowly, he backed out of the doorway and leaned against the wall. He closed his eyes as he tried to stop his tears from falling out. He didn't know what he could do for her. For now...all he could do, was to try his best to make her happy.


Mm...don't really know what to write to continue from here so I'll end the chapter here. Thoughts?

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Chapter 23: Aw!! I love the story!!
thestrangelittlegirl #2
Chapter 23: it was a great story, but I'm a bit confused. so who were the people that she was afraid of?
shineelovely #3
Chapter 23: Waah authour-nim!! Your story is very nice!!! It ended =( But sweet ending <3
keykim #4
Chapter 23: It ended~~ omo. Loved it!!! Great story.
VIPrimShAplus #5
Chapter 23: woa it's end.. nice story author-nim hehe ^^
choong_11 #6
Chapter 18: Pls update soon!!!! Key muz find her!!
shineelovely #7
Chapter 16: New reader here. Very interesting story author-nim. loving it
keykim #8
Chapter 16: giving me mixed feelings~~ birthday so sweet but so sad =( thanks for updating
Chapter 15: ahhh!!! the suspense!! XD
keykim #10
Chapter 14: omo. the girl in the pic must be her, right? Key~~~ don't cry Q.Q