Chapter 53- Checking D.O

Who exactly is the father of my child?

                                                                           ++Chapter 53++                                                                          

Luhan's POV

L: What are you talking about D.O?

D: Would you believe me if I tell you if I'm Leo appa?

What is he talking about? Leo = Seohyun + ?? Is he trying to tell me that him and Seohyun are insome kind of special relationship? I quickly took out my mobile phone and text manager Lee ' Hyung, would mind sending me D.O's Home address?

Then, there was reply showing D.O's home address. I am going to drop D.O at SM building and go to his home to check if there is anything related between Leo and him.


Seohyun's POV

Me, Suho and Sunny unnie were in the hospital waiting for Soo Man for the doctor to tell us what happened to Soo Man Ahjusshi. Sunny unnie was half asleep her eyes were about to close, Suho sat beside and wanted to check if she's alright.

Suho: Hey. Kwenchan...

Sunny: No no no. Just leave me alone

Its been a few hours since Soo Man ahjusshi was admitted. What his relationship with that Ahjusshi until Suho still care for him even after being beaten up... All of a sudden, the emergency door open the doctor came out, Sunny quickly got up from her seat and ran over to the doctor.

Sunny: Song sae nim...

Doctor: Its about time. I cannot do much now, we just need to pray for a miracle to happen.

Suddenly, Sunny unnie start to cry really hard and collapsed. The doctor quickly catch her before she fell on, I quickly ran over to her "Unnie kwenchana? Please get up, unnie. Suho..." As I turned around to look for Suho, he's not there. Where is he? "Suho! Where are you!!!??"

Seohyun: Song sae nim. Please take care of her. Ya Suho!

I quickly got up and ran as fast as I can to any direction I think he might have went. The stairwells, he must have ran down the stairs.


Luhan's POV

Me and D.O arrived at SM building, there were so many fans waiting for us over there. I stayed in the car while D.O had already made his way out of the car.

D: Hyung. Waeyo? Come on out.

L: I am a little sick right now. I'm returning back to the dorm. Here this the medicine the doctor prescribed you. Take it regularly. Alright?

D: Then in that case. I will follw hyung back to the dorm.

He was bout to enter the car again but I stopped him. He gave a confused look.

L: Aniya aniya aniya. Just go and practice. Arraso?

D: Ne...

He was dissapointed. Mianhe D.O, I doing this for your own good. Forgive me if I found your secret. I took out my mobile phone and showed the driver D.O's address.

"Wo shi wolf! Yi tou wolf! Awwooo! Ah saranghaeyo. Ni shi mei nu wo shi lang.' My phone suddenly rang and it shows D.O. OMG! What does he want???




D:'You're not hiding anything aren't you?'

L:'Of course. I am not. Why would I?'

D:'Can I trust you?'

L:'Of course.'

"Duuuu...." He hung up the phone phew. Lucky enough, I thought that I was getting caught. 'Were here.' The driver stopped infront of a house. Wow that was fast. I didn't expect he lives near SM building. I got out of the car and walk straight to the house.

L: Hello? Anybody home? *Knock* *Knock*

There wasn't any answer, I twisted the door knob seeing if it could open. Surprisingly, the door opens once I twisted it a little. D.O ah... Why did you leave your house unsecure when you are a top artist? I can't believe you. When the door completely opens....this is what I see.

Seems like his family is quite wealthy after all.... Well gotta go to his bedroom to see if I could anything in there. I took the stairs to the second level and saw a bedroom door which is left open. Whose is this? I slowly open the door and could hear a radio muisc playing "I swear."

I slowly entered the bedroom and tip toed my way in. I saw bed infront of me, the blanket seems like its covering someone inside. "Excuse me~~" I called out but there was no sound, I slowly went beside the bed, counting on 1, 2, 3 I opened the blanket. I screamed at the top of my lungs after seeing whats in it. Its a mannuquin with a long wig. I quickly ran out of that room and stopped at corridor.

Why does D.O even want to put a mannuquin in his parents bedroom? Ahhh... I almost got a heart attack. "Baby don't cry tonight ~~~" Its my phone ringing. Its Chanyeol.

L:'Chanyeol ah *gasp* *gasp*.'

C:'Hyung. Where are you? Why you seem like you're out of breath. Kwenchana?'

L:'Ani. By the way. How is D.O doing over there?'

C:'Oh D.O? He just only left the practise room. He said that he was going back to the dorm to cook food for you while you're sick. Are you still pain now?'

L:'Aish! I am alright now. I am kind of busy right now. I will call you soon. Arraso?'

I hung up the phone. This is so frustrating! I better finish this quick, it must this room. I saw another room at the end of the corridor. There is a sign written "DO's room. D.O NOT ENTER." I slowly walk toward the door and twisted the door knob. Damn... Its locked..... ottoke?


There was one time I came back late from the recording studio. I was at my dorm doorstep, I could hear the members were making alot of noise.

Luhan: Guys I am bac...What are you guys doing?

Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Chen, Xiumin and Kai were gathering outside my room trying to open up the door. They using as many object as the can trying to open it up but it wasn't sucessful.

Luhan: Wae???

Chanyeol: Sehunnie is crying. We're trying to talk to him but his door is locked. 

Kai: Aha! I've got and idea! Luhan hyung you've some hair pins with you? Hurry and give it to me.

Luhan: Ne.

I took out a hair pin from my pocket and gave it to him, He twisted the hairpin to a type of  shape and put it in the keyhole twisting and turning. He managed to get the door open.

Baekhyun: Success!

All: Hurray!

(end of flashback)

I quickly check my pocket. Oh! Thank goodness! There is a hair pin, this my lucky day! I twisted the hair pin till the shape that Kai did and tried to open up the door. The door opens immediately.



D: I'm home. Luhan hyung? Are you here?

Eh? Nobody's here. I walked around the dorm trying to see if theres anybody. Oppso.... I toook my phone and dialed Luhan hyung's number.


Luhan's POV

Just as I entered D.O's bedroom in one step.... "Baby don't cry tonight~~~" My phone rings, when I look at the caller's screen, my heart stops. Ottoke!???

Should I pick up or not???? Ahhh!!!! Soon not long, the call stops. Phew... I am saved.


No one's POV

While Luhan enters D.O's home bedroom, D.O was using gps to track Luhan on his phone. Luhan found something in D.O's drawer and took out an envolope which was written under Suho's name "Aha! Found it!"

"You've got a message." Luhan open his phone and got a big shock after receiving a message from D.O saying 'Hyung, Why are you there?'

"...." Luhan quickly take the envelope and ran away as soon as possible. When he was out of the house, another message comes in 'I saw you.' He began looking around, to his big surprise D.O was just behind him.

L: D.O ah.......

D: What are you doing here hyung?

L: I was just walking around the neighbourhood and noticed your house. That is why... *chuckle*

D: What is that you're holding in your hand?

L: Its for manager hyung. Its confidential, I need to pass it to him.

D: Arraso... Why not come in to my house since we're here?

L: Jinjja?

D: Ne.


Seohyun's POV

Seohyun: Suho ah! Suho ah! Where are you!

I went to the rooftop and look around. I saw him sitting at a corner crying, I quickly ran over to see if I could talk to him to make him feel better.

Seohyun: Suho ah. Please don't be...

Suho: Go away. I just want to be alone.

I tried to carress his head but he slapped it away and backing away from me. He start to cry even louder. "Oto..Ottoke..." I heard him mumbling. 

Seohyun: Suho ah. Wae?

Suho: I.....I killed Soo Man ajusshi. All because of my stupid mouth.

Seohyun: Its not your fault. Its just his health problem.

Suho: No you don't understand what's going on.


No one's POV

At D.O's home....

Luhan and D.O entered the house together. D.O went to the kitchen to prepare tea for two. While Luhan was on the couch reading some magazines on the coffee table. While he was taking the new magazine, he noticed a photobook beneath it. As he was about to take it, D.O had already came with the tea tray, he quickly covered it with the rest of the magazines.

D: Omma! You're awake? This is my friend Luhan.

L: D.O? Who are you talking to?

D: My omma over there. Near the stairs.

L: But there is no one there.

D: Its because she just went into the kitchen. Come on here is your tea. Have it while its warm.

He took a cup of tea from the tray and gave it to Luhan, Luhan is starting to creep out aftering hearing D.O talking to things that are not there.

L: D.O ah. How long has it been? Since your parents stop working.

D: Omma sleeps everyday. Whenever I come home, she's always in her bed, sleeping really well.

L: What about your appa?

D: Appa.... I rarely see him. He only comes in at night and go to bed. He dissapears every morning.

L: You never had anyone to talk to when your home?

D: Ne.


                                                                      ++Chapter 53 End++                                                                       

Author's Message

Hi guys. I am back! Sorry for not writing for a long time.

I will be speeding up on the next chapter :D If you have noticed. Luhan is going to be main for a few chapter.

Sorry if there is typing error. I will correct it soon.



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Chapter 61: yeah,, i thought the end it just like that anyway hwaiting 4 new fanfic ^_^
Chapter 61: omo! omo! a cliffie! yah! wae u made such a cliffie at the end?! aigoo! but love the wedding and their kids names kyaaaaaaa so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i demand a sequel for this! d.o and shin ae! seriously! Fighting!
Chapter 60: and just like that he forgive soo...well done...andy is here??? XDDD yah! suho at least more interested pabo-ya! Aigoo! Fighting for next chapter! Can't wait for the wedding!
Chapter 59: Am surprised Soo was choking he crazy?! Poor Seohyun...but all ends well in the end. Finally Seohyun and Joonmyeon gonna get married. Fighting for next chapter!
Chapter 58: They really love each other still don't they....guess the one who really is good enough for Seohyun is Suho....Aigoo....Fighting for next chapter!
FatinFaiqah #6
Update soon :)
Chapter 57: SuDo fight....aigoo those two...pabo-ya! So immature! Fighting for next chapter!
Chapter 57: I like Seohyun with Suho better than with Kyungsoo. Well, Suho suits Seo better
Chapter 56: Omg I want her with Suho not D.O! Omg I just started shipping them together and now. Ugh. Suho's just really nice you know? Even if D.O is the father I don't want him with her. I feel that she's better off with Suho. I think D.O did something to trick Suho so he'd think she was a . Omg this is not comedy but I love it. Except the part when leos a demon or something.
Chapter 56: Can u send me a message to tell me when u finish updating thanks