Episode 04

The Arrogant Couple


Jessica’s POV

As I was reaching out for the thing that Heechul was hiding behind his back, he accidentally fell onto the bed, making me fall on top of him too. However, he supported my shoulders with both his hands so that I wouldn’t fall directly on him.

A small box flew from his hands and onto the bed, precisely beside his face. He looked at it with his eyes wide opened and then he looked at me with a shocked expression.

‘AHA! So this is what he’s hiding! Wait, what is this..?’ I thought to myself as I quickly grabbed it before he did. Both of us stood upright as I examined the box.

“OH. MY. GOD!” I quickly let go of the box as soon as I’ve realized what it was. I turned sharply at him with disbelief written all over my face. What kind of joke is this?!

“Erm, it’s not what it looks like,” He tried to touch my shoulder but I backed away from him, “Look, I can explain! I seriously can!”

“Explain? Explain how you brought condoms today? You’re such a sicko!” I wanted to give him a tight slap but he immediately ducked, making me slap the air above him instead. Gosh, this is embarrassing.. He’s got fast instincts.

He smiled cheekily as he had just avoided my slap but he became serious again as soon as he stood upright.

“Look, I have no idea how that thing got into my bag. I think it’s a dirty joke my members pulled on me, I swear I never ever had the intentions of having with you,” I felt a little awkward as he said the last part. Just then, I thought of the joke that the girls had played on me. I guess this is how boys joke around; by using crude objects.

“Alright, I believe you but first, discard that.. thing,” I pointed at the box which was lying on the floor.

“Haha okay,” He picked it up and kept throwing it in the air and catching it in his hand continuously.

“Or I can use it anyways, if you wanna do it..” He smirked as he came closer to me.

“NO!” I gave him a sharp answer.

“Haha, chill. I was just playing with ya,” He snickered as he went out of the room, whistling the same tune as yesterday.


Heechul’s POV

“Wow, daebak~” I looked around the living room while Jessica was still in our room. Just then, I noticed an envelope on top of a cabinet. It’s a mission envelope!

“Yo, look what I found,” I went straight into the bedroom so that we can open the envelope together.

“To Heechul Jessica couple: Your first challenge is to show affection towards each other as a newly married couple, allowance will be given as a reward.” Jessica read out the message in a seemingly monotonous voice while I was actually reading it in my head excitedly.

“What kind of mission is this?” She looked at me with a puzzled face.

“Ah, so that’s what the box of condoms are for..” She immediately hit my head as I said that.

“Ouch! I’m kidding!” I chuckled as I rubbed my head. Both of us kept silent as we were in deep thoughts; wondering how to fulfill this mission. Suddenly I heard her stomach grumbling and her face turned bright red.

“Haha, let’s go walk around town, we’ll find some food there,” I smiled cheekily. The cameras were all turned off as we rode in a car to the town. Even though Jessica and I sat next to each other, we kept dead silent.

I kept taking sneaky glances at her, hoping that she would be taking some at me too. However, she simply kept her gaze out the window throughout the journey.

As we stepped out of the car, the camera crew started filming again. Jessica began talking to me as usual as before as soon as the PD said, “Action!”


Jessica’s POV

“Sorry for asking but.. how old are you?” I asked him. I’ve been wanting to know his age for some time now but haven’t had the chance to search it up online. The girls have been calling him ‘oppa’ since we’ve met him so I’m guessing that he’s older than me.

“Hah. I see..” He sighed disappointingly, “You didn’t bother doing any research on me, did you?”

“Well, I just came back from Japan..”

“Then in that case, I won’t tell you how old I am,” He smirked, “So you just have to keep calling me ‘oppa’ for now.”

“Fine..” I sighed. Just then I noticed a food cart selling Ddeobokki, my stomach was telling me to get it.

“Oppa, let’s get some of that,” I pulled his sleeve and pointed at the cart.


Heechul’s POV

As we were eating some of the spicy rice cakes, I decided to feed one of mine to Jessica. I think it might score us some points in our mission.

“I actually bit that already,” I chuckled after she had swallowed it. I wanted to give her an indirect kiss, and this was probably one of the easiest ways to do it.

“Oh gosh..” She stuck out her tongue and made a barfing sound.

‘Hah, she’s so cute; pretending as if she didn’t like it when she probably did,’ I smirked as I thought to myself.

Suddenly a force hit me from the back and caused me to spill some of the gravy on my shirt. Furious, I immediately turned around to face the person who did it. It was a group of boys who look about fifteen years old.

“Aish.. Can you please watch where you’re going next time?” I tried to sound nice since the cameras were still filming and I didn’t want to make a bad impression in front of Jessica.

“Jessica noona! Sign please~” Instead of apologizing, all of them targeted Jessica instead. My fanboy instincts are telling me that.. they’re SoShi boys. +_+

“Alright, that’s enough. Jessica’s in the middle of filming something so please don’t disturb her,” I tried to ‘settle’ the situation coolly.

“Pfft, who are you?” They tried to intimidate me with their attempt of a gangster expression. I was eager to tell them off by boasting that I’m Jessica’s husband but I refrained myself from doing so.

“I’m Jung Heechul from ZE:A,” I introduced myself as if they didn’t know me at all.

“Hah. You’re from that boyband that claimed themselves as the boy version of SNSD? LAME!” One of the boys implemented and made his friends laugh out loud.

“Well at least I’m an idol, who are you guys huh? Huh? Huh?” I kept jerking my head everytime I said ‘huh’ to further intimidate them. They all looked at each other with grins on their faces.

“We’re Team WLG! Short form for Team We Love GorJess!” All of them said in unison as they made some PowerPuff Girls pose or whatever.

‘Hmm, Team WLG? Sounds familiar…’ I thought to myself as I recalled an incident.

--- Flash Back ---

Place: ZE:A’s Practice Room

Time: 20:21PM

Since our dorm doesn’t have a computer, I had to use the one in our practice room. The kids are eating dinner at the first floor but I had brought mine up so that I could multi-task. (Eat & play computer at the same time.)

As usual, I would go to my ‘hangout place’, where I would chat with my other Internet pals and view updates.

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Username: sicachul7

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‘What? Darn it, it’s the seventh time this has happened to me!!’ I grumbled in my head. Nonetheless, it didn’t stop me from creating a new account for this fancafe.

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Username: sicachul8

Password: ************

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Firstly, I would check the pictures section to feast my eyes on some new pictures of Jessica.

‘Aigoo, she’s so pretty..’ I thought to myself happily but with a straight face put on in real life. The other time, Junyoung hyung caught me smiling to myself and he was teasing me about it for days. Now I’ve learnt to maintain my facial expression even when I’m excited.

Secondly, I would chat with the other SNEs and we’d just talk and talk and talk about how much we admire the ice princess.

TeamWLG: Jessica is mine! All of you back off~

‘Wtf? Who does this guy think he is?’

sicachul8: @TeamWLG uhh, in your dreams man. She belongs to no one but herself..

Okay, if I were really immature, my reply would have been ‘NO WAY! SHE’S FRIGGIN’ MINE!’, but that would just lead to a fanboy war.

TeamWLG: @sicachul8 You’re just jealous because I’m close to her. Have I mentioned that my friends and I met AND chat with her a few times before? We even took some pix together ;p



--- End of Flashback ---

‘Oh right.. So that’s where I’ve heard of them before..’

“Hello? Did your brain just melt due to our awesomeness or something?” One of them snickered.

“Well guess what, kids? I’m MARRIED to Jessica. M-A-R-R-I-E-D! MARRIED! Hah, in your faces!” I couldn’t help but to boast about it anyways. The best part was the look on each of their faces.

“Yah, Jung Heechul! Don’t talk to my fans with that tone!” Jessica suddenly shouted at me as if I did something bad. I looked at her pissed off face and then back to the Team WLG. All of them were making some kind of puppy-dog look and trying to gain sympathy from her.

“Oh come on Sica, look at them. They’re just acting scared. Deep down in their pathetic and twisted heads, they’re cussing me because they’re so jealous of me,” I laughed at the boys’ faces. However, Jessica’s face still remained cold.

“You’re so childish. How can I even try to like you if you’re like this,” She stomped away from the scene and into the car. I wanted to go after her but my feet were stuck to the ground. What she had said to me really hit me bad.

‘So she doesn’t even like me..? But she’s trying to..?’ I thought to myself as I lowered my head. Then I heard soft giggles coming from beside me. I turned my head sharply towards their direction, “What are you brats laughing about?”

“Jessica just told you off to protect us, HAHA!” They all laughed at me.

“Whatever, I’m not gonna waste my time on you kids,” I rolled my eyes and dragged my feet towards the car.

“We’ll be watching you, Jung Heechul!” I could hear them shouting to me from behind.

‘Ooh~ I’m so scared, is that suppose to be a warning or something?’ I laughed in my head. Something tells me that I’ll be seeing them again next time. But for now, I have to convince Jessica that I’m not just some childish person.

I’m her husband.

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
ctnajihah #2
Chapter 17: <3<3<3
I really loved this story :3 I took my time reading and commenting but here i am, writing the last comment !
Sicachul was really cute, Heechul being madly in love and Jessica not wanting to love him ~
I'll go see if you have other story tomorrow ~
I love your writing style !
- Late arriving reader ~
Chapter 17: I love Heechul's idea :3
Destroy evidence then escape to live a happy marriage :3
Aha Accident first thing in the morning ~
Babies are really really so cute !
Told the truth after a mini failed lie :3
First telling them to kiss on screen then telling them that they need to practice :3
Oh .. Last shooting ..
3 years later and Heechul and Jessica are still so in love ~
Aha Taeyeon's apparition in the end !
Chapter 16: Kissing to prove he didn't smoke :3
Aha The babies were just here, waiting for some cue (fireworks) to come out :3
Sica is so in love with Chul now ~~~~
Babies were worried for Sica ..
Love, love love ~~
Jessica wants love :3
The shy girl is gone :3
Aha Shy girl is back ! Already :p
Ahahahahaha I laughed so hard ! The CCTV was here all along ! Aha !
Chapter 15: Meeting Heechul's family ~ :3
Ladies, no ahjummas' killer :3
Aha Theses ahjummas, talking about Loveland !
Chul's little brothers are this young ? (In real life i mean)
Sound like they're 5 ! Aha
Sleeping together ~
Mouhahaha ! Jessica is just so hungry !
The babies are thinking otherwise :3
Meeting a meanie drunk friend of Heechul's
Babies are so cute ~
Babies know the truth now .. ~
Chapter 14: Are they done ? With Taecyeon i mean
Heechul is giving Jessica up ?
Heechul is here for Plushie Jessi ~
Oh Jessica initiate it first !
Oh my ~ They're so cute ~
Jessica is so happy ~
Sunny is crying ..
Both are in love with Heechul ~
Lucky him :3
Honeymoon ~
Oh ~! Visiting the in-law ~
Aha I love Heechul's comment as a fanboy :3
Mouhahaha Siwanie ~
Chapter 13: Early Jessi is still late aha :3 Early Chul is already here ~
Happy Chul ~
Gonna take transport : crowd and closeness ~
Oh kiss over the mask ! :3
I'm sure he won't sell it until his dead :p
Heechul said something so cute and then Jessica slapped him .. Ok ..
Taecyeon is here ..
Oh my .. Too much problems with Taecyeon !
Heechul really loves you, it's a fact ! :D
Chapter 12: Heechul is so mad ..
Jessica ..
He really need a phone !
Jessica thinking more and more about Heechul ~
Her members know even more facts about Chul than Jessi
Oh, Jessi said the wrong name ! Aha
Taecyeon is a meanie !
Wrong name again !
Oh my, this letter ~
Chapter 11: 6th member was Siwan !
Oh my, Sica playing with little cow plushie ~
Jealous Sunny !
Rejected ! :0
Rejected x2 ! By Jessica this time :3
Sunny kissed him !
Ah, no, she dreamed :p
Cheesy Heechul ~
Jessica loved it ~
Fate game ? Didn't know what it was :3
Oh no, not fated ..
Heechul is completely depressing .. Poor him ..