chappy 20: vacation here..

How it ended like this..
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Summertime :D

just a short break....

DINGDINGDINGDING~~sounded the alarm clock

Yun fell of her bed which forced her up. 

'Gosh that was a really weird dream!' she sighed in relief

"Get up!and make me a sandwhich" her brother commanded

Her brother was by the doorstep of her room eating chocolates early in the morning wearing her favorite black/white stripped zebra looking slipper Su jin gave her last Christmas.

"ya!!!!!" she screamed so loud that the birds flew away. Her brother went running. Yun banged her door.

'this annoying brother! i thought he'd change! goshh!! he's ruining my morning again. I just had a weird dream last night and he add up to that weirdness! 

'knock'knock' somebody was tapping the window.


Yun opened the curtains and found Su jin by the tree house. She was throwing peebles on her window so that she would notice.

"yah! how long have you been there?" Yun asked.

"aishh!! aren't you happy i was here? ppalli get out!"Su jin invited her as if she owned the place but ..well it's kinda like that since they were bestfriends and Mrs. Song treated her as her own daughter as well. Yun immediately went to the tree house.

"My mom and your mom went to your new restaurant together but they decided to leave me here so i just waited till you got up and then i heard you screaming to your brother again. haha" Su jin explained.

"oh that! hey .. i just had a weird dream last night" Yun said lowering her voice as if it was a secret.

"wae? what is it?"

"i don't know. the pictures were vague, I can't see it clearly but surely there were guyz wearing tux and then came a guy wearing simple wear -white jeans, red sneakers, white undershirt and a black coat, and the other one was - black sneakers, with headphones on his neck, and and... urgh! i barely can't remember.. all i know is that you were there, the place was pitch black with colorful lights and the people were at the sides. " Yun explained to the best she could.

"okay! that was really weird. hey I just had a hateful dream last night too.^____^"

"hateful? then why are you smiling? " Yun bf.

"oh right!" and shofted her smile into a frown " well you see.." she whispered.

"whaaaat?" Yun was shocked.



Well Baro and i broke up because I saw her with another girl. He was cheating on me and i can't take it..  and then the next scene was i was standing behind myself  i was leaning on someone's shoulder. He was wearing Blue coat and i could feel the sea breeze and heard the shore.



"ya! it's not like it's coming true. It's just a dream!" Su jin said.

"I well guess so too :)" Yun said.



the door swang open...

The person slowly entered, and all they could see is the silhouette of that person which shows them the it is a guy. Yun and Su jin immediatel

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I thought it was real :|
sounds interesting!!<br />
will finish reading it!! ^_^
hahah LOL.. it's up to you to continue the story ^_^ haha<br />
<br />
but more or less what happens to the dream will become real.. Her dad actually didn't die.. only in her dream and soon Yun will have a baby brother. hahah
shanaenae123 #4
awweee it was all a dream? dang! i liked dae ho... hahahha
smiley_jelly #5
what?! it was all a dream :'(
oh,, hahahaha yeah pre conditioning but i wasn't in the right condition LOL but haha thanks for reading ^_^
shanaenae123 #7
hahhaah he jumped for her! not fell but jumped for her get it? hahhaha okay that was lame but yeah... love this chappy! update soon
shanaenae123 #8
dae ho T.T
I'm on it :) \(=^___________________________^=)/
shanaenae123 #10
her dream came true... heheheh but... baro!! wae!!! keep the updates coming! :D