The Talk



“Teen actress Kim Hyerin pregnant!”


It was the headlines of the tabloids, internet and television. Kim Hyerin was a famous and influential actress. She had a good image and everyone liked her. She had an innocent image. And as the saying goes, looks can be deceiving.


“Who would’ve thought that even the most innocent looking could turn out like this?” Soojung’s father spoke over dinner.


“You know teenagers nowadays,” Jessica says.


“Soojung-ah,” their mother used that tone that Soojung knows too well.


“Do you all think I’d get pregnant at an early age?” Soojung scoffs and the rest of her family just looks at her.


“I know that teenage pregnancy is rampant nowadays, but I’m telling you that it won’t happen to me,” Soojung chuckles.


“I hope you really are serious,” Jessica says.


“I am. Just trust me,” Soojung smiles and her family nods.






“Did you hear about Kim Hyerin getting pregnant?” Jongin asks, getting out two lollipops for him and Soojung.


“It’s everywhere. How can one not know about it?” Soojung says as she removes the wrapper from her lollipop and placed the candy in .


“So does this mean that the rumors of her dating teen actor Lee Sungjae true?” Jongin asks.


“Maybe. He could also be the dad,” Soojung answers. “My parents think I’ll end up like that. More like us,” Soojung sighs.


“Don’t they trust me,” Jongin chuckles and pulls Soojung closer to him.


“I don’t know. I told them that we won’t be like that,” Soojung assures.


“I promise you that I’ll always take care of you, okay?” Jongin says and kisses the top of her head.


As soon as they arrived at school, they separate from each other. Soojung gave a peck on his cheek before going to their own classrooms. As Soojung arrived, the class was all talking about the entertainment news that is the headlines everywhere.


“Soojung-ah, annyeong!” Sunyoung greets her as Soojung takes her usual seat.


“Isn’t it a sad day? I really like Kim Hyerin but I find out she got pregnant,” a frown is shown upon Jinri’s face as she sits down.


“It’s okay, Jinri-ah. It’s sad that her career will fall,” Amber says.


“Yah! Promise me that you won’t get pregnant at an early stage, okay?” Jinri says and Soojung nods with a smile.


“You know, it’s funny how everyone says that I’m gonna get pregnant early. I’m not, okay? Jongin and I won’t do such a thing,” Soojung affirms them.


“Just make sure, okay? If you get pregnant, I’m going to smack you in the head,” Amber teases. They just laugh it off and tried to make things light.


“Let’s change the topic. Wanna go out this Saturday?” Sunyoung asks.


“I can’t. Jongin’s dance audition for the scholarships abroad is this Saturday. You know that I can’t miss that. I need to be there for him,” Soojung explains.


“Of course you had to be there,” Amber teases.


The teacher comes in and the students settled in their seats.






“This Saturday…” Jongin trails.


“I know. I’ll be there for you,” Soojung says with her head down.


“Hey…” Jongin stops walking but Soojung keeps walking. He sighs and pulls her hand. “Let’s talk, okay?” Jongin says and Soojung nods her head. He drags him towards the park and they sat down.


“Soojung-ah, is this about the audition?”


“Of course not. I’m thinking of many other things… like… like—“


“If I pass…”


“LALALALALALALALA!” Soojung covers her ears with his hands. Jongin pulled her hands and signed.


“Soojung-ah… I know it’s never comfortable talking about this but aren’t you happy for me?” Jongin asks.


“Of course I am. I know that you can do it. That’s why I’m sad talking about it. Because I know you’ll pass, you’ll have to leave me,” she says with a frown.


“I know. It’s hard, but think that this is a step towards our future. Think about that. When we graduate and are stable in life, we will fulfill our dreams together. Soojung-ah, today, I am promising you one thing…” He takes her hand and kisses the top of it. “We maybe young right now. But I’ll try to make things work between us so that in the future, we’ll still be together. I want us to build a family in the future together, Soojung. I love you so much.”


Jongin pulls her into a hug and Soojung buries her head on his neck. She knows that she has to be mature and understand that the path they’re choosing is not easy. Right now, all that matters is that they’ll try their best to fulfill their promises. Just like every teenager, they wish for a relationship to last. That in the end, it will still be them.


"I love you, Soojung-ah. Remember that," Jongin whispers.


"I love you too," Soojung whispers with a smile.





So the next few chapters is where everything will begin now. :3 The first two chapters allows you to see what and how they are before it happened. :>


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niss125 #1
Chapter 10: Pleasee update ..
I am dying to know what happened next
addya1981 #2
Chapter 10: authornim... please update this story... ;(
Chapter 10: update soon!
Pyulvika #4
Chapter 10: Please update.!
niss125 #5
Chapter 10: Jessica such a sweet sister here
hope jongin find out krys pregnancy soon
update author
TakoyakiPrincess #6
Chapter 10: UPDATE SOON!!!!!
Chapter 10: For a second there I thought Jongin will find out...Kyahhh!!!!! update more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm waiting for the revelation...keke~
xilovepeace #8
Chapter 10: I'm so glad her parents are not angry at either jongin or krystal. GAHHH.... Jongin needs to know. >.<