


“Soojung-ah, is there a red spot?” Jinri turns back and Soojung checks to see nothing.


"Nothing there."


“Good. I just had my period.”


Soojung thinks that it’s the first time she wishes she has her period.


“I hate having periods. It feels like there’s Niagara Falls,” Jinri continues to complain.


“At least you know you’re not pregnant,” Sunyoung jokes in and Soojung tries to force a smile.


They continue to go in their classroom and Soojung has been oddly silent. Amber noticed it and when asked if she has a problem, Soojung says she’s okay. Soojung tried her best to hide that she has a burden. She doesn’t want anyone to share in her burden, moreover Jongin.


She avoided Jongin that morning, thinking what could be the reason she’s so sensitive to different scents, having frequent morning headaches, the occasional crave for fruits and annoying barf sessions. She tries to look okay when it’s obvious something’s bothering her. She just couldn’t say it yet because she’s not ready to face the truth of whatever the cause of all these.


“Soojung,” Amber cornered her that afternoon with a worried look.


“Hey, Amber.”


“Soojung,  I know you as much as Jinri does. I know you’ve got a problem. The difference between me and Jinri is that she will wait for you to tell her the problem while I, as others would say, force you because you’re really worrying us, especially Jongin! Why are you even avoiding him? We just told him you have a problem but we agreed when he went on rambling, ‘I’m his boyfriend! He should tell me any problems! I told her I will help her with anything if she has any problem!’ with his frantic face and we all know things are serious when he becomes frantic and loses his cool.”


Soojung sighs as she looks at Amber with her arms crossed over her chest. She fidgets with the end of her uniform top and avoids the look from Amber.




“I haven’t had my period in two months.”


“That’s it. That’s what’s troubling you?” Amber chuckles at the light reason Soojung’s been sulking about.


“That’s not just it, Amber. I’ve been feeling and acting weird if you’ve noticed.”


“We have. Soojung, are you pregnant?” Amber meant to be a joke, but Soojung’s horrified face was obviously seen.


“Hey, I was kidding, okay. It’s not like you and Jongin—“ Amber stopped talking as she saw Soojung looking on the ground with her pale face.


“Soojung… Did you… and Jongin…”


“I’m sorry…” Soojung closes her eyes and Amber sighs. She envelopes Soojung as the latter slowly cries. Amber knows it’s not the time to get angry for her friend. What’s done is done already. All they could hope at the moment is that Soojung’s assumption may be wrong.






 “The things I do for friendship,” Amber mutters to herself as she buries her face with her scarf and enter a drug store. Immediately, she takes a pregnancy kit and goes to the counter to pay for it. She clears and avoids the look of the lady at the counter. She walks out fast and grabs Soojung’s wrist. They end up in the park and Amber gives her the pregnancy kits she embarrassingly bought for Soojung.


“I owe you a lot, Amber,” Soojung thanks her with a low voice.


“Remember that no matter what happens, we’re here, okay? I’m here. Jinri and Sunyoung too. We get jealous if you’re with Jongin too, but we understand. There are his three idiotic friends too to help you. Don’t forget that.”


Amber looks at her watch and sees that it was getting late and she needs to go.


“I promise Henry we would watch basketball.”


“You two are a match made in heaven,” Soojung teases, making Amber panic and throwing her arms in the air as she denies her crush for the said guy. Soojung finally laughs and Amber will take the teasing if only it will make her friend at a scared moment like this.


“When you get home and see whatever comes out, call me. If you can’t tell Jongin or anyone right now, you can tell me. I’ll keep it a secret from the others.”


Soojung bids goodbye to Amber and hopes and prays that the result will be something that would make her sigh a big relief.






“Jongin, is something wrong?” Baekhyun asks their sulking friend.


“Of course there is. Soojung’s been ignoring her without any reason and—“ Chanyeol’s sentence became unfinished when Sehun elbowed him.


“I just don’t know what happened. Last night, we were just talking on the phone, like the usual us. But I did sense that something was wrong, like something was bothering her.”


“Maybe she wants to break up with you.”


“CHANYEOL!” Baekhyun and Sehun yelled at their tall friend because it was obviously not the best answer to give to Jongin.


“I’M SORRY! I just couldn’t think of an answer as to why she’s like that,” Chanyeol reasons out, earning glares from the other two.


Jongin just sighs and kicks the rock on the ground. What if Soojung really wants to break up with him? What if she wants to break up because of his college application? What if they won’t end up forever like they had hoped for? What if their promises for each other will never happen? He thinks of the worst, like Soojung probably ended up getting a disease and only has a few months left or that she’s going to some foreign country he probably never had heard of. Just thinking about it scares him.


“Jongin, we’re here,” Sehun calls him and he stops walking. He realizes that he’s already home and bids his friends goodbye.


The moment he enters, he was surprised to see a letter addressed to him, from the university he applied abroad. His eyes widened and immediately opened it.


“Mr. Kim Jongin, blah blah blah, been accepted to our university—“ He wasn’t even done reading when he began to jump around his place. Good thing he was still alone and no one will think that he’s weird. He has got to tell his friends. He goes out and thankfully, his friends weren’t still that far.


“GUYS! BAEKHYUN, CHANYEOL, SEHUN!” The three guys turned to see Jongin with a very big smile, the same smile he had when Soojung said yes to him.


“I GOT ACCEPTED!”He raised the envelope and the three guys roared in cheer. They ran to him and enveloped him in a hug.


“THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION!” Chanyeol says and they lift Jongin for a few steps before dropping him due to his heaviness.





As Soojung comes home, she was greeted by her older sister. She just passed by her, not hearing that they would be alone for that night. She rushes to the nearest bathroom and sits on the toilet seat cover. Soojung looks at the pregnancy kit in her hands and stares at it for a while. She takes the box and reads the instruction from the back to do.


Uncomfortably, she follows it and nervously sits there as she waits. Each second that passed feels so scary to her. She doesn’t know what to expect. She doesn’t want to expect. She shouldn’t be like this, sulking inside their bathroom, waiting the number of lines will appear on the tester. She should be out happily watching tv shows or movies with her friends or sister or she could be having a night walk or date with Jongin.


“Soojung-ah, are you okay? You’ve been there for a while now,” Jessica’s worried voice sounded from the other side.


“I’m okay,” Soojung answered. She swallowed a hard lump of saliva. She tries not to cry because she can already sense what was going to happen. She closes her eyes as she bites her lips.


She opens her eyes and feels like her world crashed when she saw it…


Two red lines.


She drops the box and the tester. Her face became pale. She doesn’t know what to do or what to think.


“Soojung-ah! Soojung-ah!” Her sister kept banging on the door, wondering what is happening to her younger sister. The sound of something dropping made her worry more. Soojung slowly opens the door and is immediately faced with a worried expression of Jessica. “What happened?” Jessica suddenly asks Soojung.


“Eonni… Eotteokhae…” Soojung muttered. Tears were falling on her eyes as she hugs her sister. “Eotteokhae…”


“Soojung… what…” Jessica began to hug Soojung as the latter slowly drops to her knees and cries her heart out. Jessica tried asking, but her voices weren’t loud enough to be heard over the cries of Soojung. Jessica tries to peek over Soojung’s shoulder to see the pregnancy kit box lying and the tester facing her. She gasped in surprised when she saw two red lines on it. She looked at Soojung and hugged her tighter. She just knows Soojung needs her more at a time like this more than ever.


Soojung continues to cry at the matter. She’s not ready to face this reality.


She doesn’t know what to feel.


She doesn’t know what to do.


She doesn’t know how she will tell Jongin that she’s pregnant.




Did a double update because I feel like I owe you a lot. Sorry I'd been busy because of school then family and everything else. :p Hope you enjoy. Hope I could update the next one because this is where everything will begin. :>

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niss125 #1
Chapter 10: Pleasee update ..
I am dying to know what happened next
addya1981 #2
Chapter 10: authornim... please update this story... ;(
Chapter 10: update soon!
Pyulvika #4
Chapter 10: Please update.!
niss125 #5
Chapter 10: Jessica such a sweet sister here
hope jongin find out krys pregnancy soon
update author
TakoyakiPrincess #6
Chapter 10: UPDATE SOON!!!!!
Chapter 10: For a second there I thought Jongin will find out...Kyahhh!!!!! update more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm waiting for the revelation...keke~
xilovepeace #8
Chapter 10: I'm so glad her parents are not angry at either jongin or krystal. GAHHH.... Jongin needs to know. >.<