


Soojung was immediately rushed to the hospital, with her friends following from behind. Forget the celebratory dinner. It could happen on another day. Right now, nothing concerns them than Soojung’s condition. Amber was worried because she fears that it may be because of the baby. Jongin was also worried of course. He thinks Soojung is sick and she’s not telling him. He hates that. He knows that Soojung is the type to carry all her problems.


In the Jungs’ car, Jessica was holding the pale Soojung. Their parents were panicking. Even thought the school has a clinic, they think it’s better if they send her to the hospital. As soon as they arrived, she was sent to the ER. They were told that they have to wait for a while and to calm down. The people in the hospital were surprised to see a lot of them and are still dressed up.


“My daughter fainted after their graduation. Please do something,” their mother panicked.


“Mom, calm down.” Jessica held her mother’s arm at the panicked state of their mother.


“Stay calm, ma’am. We’ll run a few tests to see if there are complications or just exhaustion,” the nurse answered.


Everyone waited. It didn’t take long when a doctor came. It was Soojung’s gynecologist.


“Are you the family of Jung Soojung?” The doctor asked and Mr. and Mrs. Jung nodded. “I think it’s best if we talk in private.”


They all looked at Soojung before heading somewhere private with the doctor. Jessica began to worry.


“Is there something wrong, doc?”


“Are you aware of your daughter’s condition?” She asked.


“What condition?”


“I didn’t want to tell this, but as Soojung’s parents I think you should know.” She sighed and every moment scared them. “Your other daughter already knows this and I think you should first understand the situation of your daughter.”


“Can you please tell us?! Is she dying?!”


“Thankfully, she’s okay…”


“Then what’s the problem then?!”


“She isn’t the only one that is okay.”


“What are you…”


“Your daughter is pregnant. She’s near her third month and the cause of her fainting earlier is due to extreme exhaustion and—“




“Sir, stop!” The doctor tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t budge. Jessica ran after their father. Their mother, on the other hand, just stared for a while before catching up with them.






“STOP!” Jessica had no choice but to push his father before they even reach where Soojung’s friends are. “Can you please stop and listen to me before—”


“I make a commotion, right?” Their father smirked and looked at her sternly. “You knew about this, do you?”


“I do.” Jessica answered with courage.


“How could you… You hid this from us… Why? Why—“


“Because we’re afraid, appa. Soojung’s very afraid. She doesn’t want to tell anyone that she’s pregnant because she already feels humiliated. She’s a teenage mother already. Do you know that she has no plans on telling Jongin about her condition?”


“She should tell him! THE BASTARD IS THE FATHER!”


“Because she’s afraid, appa! SHE’S VERY AFRAID!” Jessica cried. “Jongin got the scholarship abroad!” At that moment, their parents froze. “Imagine how things would be if he found out Soojung’s pregnant. I’m sure he would let go of that scholarship and be with Soojung.”


“Which he should.”


“But that’s not what Soojung wanted. Yes, she had always dreamt of her future with Jongin. But it came all too sudden. She’s still a kid. To our eyes, she will always be our baby Soojung. She’s at an age where she doesn’t know whether she’ll act as a kid or act as an adult. She made a big mistake. She knew, but she still accepts it and plans to raise and love that growing child in her. As someone who were once teenagers, please understand that what she’s going through isn’t easy… and as parents, please understand her. I know nothing about parenthood, but I do know that when Soojung needs me, I’ll be there, which is why I helped her. I understand if you won’t accept her as part of our family now. But please remember that if you ever disgrace her, I would go with her too. Soojung needs someone.”


Their parents looked down at the floor and couldn’t say anything. They were still overwhelmed with the emotions and couldn’t find the appropriate words for the situation. Jessica turned to leave and sighed. She wiped her tears away and spoke again.


“I was afraid of the day you’d find out she was pregnant. It came too soon. Soojung had thought of running away. I saw her write in a piece of paper that graduation day is the last day she’ll be seeing everyone. She doesn’t plan on going to college. She plans to take care of the kid and work afterwards. And in case you’re wondering what she plans to do with Jongin, she has no plans but to hide from him. She thinks it’s better that she becomes missing rather than everyone else finding out she’s pregnant.”


“Now, excuse me. I need to go to where Soojung is. I just hope you don’t mention anything in front of her or her friends, especially Jongin.”






It didn’t take long when Soojung woke up. She yawned and sat up, making the rest felt relieved.


“I thought you’re dying. You aren’t dying, right?” Chanyeol asked, earning another hit on the head.


“I hope not,” Soojung chuckled and they all smiled seeing that nothing seems to be wrong with her. Jongin stands up and holds Soojung’s hand.  “I’m fine. Don’t worry too much now,” Soojung tells her but Jongin can’t be relieved. He’s never been worried than now with all the things that’s happening. He feels that Soojung might be sick.


Just then, Jessica entered with a smile on her face. Her eyes looked watery but she tried her best not to cry. She sat on the bed and Soojung’s hair.


“Noona, she’s not dying, right?” Chanyeol asked once again.


“Yah! You keep asking me if I’m dying. If I really do, I’d haunt you in your sleep!” Soojung pointed to Chanyeol, who bowed his head.


“You’re okay though, everything is okay,” Jessica smiled and hugged her by her waist, rubbing Soojung’s tummy. It didn’t take long when their parents came out. Jongin stood up and greeted Soojung’s parents with respect. Soojung’s father sighed. Jongin had been a good boy and he never put Soojung into great danger. He was someone he’d really trust Soojung with. But with what he found out, he is unsure.


“How are you feeling, Soojung?”


“I’m fine, eomma.”


“You can now be discharged. I’m sure you’re hungry and everyone else is too. We’ll all take you home now.”






After dinner, when they were on their way home, their parents looked at their two daughters.


“Time is really fast. Soojung graduated high school and is now carrying a child. Jessica is working. One day, it won’t be long when the baby on Soojung comes out and we’ll be grandparents,” their mother smiled of. Upon the realization of this, it brought a tearful smile at them. "It's painful knowing your daughter is already pregnant at this age. But rather than thinking that this is something to be disappointed about, I'll think of it as a blessing."


When they arrived home, they woke up the two sleeping sisters. The two prepared themselves to sleep, when their mom knocked and came in Soojung's room. She sat besideher on her bed and hugged her.


“Aigoo~ My maknae has graduated in high school.” She took a brush and began to brush Soojung’s hair, something she used to do when Soojung was younger. “Are you ready to face the real world?” Soojung nodded with a bit of hesitance.


“Soojung-ah, remember that even if you grow up, your dad and I are always here when you need us. When you have a problem, you have me, your father and your sister. Facing the real world is alone. You can always ask for help.”


Soojung felt crying at that moment, wondering if she can tell her mom at that moment that she’s pregnant. Her mom hummed a lullaby to her until she falls asleep.


“I understand if you can’t tell us, but I hope one day, you can tell us. We’ll always be here at your side.” With that, her mom kissed her forehead before slowly leaving her room.




Still don't know how will I make Soojung tell Jongin about it. At least now, her parents know. :> 


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niss125 #1
Chapter 10: Pleasee update ..
I am dying to know what happened next
addya1981 #2
Chapter 10: authornim... please update this story... ;(
Chapter 10: update soon!
Pyulvika #4
Chapter 10: Please update.!
niss125 #5
Chapter 10: Jessica such a sweet sister here
hope jongin find out krys pregnancy soon
update author
TakoyakiPrincess #6
Chapter 10: UPDATE SOON!!!!!
Chapter 10: For a second there I thought Jongin will find out...Kyahhh!!!!! update more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm waiting for the revelation...keke~
xilovepeace #8
Chapter 10: I'm so glad her parents are not angry at either jongin or krystal. GAHHH.... Jongin needs to know. >.<