chappy 5: Finally we met...

How it ended like this..
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Yun's view~~

The week has ended yet i haven't seen that Key guy anywhere. Seughyun teaches me how to play guitar and we became good friends. I popped out of bed and prepare myself for my saturday work. I met Su jin and we had breakfast together~we missed those times~. We heaped our plates with more than what we could eat and gobbled 2 pcs of food at the same time. We had a little chitchat about school days..

"so tell me about this new friend of yours, what's his name?seunghyun right?" su jin initiated the talk since i was pre occupied with the food and find no time to talk.

"well he's nice. He plays guitar and teaches should meet him"

"sure.. Let's find time and hangout". After they emptied their plates they headed to work.





Another 4 days had passed, Yun still haven't met that key guy. Things were dejavu~~same routines. house clean.. cook..leave.

She headed directly to the apartment as soon as she finished organizing her things in the locker that's why she got a little late. She saw a post-it note by the refrigerator:

whoever you are, please stop cooking for us.

"oh? they don't like my meals? why, it's delicious? pfffftt". A moment later she heard the door knob clicked and heard talking voices.."that must be them.

" should......." Jonghyun stopped when he saw Yun. " who are you?what are you doing here?are you a stalk

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I thought it was real :|
sounds interesting!!<br />
will finish reading it!! ^_^
hahah LOL.. it's up to you to continue the story ^_^ haha<br />
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but more or less what happens to the dream will become real.. Her dad actually didn't die.. only in her dream and soon Yun will have a baby brother. hahah
shanaenae123 #4
awweee it was all a dream? dang! i liked dae ho... hahahha
smiley_jelly #5
what?! it was all a dream :'(
oh,, hahahaha yeah pre conditioning but i wasn't in the right condition LOL but haha thanks for reading ^_^
shanaenae123 #7
hahhaah he jumped for her! not fell but jumped for her get it? hahhaha okay that was lame but yeah... love this chappy! update soon
shanaenae123 #8
dae ho T.T
I'm on it :) \(=^___________________________^=)/
shanaenae123 #10
her dream came true... heheheh but... baro!! wae!!! keep the updates coming! :D