


Graduation day came for them faster than they think. Everyone was wearing a smile, even Soojung, who forgot her problems and just thought of this day as a memorable experience. High school had been one of the best days of her life.


“Picture, everyone!” Jinri takes picture of and with everyone. Mostly with her friends of course.


Soojung lovingly smiles as Jinri takes a picture of her and Jongin. She knows she’ll miss everyone. She’ll miss the two stupid and annoying duos, Baekhyuna and Chanyeol, the emotionless Sehun, the diva-ness of Sunyoung, her partner in crime, Jinri, her shoulder to lean on, Amber and the love of her life, Jongin. It’s not like she’s not going to contact them anymore, but she’ll miss having to hang out with them. Hanging out with your friends is like a habit.


“Please settle down as the ceremony is about to begin!” Their teacher yelled, trying to gather all the students.


Jinri sighs and goes to where her parents are to give her camera back. The rest sighs as their graduation approaches. All their hard work in high school is paid off here. After it, they will now be in college and freedom is in their hands.


Soojung takes Jongin to an isolated corner to talk.


“Is there a problem?” Jongin asks as he her hair.


“I’m just going to miss you. We’ll be in different colleges now. I can’t often do this now.”




Soojung pulled Jongin to plant her lips unto his. She immediately pulled away because they might still get caught. Still dazed, Jongin looked at Soojung. She wasn’t the type to initiate the sweet actions between them, thus, he was surprised.


“Yah~ Jongin-ah, wake up,” Soojung chuckled and poked his cheek. Jongin suddenly pulled her into a hug and rested his head on her shoulder.


“Soojung-ah… I love you. Always remember that. I’m always here for you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I LOVE YOU!”


The couple giggled and pulled away from their hug. They held their hands and went back to where their other classmates are. As the ceremony began, they marched one by one. Proud with their heads up high, even when they don’t have awards, each of them is just happy to be there.


They say high school years are the best years in your school life. For Soojung, it may be true. She was happy meeting these people in her life. The days she spent with them after a long day of school will always be something that she’ll treasure. High school is not high school without the teachers you hate or love, the subjects you loathe or sleep at, the events at school, the nosy principal, the bullies you avoid and most of all, the friends who had been at your side despite all the craziness you’ve shown during the years that had passed.


“Parents, teachers, guests and students, today, we are gathered as one in celebration of successful students who had managed to survive another year. Students graduating make us sad as they will leave but moreover, we are proud as they are on their way to stepping into a new stone in their life…”


As the graduation happened, the smiles couldn’t be erased from their faces as their names were called. By the end of the graduation, they all screamed. The page of their high school has closed and a new chapter of their life began.


Soojung and her friends kept taking pictures of their own families.


“Soojung-ah, Jongin-ah, let’s take pictures of just you two,” Jessica said and the two lovingly posed for her. “Aigoo~ You two look like a married couple already,” she teased and the two chuckled.


“Party tomorrow! Wooh!” Chanyeol’s voice echoed and they all laughed because they know how Chanyeol would party until he passes out, tell everyone he wouldn’t party that hard anymore, but he would still do it.


It was a long and tiring day. Everyone was doing well. Everyone was happy. Most of them haven’t drunk water and ate food. Soojung had been feeling oozy but kept fighting the feeling of weakness. They were all on their way to the parking lot, which was quite far from where the event was held in their school. Soojung suddenly had a tight hold on Jessica.


“Soojung, are you okay? Is something wrong?” Jessica whispered. Jongin noticed it and went to Soojung.


“No. I’m fine.”


Soojung still tried to walk on her own, but she just felt so weak and fainted.




Hai~ All I can say is that, it's already my summer vacation! ^^ So watch out for more updates from me~ :D You can interact with me on twitter if you want~ :D

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niss125 #1
Chapter 10: Pleasee update ..
I am dying to know what happened next
addya1981 #2
Chapter 10: authornim... please update this story... ;(
Chapter 10: update soon!
Pyulvika #4
Chapter 10: Please update.!
niss125 #5
Chapter 10: Jessica such a sweet sister here
hope jongin find out krys pregnancy soon
update author
TakoyakiPrincess #6
Chapter 10: UPDATE SOON!!!!!
Chapter 10: For a second there I thought Jongin will find out...Kyahhh!!!!! update more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm waiting for the revelation...keke~
xilovepeace #8
Chapter 10: I'm so glad her parents are not angry at either jongin or krystal. GAHHH.... Jongin needs to know. >.<