Soojung's decision



Soojung had planned that she wouldn't say anything to Jongin. It's cruel, but she thinks that it's better if she would keep the baby on to her own knowledge. Although it would mean Jongin would look like a bad father, she would still say it's her fault. Even if having a baby at such a  young age without a father seems unacceptable in society, she's ready to bare it all.


"Have you been to the doctor?" Amber whispered.


"I haven't. I'm too scared," Soojung tightly holds Amber's hand, shaking in fear.


"You know you have to. Think of the baby. If you can't do it alone, I can come with you. Your sister is also there for you. We're here for you, okay?" Amber rubs Soojung back in a comforting matter, easing the fear inside the latter.


"Hey, wassup?" Jinri smiles as she takes a seat.




"Soojung, don't you think it's unfair that Jinri doesn't know?" Amber whispers.


"What are you whispering about?" Jinri asked in curiousity.


"I'm too scared, okay. I'm too scared."


"Is anything wrong?" Jinri tries to get answers because she's worried and she also feels left out since Soojung had been keeping secrets away from her. 


"Let's take her with us then," Amber suggested. Soojung knew that if there was one of the people who could make her smile, it would be Jinri. The girl can always brighten up the mood.


"Are you free on Saturday?" Amber asks Jinri.


"Of course I am."


"Well, Soojung and I, together with her sister are going somewhere and would it be okay if you go with us?"


"Of course I would! Is it a girls' day out?" Jinri smiles.


"Errr.... sort of. It's kind of like that, but don't tell Sunyoung about it," Soojung answered.


"Why not? If it's a girls day out--"


"Just don't. There are reasons and it will be answered on Saturday," Soojung covers Jinri's mouth and the other nodded.






"Hey," Jongin sits next to Soojung during lunch. Krystal gives out a smile and held Jongin's hand.


"Hey, since graduation is coming up, do any of you would want to hang out with me and go drinking as a celebration?!" Chanyeol offered. Baekhyun and Sehun nodded but Jongin would go if Soojung is going. She looks at the faces of her friends and saw the twinkle in Sunyoung's and Jinri's eyes. But when she looked at Amber, she was shooking her head sideways, reminding Soojung that she couldn't.


"I'm sorry. I would love to, but I think me and my family has plans after graduation like a trip or something, so I wouldn't be there in case you wanted to celebrate. I'm sorry again," Soojung explains.


"It's okay. Getting drunk and getting wasted isn't good either. I don't even know why I hang out with someone like this guy," Jongin cooes. Chanyeol's complaint of 'hey!' gets ignored by everyone else because Chanyeol is an oddball and everyone also wonders why they're friends with them. 


“I’m just glad you’re okay. Are you sure you’re okay?”


“Of course I am. If something goes wrong too, I’ll just call my eonni too. Don’t worry,” Soojung lays her head on his shoulder to give him comfort. “Jongin-ah, I got my results from the universities earlier. I got in.”


“You did?! Should we celebrate then?!” Jongin insisted.


“Ice cream and waffles later then,” Soojung said and pinched his nose.


“Let’s celebrate then! After school! Chanyoel’s treat!” Soojung cheered.


“Yeah—Wait, what?! NO!”


“Just kidding, but let’s eat somewhere after school,” Soojung invited all of them.






After school, their group of friends gathered to eat out. They were all rowdy as usual because of Chanyeol. Amber kept watching Soojung, who seems to be fine after all. While the others were busy, Amber talked with Soojung outside for a while.


“How many more months?”


“I’m on my second going to my third month,” Soojung sighed and touched her tummy area.


“What about going into college then?”


“I haven’t really thought about it.”


“Soojung, have you any plans on telling Jongin about this?” They look back inside and sees Jongin smiling. He waves at them and Soojung gives a small smile.


“I thought about it…”




“If I tell Jongin, that would mean he won’t continue the scholarship and it would mean that I ruined all of this and—“


“Are you telling me you plan to keep this all for yourself?!”


“I think this is better—“


“How is this better?! You’re running away. You’re being selfish—“


“Stop talking! You don’t know how it feels! You don’t know the burden that I am carrying. It’s not just me who is going to be affected. Everyone that surrounds us will be affected. All of our plans and dreams will change. If I keep this to myself, less people will be affected.”


“So you plan to hide? How will you do it without your parents knowing then?”


“I don’t know yet. But I do know that this baby will affect all of us.”


“Hey, is everything okay?” Jongin suddenly cut in. “You look like something’s wrong.”


“No. We’re just fine. Let’s go back inside,” Soojung said. But before she could, Amber held her wrist and whispered, “Just remember that if you need something, I’m here.”






The weekend came and Jessica took Soojung out to the mall for shopping. Jessica had been looking around the department store while Soojung was looking around. Her wandering had ended her up at the children’s section. There were toys, clothes and other things for a child. She kept looking until her eyes were set on clothes for a baby girl. She doesn’t care whether the baby will be a boy or a girl because it won’t change the fact that she’s going to love that child unconditionally.




Soojung felt the hand of her sister and looked Jessica also looked at the clothes she was looking at.


“This baby will be lucky to have you as his or her mother. You will love the baby unconditionally and I know it.”


Soojung looked at Jessica then back at the clothes too. She placed her hand on her tummy and she can feel the small growth on it.


“It won’t take long until mom and dad will notice about me.”


“How will you tell them then?”


“I don’t know. If I tell them, I’ll have to tell Jongin and—“


“You think you’re going to make things worse because he probably won’t grab that scholarship?”


“Yes. I fear that I’ll ruin his life because of me.”


“But don’t you think you’re being selfish?”


“To be honest, I don’t know what to do anymore.” Soojung tried not to cry at that moment. She’s been troubling about how will she manage to tell her parents that. 

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niss125 #1
Chapter 10: Pleasee update ..
I am dying to know what happened next
addya1981 #2
Chapter 10: authornim... please update this story... ;(
Chapter 10: update soon!
Pyulvika #4
Chapter 10: Please update.!
niss125 #5
Chapter 10: Jessica such a sweet sister here
hope jongin find out krys pregnancy soon
update author
TakoyakiPrincess #6
Chapter 10: UPDATE SOON!!!!!
Chapter 10: For a second there I thought Jongin will find out...Kyahhh!!!!! update more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm waiting for the revelation...keke~
xilovepeace #8
Chapter 10: I'm so glad her parents are not angry at either jongin or krystal. GAHHH.... Jongin needs to know. >.<