Heaven in Hell [DROPPED]
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Chapter 5: Lay Lay 


Yeejin spend her day inside Kris’ room, watching TV. She glanced at the clock, it’s almost 8PM. Kris told her if one of the boys will go home early to check on her. But until now, no one came home to check her.




She jumped a bit when the balcony door suddenly opened. She was hoping if it was Kris, but she’s wrong because it was Lay. “LAYY!!!” she ran to hugged Lay.


“Are you okay?” Lay kneeled in front of her. She nodded her head. “Did someone came?” Lay asked to her. She quickly shook her head, “no one.”


“Where is Kris, Lay? She asked.


Lay smiled. Should he told her if Kris went to celebrate their success killing Siwon? “Kris still has something to do… I think he will be back later at morning” Lay lied.


Her face fell down. “Are you hungry?” Lay tried to cheer her up. She nodded her head weakly. “I will cook for you” Lay held her up and bring her on his arms.


They went out from Kris’ room and walked to the kitchen. Chen sat her on the chair and told her to stay there while he cooked her an omelet. After he finished, he put the plate in front of her and feed her.


After he feed Yeejin, Lay feed himself. He pour a red liquid to an empty glass. She watch every movement Lay’s made. “Lay? What’s that?” She asked innocently.


Lay drink it without leaving any drop on the glass. “Blood” he then answered. “Why you drink blood?” She asked again. “Because vampire needs to drink blood to stay alive” Lay answered. She tilt her head, thinking over something. Lay can read it on her face, she was curious to know everything.


“So, should I drink blood too?” she asked. Lay laughed, “no, of course not dear… you are human, human eat foods to stay alive. Not blood.” Even though you doesn’t smell like a human.


“Oh… owkaayyy.” She nodded her head. She put her fingers on her chin, “did Kris drink blood too?” she asked again. Lay nodded his head.


“Any other question?” Lay asked. Now he knew the reason why Kris silently give part of his life to this human girl. Even though he didn’t state it clearly, but it’s obvious in his eyes.


“Lay… can I sleep now?” she asked. Once again, Lay laughed as he nodded his head. “Of course, of course… where do you want to sleep? Kris’ room?” She stretched his hand to jumped onto his hugged so Lay can bring her.


“No, I want to sleep with you” she answered.


Lay stopped laughing, “W…what? My room?” he totally looked surprise. “Pweaseeeeeeee….” Yeejin begged with her puppy eyes. Lay spaced out for a seconds before hearing another beg from Yeejin.


“Fine… just for tonight” Lay put his unhappy face. But inside of his heart, he was so happy. He wanted to jumped around and yelled happily.


“YAYY!! You are the best Lay Lay!!!” She wrapped her arms around his neck. Lay smiled and bring her to his room. H

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suliman #1
Chapter 10: Please update one day
Hanny1397 #3
Chapter 10: Update soon pls~
SyiraLulu #4
Chapter 10: i'm really like this story.
Chapter 10: You shuld update more often.. I really miss this story...
And. Now she's growing up!!yaayyyy
Chapter 10: finally, after long time waiting! ^^
vlrgbrl #7
Chapter 9: Please updtae soon.
Love this FF somuch,kkkkk
I'm so curious with the next chapter! It's a good story line! Please update soon, author-sshi! ^^
Chapter 9: Naught yejin xD
My wish is for you to update soon.
Happy New Year.