chappy15: is it the end? :(

How it ended like this..
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"where could they be? i told them to wait for me here." said Yun as she searched the huge park and paced back and forth to that big fountain.

Yun was about to call Su jin but then she heard her name being called frm afar.

"Yun~ah" she saw Su jin and Seunghyun with another guy.

"oh?who could that guy be" she said to herself as she approached them but then she realized as she was nearing their location that it was Su jin's boyfriend, Baro.

"Yun, Baro bought tickets for boat ride." Su jin said delightedly.

They hopped in to that not-so-big boat and off they go. Since Su jin was talking to Baro on a different angle of the boat, so does Yun and Seunghyun, when suddenly a foreigner approached them.

"hi! can i take pictures of you two?" the girl foreigner asked professionally.

"but we are not lovers" Seunghyun replied.

"yes i know, those two said so" the girl said shifting her view on Su jin and Baro waving.

"oh okay" Yun agreed. Afterall it's just a picture.

As the girl was about to take the picture, a guy walked through the distance between Yun and seunghyun and the camera lenses capturing an image of a guy's shoulder.

"hey!" the girl yelled. Yun shifted her looks to the guy and she realized it was Key.

"oops sorry! I didn't see you two are taking pictures" He faked a smile.

"hey you're such a cute fella, why don't you join them?"the girl invited Key.

"what? no! i'll just ruin their moment of Lovers." Key turned down the offer hence Yun and Seunghyun ended up laughing and the girl joined the laughter too.

"tsshh! what's so funny? i said the right words!" Key grew mad but the laughter is ongoing.

" you're giving me goosebumps Key!" Seunghyun said half laughing to what he said.

"first i was funny and now what? I'm scary? ya! are you making fun of me?" and even madder.

"wait why are you even here?" Yun paused from the joyful situation and began wondering why Key was there.

"my mom bought ticket to this boat but it turned out she did not come so i decided to go by myself. what about you? double date? I saw Su jin and her boyfriend over there" said Key as he pointed the location as to where the two were located.

"double date my foot! or maybe you're on a double date Key!" Seunghyun testing Key's patience. He likes that.

"or maybe you're stalking Baro cause you like him that's why you're here!" he added.

Key now is very distraught of Seunghyun's words. It's like a smoking chimney on his ears and an angry bull-looking nose.

"what did you just say?" but before Seunghyun could reply,~bop~ Key's tight fist landed on Seunghyun's face that leaned him on the railings of the boat.

"stop it! oppa! Key! aren't you embarrassed that people are looking at you?" Yun interrupted.

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I thought it was real :|
sounds interesting!!<br />
will finish reading it!! ^_^
hahah LOL.. it's up to you to continue the story ^_^ haha<br />
<br />
but more or less what happens to the dream will become real.. Her dad actually didn't die.. only in her dream and soon Yun will have a baby brother. hahah
shanaenae123 #4
awweee it was all a dream? dang! i liked dae ho... hahahha
smiley_jelly #5
what?! it was all a dream :'(
oh,, hahahaha yeah pre conditioning but i wasn't in the right condition LOL but haha thanks for reading ^_^
shanaenae123 #7
hahhaah he jumped for her! not fell but jumped for her get it? hahhaha okay that was lame but yeah... love this chappy! update soon
shanaenae123 #8
dae ho T.T
I'm on it :) \(=^___________________________^=)/
shanaenae123 #10
her dream came true... heheheh but... baro!! wae!!! keep the updates coming! :D