
New Life

"I knew you'd come." smirked the man waiting for Jae Sun by the school gate. He had a rather unkempt appearance with a scruffy beard and dishevelled hair. "Did you bring the money?"

"You can wipe that smirk off your face 'cause you're getting none from me." Jae glared at the man she refused to call her father.

"You really think I'd buy that? You're my daughter, whether you like it or not. And You don't have the heart to leave me alone. You said you weren't gonna give me money the last time but you did. And it'll be the same this time round."

"You see? That's where you're wrong. You don't know me. It's not going to be the same as last time. You're on your own."

The smirk on his face immediately disappeared. "You WILL give me my money."

"No. If it's money you want, then you're going to have to earn it yourself."

"Come now. I'm your father. You're a good girl. You wouldn't leave me alone. That's why you did all those things last time. It was all for me." he regained his confidence and smirked, irritating the young girl standing in front of him.

"...No. You're wrong." Jae breathed out and fixed her gaze on the man. "What I did...it wasn't for you. None of it ever was. So don't flatter yourself."

"You really think I'll believe that?"

"No, I don't. Why? Because you're just an idiot and that will never change. You never do."

This angered the man. "Idiot?! Who do you think you're talking to?!" He raised his hand, about to slap her.

"Go ahead. Hit me. There's still teachers in the school and there's a camera that can see what's happening."

He looked around and grumbled to himself, lowering his hand, glaring at the girl.

"I don't have much to say to you. I just want you out of both me and Yoogeun's life. So stay away."

"And what makes you think I'll listen to whatever you want?" 

"Because I have what I need to get you sent to jail. And this time, I'm not afraid to use it."

"..." he couldn't find the words to reply to that. He knew she wasn't lying. "Aish. Fine. I'll leave you alone. But don't think that you can hide forever. You know better than anyone that I'm not the only one looking for you. You better watch your back."

"I don't need to hear that from you." 

The man walked away, stomping his feet. Jae let out a sigh, knowing that what he had said was right. There were others looking for her, but at least for now, one of them wouldn't be coming back. Seeing as the man had left, Onew, Key, Jonghyun, Minho and Taemin who were watching from the inside went out to talk to Jae. 

"Noona!" Taemin called out to her as they were rushing to her.

"So...how'd it go?" Minho asked. They had wanted to be with her when she was dealing with the father but she had requested that they stay out of it as it was something she had to do alone. 

Jae Sun smiled at her friends, relieved that it was over. "Fine. It's one less thing I have to worry about. Thanks for staying behind."

Key smiled at her "That's what friends are for." He saw that the smile she put on her face hid her sorrow and didn't know what to do. On his instinct, he walked over to her. She looked up to him and he gave her a warm hug. "You don't have to face everything by yourself. I...We're here for you. So next time, don't take it all by yourself."

Jae Sun smiled. She knew he cared. And she was thankful. For all that he has done. "...Thank you."

The others simply smiled at the two. They had already figured out what was going on.


"Ah. Welcome home. How was your day?" 

"Oh appa. It was fine." Onew answered his dad.

"And what about you?" He turned to Jae Sun.

"Ahh..it was good" Jae said with a small smile on her face. "...Appa."


After a warm shower, Jae went up to her room and stared out the window.

"...There's so many stars out tonight..." she said to herself as she opened her window and looked up at the stars, feeling the gentle breeze in her face. 

She couldn't help but think of the words her father had said to her earlier. 'You know better than anyone that I'm not the only one looking for you.'

He''s right...I can't hide forever...they'll find me...eventually...

She then suddenly thought about Key and how he had hugged her earlier.

...how long will this kindness of his last? 


End of chapter~~ So what do you think? 

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Chapter 23: Aw!! I love the story!!
thestrangelittlegirl #2
Chapter 23: it was a great story, but I'm a bit confused. so who were the people that she was afraid of?
shineelovely #3
Chapter 23: Waah authour-nim!! Your story is very nice!!! It ended =( But sweet ending <3
keykim #4
Chapter 23: It ended~~ omo. Loved it!!! Great story.
VIPrimShAplus #5
Chapter 23: woa it's end.. nice story author-nim hehe ^^
choong_11 #6
Chapter 18: Pls update soon!!!! Key muz find her!!
shineelovely #7
Chapter 16: New reader here. Very interesting story author-nim. loving it
keykim #8
Chapter 16: Ahhhh...you giving me mixed feelings~~ birthday so sweet but so sad =( thanks for updating
Chapter 15: ahhh!!! the suspense!! XD
keykim #10
Chapter 14: omo. the girl in the pic must be her, right? Key~~~ don't cry Q.Q