Actions made that can't be changed


The weekend came faster than expected. Jongin prepares himself for the audition, practicing in front of the mirror for the last time. This audition will be equal to his dreams, which will be for the future of his and Soojung’s future. Meanwhile, Soojung gathered all the information she needed for the project. She plans to create a storybook for kids to understand her chosen topic.


“Are you sure you don’t want to do your project here?”  Jessica asks.


“Eonni, your friends will come. For sure, I’ll be distracted or they’ll be too busy interviewing Jongin,” she says.


“Fine. But if you want to do it here, you can always do it here,” Jessica says.


“Sure. We’ll try to finish it early,” Soojung fixes her hair in the mirror and smiles. The doorbell rings and their mother yell.


“Soojung-ah, loverboy is here,” their mother teased.


“Auntie, don’t be like that,” Jongin shyly says and scratches his nape.


“Eomma, don’t call Jongin like that. We’ll be leaving now,” Soojung says and pulls Jongin away.


“Be home before 8!” Jessica yells to Soojung before they leave.


“My family is always embarrassing,” Soojung mutters.


“I’m used to it,” Jongin chuckles and puts his arm around her. 


Jongin and Soojung enter the place where the test will be held. Most of the people were alone while some have people with them. Some have their parents, some with friends and some, also have their lovers.


“You’ll do great,” Soojung squeezes his hand and Jongin smiles at him.


They took a seat and Soojung takes out a drink. She poured a cup for him and made him drink it.


“This drink is for luck and good stamina,” she said and he drinks it.


Jongin is nervous. Soojung assures him that everything will be fine. He practices a little bit and she would wipe his sweat away. He just sits down and holds her hand. She just kisses his hand and makes him feel that she’ll support him no matter what happen.


“Kim Jongin, please get ready,” one of the organizers said and it made him nervous.


“You’ll do fine. I promise. Just dance like you always do. Dance like it’s the last dance of your life,” Soojung says and gives him a quick peck on his lips before he enters the room.






“Well? How was it?” Soojung asks as Jongin steps out.


“They will be giving the results starting two weeks after the end of the testing dates, which will be at the end of the month. So I have to wait for about a month or more than that,” Jongin says. He ruffles his hair and sighs. “I messed up. I made a wrong move. Well, more like wrong timing. I did a twirl that is—“ Soojung places her finger on his lips to keep his mouth shut.


“Stop. It’s over, okay?” Soojung says and smiles. “I know you’ll do great. You’re Kim Jongin. You’re the best dancer in school.”


“You’re only saying that because you’re my girlfriend,” Jongin says.


“But it’s the truth!” Soojung stops and bats her eyelashes at him.


“Whatever. Let’s buy some food first," Jongin says. Soojung wraps her arm on his' and pulls him away. 


They had ice cream and Krystal checked her watch that says it’s only a few minutes past 2. She fixed her bag when she felt a poke on her cheek. She looks up at Jongin with a smile and his finger on her cheek. She tries to bite it and chuckles when Jongin immediately pulls his hand away. He watches the way her smile brightens up the day. He snatches her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. Soojung kept swaying her hand. Taking glances at their hands while finishing her ice cream.


“You got some ice cream on your face,” Jongin says.


“Where?” Soojung touches her face, only to have Jongin wipe the ice cream off her face. She smiles and checks her watch.


“Let’s go to your place now so we could do a lot of things. I want this to be good,” Soojung says and Jongin nods, dragging her immediately to his dorm.


“My roommate’s out and he won’t be back until about 8 in the evening or so,” Jongin says.


They remove their shoes and goes into Jongin’s room. Soojung takes her bag and immediately takes out everything that she needs. From papers to heavy materials, Jongin wonders how she was able to carry those all the while. They sit down in the middle of the room and Soojung takes her paper of the notes she’s going to put in the story book. Jongin looks at the paper too and realizes that there were many things to be done.


They begin by opening the empty scrapbook and choosing what to put for the pages. They spent the next minutes cutting out shapes and folding them into origami. They stopped about an hour later to stretch their bodies. Jongin stood up and stretched his arms up in the air, revealing his abs to Soojung.


“Can you not be gross and cover your abs?” Soojung says and throws a pillow at him.


“It’s not my fault I’m so y,” Jongin says and bites his lower lip.


“Eew. You’re just gross,” Soojung makes gag sounds and Jongin chuckles. He sits down and suddenly tickles Soojung.


“Y-yah! S-stop it!” She laughs, trying to fight back, but alas, Jongin’s tickles are more powerful. It also doesn’t help the fact that Jongin knows where her weak spots are.


She stands up and runs around his room. He catches her and they fall on the bed with Jongin on top. Their laughter slowly dies down and ends with a loving smile to each other. She places her hands on the side of his face and pulls him lower, rubbing his nose on hers. He lifts his head a bit and gently places a kiss on her forehead. Slowly, he moves down to her nose, to her left cheek, her right cheek before finally pressing a kiss on her lips.


She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him closer to him. She felt the temperature rising. Their actions went from sensual to quite more aggressive. Their hands began to roam each other’s body. Jongin pulled away from Soojung and looked into her eyes, as if his eyes were asking him if he they should continue. She looks into his eyes, as if they were telling him that she trusts him with all her heart.


They were lost in their own worlds. Their skin on each other, faces hovering the other, shortened breaths and incoherent words. The feeling of being one mattered. After the feeling of similar to being high and tried to cool down as he pulls himself next to her. She looks up to him with half-lidded eyes and she has never felt her heart beating so fast compared to that moment.


“I love you,” she whispers.


“I love you too,” he answers, giving him a kiss on the forehead. 





Soojung wakes up and saw that it was already dark. She sits up and looks at the clock. It was almost 7 in the evening.


“My project!” Soojung gasps and looks at the floor to see Jongin finishing her project.


“Don’t worry about it,” Jongin flashes him a smile. His messy bed hair makes him look cute, y and handsome in Soojung’s eyes.  She looks at her body and sees her clothes at the edge of the bed.


“I’ll be out of the room if you need me,” Jongin says without looking at Soojung and steps out of the room.


Soojung takes her clothes and wears it. She wonders if what they did was right. But as of the moment, she can say that she doesn’t regret it. She wouldn’t give her body to anyone else but Jongin anyway.




Hi~! ^^ Long time no update. :p Sorry about that. My mom went home (because she works in Singapore) for two weeks so we spent the time together while she was still here. Then my birthday and debut (grand 18th birthday celebration) passed~ That's about it~ :> I still have one more week before the second semester of my school start so I'll try my best to put up at least 5 more chapters before school starts~ ^^


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niss125 #1
Chapter 10: Pleasee update ..
I am dying to know what happened next
addya1981 #2
Chapter 10: authornim... please update this story... ;(
Chapter 10: update soon!
Pyulvika #4
Chapter 10: Please update.!
niss125 #5
Chapter 10: Jessica such a sweet sister here
hope jongin find out krys pregnancy soon
update author
TakoyakiPrincess #6
Chapter 10: UPDATE SOON!!!!!
Chapter 10: For a second there I thought Jongin will find out...Kyahhh!!!!! update more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm waiting for the revelation...keke~
xilovepeace #8
Chapter 10: I'm so glad her parents are not angry at either jongin or krystal. GAHHH.... Jongin needs to know. >.<