Heaven in Hell [DROPPED]
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Chapter 3: Christmas



The door of Kris’ room suddenly opened and the boys get inside his room like some bunch of monkeys.




Chanyeol hit the frying pan with spoon. “WAKE UPPPP!!! WE HAD A LOT THINGS TO DOOO!!!!”


Kris open his eyes lazily to see the bunch of monkeys trying to wake him up he also can’t found Yeejin. Maybe she already woke up. “Go out guys, I need some sleep” Kris said as he turned around to close his ear.


Xiumin tried to open the big curtains that cover the windows, but he stopped when Kris stopped him. “Not the curtains, I hate sunlight” he said. Xiumin chuckled. “WAKE UPPP!!!!!” he yelled on Kris’ ear.


The boys keep trying to wake him up. “KRIIISSSSS!!!!!” Yeejin’s voice can be heard from the entire house. She came with her hand on Lay, she looks like if she just finished taking her bath. She’s wearing a pink lacy dress with white color ribbon on the waist, and a pink bandana too.


Chen released her hand and she quickly jumped onto the bed sitting on Kris’ back. “Krisss, ppali ireonnaaaaaa!!!” She tried to wake her up. Kris moaned lazily.


“Christmas Christmas time is near kind for cheers anad kind for… Wake up KRISSS… PPALLIII!!!!” She jumped on his back. Kris moaned and sat up with eyes closed. Yeejin moved aside, “Good morning Kriss!!!”


“Who teach you to be so demanding?” Kris asked her. She innocently turned her head to the boys. Kris tried to hold his anger but in the end he throws everything around him to the boys. “YAAAHHH!!! What did you guys teach her????”


All the boys started to run to save their own life like a mongkey. Kai just use his power to teleport before the pillow landed on his face. Kris shook his head, this is not the first time he experience this morning nightmare. The boys usually get all excited when Christmas. They will forget everything including Kris’ position as a leader.


Kris turned to Yeejin, she’s looking really cute so today. “Kris, go wash. We had a lot things to do!” Yeejin said and she kissed his cheek. She jumped down from the bed and the little girl ran out from his room.


He decided to do what his little girl told him. He stood up and went to the bathroom.




Kris went to the living room after taking his bath. His hair still wet. He’s wearing a v-neck t-shirt and a skinny jeans. The living room is a mess, everything scattered all around the floor and also in the air. “Luhan, throw away all this stuffs” he complains.


With his power, Luhan put all the things on the floor and in the air to a box. They are too busy decorating for the Christmas tree to care about him. Everyone are busy with their own works. His eyes catch Yeejin helping Lay with the Christmas tree accessories.


“Lay, why so cold today?” Kris can hear Yeejin asked to Lay. Lay glared at Xiumin, “hyung, please make the temperature higher” he said to Xiumin. Lay then take a blanket to cover her small body while Chanyeol turn on the fireplace. “Sorry Yeejin-ah” Xiumin apologized.


Since his power is ice, he has a low body temperature and sometimes when people are around him, they will feel so cold. “It’s okay Xiumin!” she smiled.


Drrrrttt drrrtt


Kris took out his phone. It’s really rare for him to receive a call in the morning. He answered the call, “Am I talking to Wu Yi Fan?” a guy’s voice greet him. Kris has a bad feeling about this.


Everyone in the room looked at Kris when his face suddenly changed. “Yes, it’s me. But, please call me Kris” he replied. “I just want to give you some information” the voice said.


Kris tried to remember every voice he knows, but this is his first time listening to this voice. “What information?” he asked. Yeejin came to him and sat beside him. “Who is that?” Yeejin whispered.


Kris give her sign to not speak. “I’m not in your side or the other side, but they decided the new one. It was his big brother… good luck” The voice said. Before the voice hung up the call, “ah, I will give you one advice. It’s better if you erased all of them. With that, it’s gonna be yours” and the voice hung up the call.


He stared at the phone for quite a while before Yeejin called him. “Kris, are you okay?” she asked. Kris put his fake smile and nodded his head. But his smile quickly fades away when he looked at the boys. “Meeting room in one minute” he said and with that he just stood up and left Yeejin there, ignoring her calling his name.


All the boys growled lazily as they stood up. Lay walked to Yeejin to caressed her hair, “just wait here” he said and left her. “Don’t go anywhere” Suho told her. “We’ll be right back soon” Kai said before he teleported to the meeting room.


Yeejin followed them behind. All the boys went to the left side of the mansion. They entered a room with a big door and closed it. Yeejin open the door with all her power because the door are quite heavy. When she open the door, she can’t found anyone inside the room. All she can see are books and books, with some empty sofas.


“Where did they go?” she asked.


“Kris?” she called his name. “Lay? Xiumin? Kai? Eomma? Suho? Where are you guys?” She walked around the library looking for another door. But she found nothing.


She started to c

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suliman #1
Chapter 10: Please update one day
Hanny1397 #3
Chapter 10: Update soon pls~
SyiraLulu #4
Chapter 10: i'm really like this story.
Chapter 10: You shuld update more often.. I really miss this story...
And. Now she's growing up!!yaayyyy
Chapter 10: finally, after long time waiting! ^^
vlrgbrl #7
Chapter 9: Please updtae soon.
Love this FF somuch,kkkkk
I'm so curious with the next chapter! It's a good story line! Please update soon, author-sshi! ^^
Chapter 9: Naught yejin xD
My wish is for you to update soon.
Happy New Year.