A Date

[Discontinued] Gone, Not Around Any Longer.


In the continous few weeks, you started opening up to people around you again. Yongguk was always waiting for you at home, and you slowly returned to the times when you were always happy and friendly.

Zelo was tempted to ask you about the incident, about what he saw in your house, but seeing that you were so much happier these days, he decided to let it slip. You got closer with other people in your class, but you became really close friends with Youngjae and Daehyun.

The both of them were always stuck together no matter what they did, and the both of them were really friendly and easy going, especially Youngjae. Slowly, you began to realize the things around you, even the little ones, that lost their beauty after Yongguk was gone.

But now that he was back, you started hanging out more with others, helping them with their homework, making small chats and having lunch with them. Even though you didn’t realize it, you were slowly edging away from Zelo. Not because you didn’t like him or because he was boring, but purely because you realized that life was more than just the few people around you, it was a bigger picture, with more opportunities to have other people in your life, rather than just the one or two that you had before.

As ungrateful as you sound, you found yourself hanging out with Youngjae and Daehyun, sometimes Himchan or Jongup during lunch, instead of Zelo. Zelo noticed, and quietly, he stopped approaching you that much. He was hurt inside, but he decided to show nothing. ‘All I wanted was for her to be happy, anyway. If she is happy without me, I guess I should just step back.’ He thought, spinning his pencil in class as the teacher talked about history.

When you were back home, and during your weekends, all your time was spent with Yongguk. He was exactly the same as before he left, the same gummy smile, husky voice, the scent of home, the same prominent collar bones and slow movements. Everything you missed about him was back.

‘Yongguk-ah, what should we do today?’ It was a Saturday. You just woke up, to find your head resting on his bare chest. He rubbed his chin against your hair, as he slowly opened his eyes. ‘Mm, lets just sleep for the whole day.’ He mumbled softly, smiling. You pouted. ‘I wanna go somewhere.. fun.’ You said, pressing your body against his softly.

He pecked your lips softly before slowly sitting up. ‘It’s.. 2pm already? Lets get something to eat at a café before we go somewhere fun, okay?’ He said, smiling. His upper half was , and his chocolate abs were shown along with his firm chest muscles. You agreed with his idea.

When the both of you left the house, it was almost 3pm. Yongguk lead the way to a small alley, which had surprisingly nice cafés. The both of you entered one that had a rather vintage feel to it, and picked a seat next to the window. ‘2 americanos and 2 egg sandwiches, please.’ You said to the waiter. Yongguk smiled.

The both of you took a bus heading to Namsan at 5pm. You sat at the window seat at the back of the bus, with Yongguk beside you. ‘Why are we going to Namsan, anyway?’ You asked Yongguk. He grinned before whispering next to your ear. ‘N Seoul Tower. Duh.’ You were rather surprised. You haven’t been there, even though it was one of the most romantic spots in Korea. You and Yongguk were never the type that went on romantic dates, but here you were, on the way to one.

By the time you reached, the sky was starting to darken. The both of you went to the teddy bear museum first, with you tugging on Yongguk’s sleeve all the way, admiring the cute teddy bears that were there. After that, he brought you to the wishing pond, on the second floor.

The both of you bought two ‘love coins’ to be thrown into the pond after making a wish. You closed your eyes hardly as you wished. ‘Please let the ones I love most stay by my side forever.’ You threw the coin into the pond. Yongguk did the same. ‘Yongguk oppa, what did you wish for?’ You asked.

He gave you a small smile, but said nothing. Before he turned around, you were sure you saw a glinter of sadness in his eyes.

Dinner was eaten at the top floor of the tower, in a french restaurant. Expensive food was never your thing, but Yongguk insisted that you had to eat there. You wondered why. The restaurant was quiet and rather classy, and you blushed a few times as your fork and knife clumsily made noises as you ate.

After dinner, it was almost 9pm. Yongguk led you to the observatory tower, which was surprisingly empty for a Saturday, Hardly anyone was there. You looked out of one of the telescopes, only to see the most beautiful scenary of Seoul, with all the bright city lights. ‘It’s.. beautiful.’ You said softly to Yongguk.

‘Like you.’ He said, chuckling. You punched his arm, grinning. ‘Since when did you start being so cheesy?’ You said. He shrugged, admiring the view of the city. When you left N Seoul Tower, it was almost 10pm. The both of you took the bus heading to the Han River.

The Han River was a beautiful place, especially at night. Well known among tourists, the place was always packed, especially with couples. Yongguk put his arm around you as the both of you walked around the area, admiring the scenary.

You held Yongguk’s hand tightly and swang it like you were still a little kid as you happily walked along the bridge. You don’t remember the last time being this happy, but you didn’t want to forget this time. Yongguk walked slowly, with you pulling his arm and leading the way. You didn’t realize the people around you giving weird stares, and the soft whispers about you. ‘Why is that girl holding hands with the air and talking to it?’

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MayssaBang #1
Chapter 10: Nrxt pls im really in love with it <3 it make me cry :'(
barooya #2
Chapter 10: This story is so interesting. I can imagine the scene while Yongguk was there when he was not. Something I rarely found here. Good job! ^__^ Hope to read more from you.
Soufflegirl #3
Chapter 10: This story is so interesting. Like doctor who.
Chapter 9: every chapter has got me hooked in, I feel sorry for the girl she needs to start again since holding on to the past will make it harder for herself even though she is happy that she can "see yongguk" when clearly he is not there. I would love to see how this progresses further on :D
Chapter 8: Omg. I see where this is going. Damn this is deep. You need more comments :) I'm more than happy to help you hehe HWAITINGGGGG
Quick question...I read the foreword and was thoroughly confused..How can 'I' be a high school student if 'I'm' 20 years old? Last time I checked you graduated high school by 19.