chappy 3: the visitor

How it ended like this..
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While i was talking with my mom, an unexpected visitor knock on our door.

~knock knock~

It was then Mrs. Kim..

"so have you thought about it?" Mrs. Kim asked while having a sip of the orange juice

"yes,, my daughter said yes.." my mom answered straight to the point

Mrs. kim stood up "ah~yun, you can transfer schools by monday okay? and don't hesitate to approach me if ever kibum is taking advantage of you.. and right all you need to do is clean the apartment they're staying after your classes and cook them food..and nothing else.okay?" and then she left. I stood there thinking..(they?they? apartment? that's easy? does she really mean it? does she really want me to do those easy stuffs? pssff good thing i made the right decision)


"ah Mrs. Song, this is the picture of my son, please give it to yun and just let her find him at school. And here is the address where he is staying right now. okay.. take care" Mrs kim waved goodbye now..

wahh she is really an amazing woman, if i'm going to be rich like her i would probably be doing the same thing to those who needs my help. My mom went back inside and gave me the picture.

"that's kibum, I think you will be going on tha same school as him..yah~ you think he's cute! kkkkk". What? did my mom just tell me the guy in the picture is cute?? " yah~ eomma!don't even think about it!"

"arraseo..go to bed now, you must be tired" 


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I thought it was real :|
sounds interesting!!<br />
will finish reading it!! ^_^
hahah LOL.. it's up to you to continue the story ^_^ haha<br />
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but more or less what happens to the dream will become real.. Her dad actually didn't die.. only in her dream and soon Yun will have a baby brother. hahah
shanaenae123 #4
awweee it was all a dream? dang! i liked dae ho... hahahha
smiley_jelly #5
what?! it was all a dream :'(
oh,, hahahaha yeah pre conditioning but i wasn't in the right condition LOL but haha thanks for reading ^_^
shanaenae123 #7
hahhaah he jumped for her! not fell but jumped for her get it? hahhaha okay that was lame but yeah... love this chappy! update soon
shanaenae123 #8
dae ho T.T
I'm on it :) \(=^___________________________^=)/
shanaenae123 #10
her dream came true... heheheh but... baro!! wae!!! keep the updates coming! :D