
Who exactly is the father of my child?

No one's POV

All the EXO-K members were rushed to the hospital. 4 members were sent to Intensive care unit due to their critical condition.

Xiumin was standing outside Chanyeol's room looking at him outside the glass window. Baekhyun walked in his crutches and went to Xiumin.


Baekhyun: Xiumin hyung. You're still here?

Xiumin: Ne. How was your leg?

Baekhyun: Its fine now. They removed the bullet, now just waiting for the wound to heal up. How was Chanyeol?

Xiumin: Doctor said he had some poisoning for the gas he inhaled in his room. Thank goodness we were there.

Baekhyun: I wonder could that person do this to all of us.

Xiumin: Please don't cry.

End of POV


Xiumin's POV

Baekhyun was very upset and he cried. So I let him cry on my shoulders to make him feel better.


(flashback a day ago)

I accompanied Suho into the ambulance while the other M members accopnied the rest of the injured one. Suho was placed on a bed, I was sitting beside looking out for Suho, I kept on holding onto his hand. Suddenly, I could here a coughing sound.

I looked and I saw Suho eyes were a little open. He was trying to see where is he. He tried to move a little but I stop him because his injuries were severe.


"Suho ah. Please don't move. We will be at the hospital soon, just go back to sleep." I said while comforting him

"X...iu...min...hy..ung...." He said whispered

"Ne. I am listening." I said as came near him to listen because the oxygen mask his wearing is blocking his voice

"Te...ll....Se...o...hyu...n........" He said

"Ne. Arraso. I will. Please rest." I said and he nodded and when to sleep

(end of flashback)


At the hospital....

Suho and the rest were all sent into the emergency room. I anxoiusly wait outside kept praying for their safety. Hoping that they all could make it back here.

I waited for about 2 hours and soon. The door opens, a doctor came out and I rushed to him and asked about the Suho's condition.


"Song sae nim. How is my friend?" I asked

"We are able to  remove the bullet from his chest but still his life is in danger. We will see if he'll be able to survive." he replied

"Ne. Kamsahaminida." I replied

End of POV


Luhan's POV

"Sehun ah. Sehun ah Chaebal. Please stay alive. we need to be exo again." I cried while holding onto his hand.

He was sent into the emergency room, I waited outside with Lay. About an hour, the doctor came out I run over to him.

"Song sae nim. How was Sehun?" I asked

"Your friend managed to survive. But he'll never to be a singer again." He said

"Wae?" I asked

"He got blind from the shot in his head. There were bullets that damaged on his lungs and he can only depend on one lung to survive." The doctor said

"Nae arraso. Son saeng nim." I replied with my head down. As the doctor left, tears start forming out of my eyes

"Luhan ge, zhe me le? (what wrong?)" Lay asked

"Sehunie will never be a singer again. He is going be blind for the rest of his life!" I shouted and cried

"Luhan ge. Qing bu yao shang xin, wo men yi ding hui xiang ban fa.(Please don't be sad, we will find away to solve it.)" He replied

He said as he cuddled me and lend his shoulder to let me cry on.

End of POV


Kris's POV

I was in charge of D.O. He was rushed into the emergnecy room same like the others. It took a little while for the doctor to come out.

"Doc. How was my friend?" I asked

"Your friend is fine. But we need to look out for him his brainwave is a little unstable. He might be able get up normal or have contant hallucinate." The doctor replied

"Omo. Will there be a cure for this?" I asked

"There is he needs to come for treatment." He replied and he left

End of POV


Tao's POV

"Chanyeol hyung, Baekhyun hyung. Don't worry we're almost there!" I said. Baekhyun hyung nodded as he wince in pain. Chanyeol hyung is unconcious.

When we arrived at the hospital, the paramadics arrived and they brought Chanyeol and Baekhyun hyung to the emergency room.

"This way sir." The nurse told me to follow her to the counter. While the hyungs were brought away

"Plese sign this form and then wait outside the emergency room." She said

"Ne." I said as I signed the form

"Here you go." I said as I gave the form to the nurse and ran off to catch up wiht hyungs

End of POV


Seohyun's POV


"Stop~~~ live me alone~~~ Omma~~~ Appa~~ is waiting for~~me" I said while I was drunk

"Kwenchana~~yo agashi~~ Saranghaeyo~~" A guy kissed my cheek

I was too drunk to see who was around me, I could see there 6 boys surrounding me. They brought me the hotel room, I am too tired to fight back or what all I wanted to was to sleep. I felt someone pushed me on the bed, I turned my self upright and open eyes a little. I could see a petite size boy went on the bed with me, his eyes were really big eyes.

End of dream~~~

I got up, I notice I was in the hospital. I sat up, I felt like there is something on my wrist, oh its the IV drip. I was hoping are if everyone alright especially Junmyun. Seriously, I can't get him off my mind. Seohyun, you're kind of crazy for liking him even if you say you don't.

"Hi there. Good morning. How are you?" A nurse came in and greeted me. I bowed at her

"Ne. I am fine thank you." I replied

"I would like to ask if are you still feeling giddy?" The nurse asked

"Ani. I was happened to faint from shock thats all. May I know are my friends ok?" I asked

"Ne. Their fine." The nurse replied. But she wasn't making direct eye contact with me

"Jeongmal?" I asked

"Ne." She replied and left

I don't believe what she said was true. I am sure Xiumin must be behind all this. I sat on the bed for a few minutes and I heard the door opened and its Xiumin.

"Oh hey there, good morning. Did you sleep well? Look at this bunch of beautiful flower, their so beautiful." Xiumin said as he carried a bouquet thats on the table

"Tell me if their alright." I said

"Oh look there someone sent you a card..."

"Stop changing the subject and answer me!" I shouted

"Seohyun ah. I am really sorry to inform you that Sehun has lost his eyesight. While the rest are still in critical condition except for Baekhyun."

"Mwo? Wae??? Wae??? Wae!!!" I shouted and cried

"Seohyun ah." Xiumin tried to calm me down

"Leave me alone! Get out!" I shouted as I pushed Xiumin away from me.


"Go!" I shouted

Xiumin was puzzled and went out of the room.

End of POV


No one's POV

As soon as Seohyun knew what exactly had happened to everyone's condition, she was heartbroken. She cried and cried nonstop due to guiltiness. She regreted for joining SM and not portecting EXO-K properly. After she felt better she wanted to see the members by visitng their room

Outside Suho's room~~

Seohyun: Suho ah. Wake up. Its me Seohyun, the one you ever said you like.

Suho wasn't able to get concious, Seohyun kept shaking him trying to get him up.

Seohyun: Junmyun, please don't leave me. I am sorry, if I had accepted your feelings from start non of this could have happened. Please do me a favour, just get up please.

Seohyun kept onto Suho's hand and her tears keep falling onto his hand. Soon, she felt Suho's hand was moving. Suho  eyes start to open slowly.

End of POV


JunMyun's POV

I was in deep sleep ever since I was attacked. I felt like there is something piercing my chest but I couldn't get up because I was took tired and I just out. Soon, I start to hear someone crying, is Seohyun?

"Junmyun, please don't leave me. I am sorry, if I had accepted your feelings from start non of this could have happened. Please do me a favour, just get up please." I could hear Seohyun crying. I opened my eyes, I can see Seohyun crying while holding onto my hand. I moved my hand and touch her face.

"JunMyun? You're awake?" She asked

"Why would a beautiful girl like you cry till you ran out of tears?" I said

"I am really sorry for rejecting your confession. To be honest, I like y..

"Shh!" I suddenly got up and peck my lips on her. Afterwards, I let go.

"Don't say that yet. Wait till I get better. AHHH!" I said while wincing in pain

"Who told you to sit up all of a sudden! Oh no you're bleeding! Nurse! Nurse!" She shouted

End of POV


Author's Quote:

Suho and Seohyun were in love! I wonder what will happen next.

(PS. I am sorry I am irregular. " I had a "no life" schedule in school. I having a hard time to get ideas. I will try my best come up with it.)



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Chapter 61: yeah,, i thought the end it just like that anyway hwaiting 4 new fanfic ^_^
Chapter 61: omo! omo! a cliffie! yah! wae u made such a cliffie at the end?! aigoo! but love the wedding and their kids names kyaaaaaaa so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i demand a sequel for this! d.o and shin ae! seriously! Fighting!
Chapter 60: and just like that he forgive soo...well done...andy is here??? XDDD yah! suho at least more interested pabo-ya! Aigoo! Fighting for next chapter! Can't wait for the wedding!
Chapter 59: Am surprised Soo was choking he crazy?! Poor Seohyun...but all ends well in the end. Finally Seohyun and Joonmyeon gonna get married. Fighting for next chapter!
Chapter 58: They really love each other still don't they....guess the one who really is good enough for Seohyun is Suho....Aigoo....Fighting for next chapter!
FatinFaiqah #6
Update soon :)
Chapter 57: SuDo fight....aigoo those two...pabo-ya! So immature! Fighting for next chapter!
Chapter 57: I like Seohyun with Suho better than with Kyungsoo. Well, Suho suits Seo better
Chapter 56: Omg I want her with Suho not D.O! Omg I just started shipping them together and now. Ugh. Suho's just really nice you know? Even if D.O is the father I don't want him with her. I feel that she's better off with Suho. I think D.O did something to trick Suho so he'd think she was a . Omg this is not comedy but I love it. Except the part when leos a demon or something.
Chapter 56: Can u send me a message to tell me when u finish updating thanks