Manager Seohyun part 3

Who exactly is the father of my child?


JunMyun's POV


3 years ago

Its been few days after the club case. I went to the practice room to meet my members for dance practice.

"JunMyun hyung! Whats up!." Chanyeol shouted as he pat my shoulder

"Oh Chanyeol ah. How have you been?"


"I am fine. But I hope Soo Man won't scold us for what happened last few days."

"He won't only scold, but he will kill us all!" He said and I start to have a chill running down my spine.


Suddenly, I saw a staff from the management centre came into our practice room. I was a little surprised because its very rare for a staff to come over to training area.


"May I know who is Kim Jun Myun?" She said and all my members pointed at me.

"Yes. I am Kim Jun Myun. May I know what's going on?" I said as knew that I am going to be in big trouble. president Soo Man is going to punish me like how he punished other trainees. I was terrified and I wish I could just run away instead.


"Would you mind following me to president Soo Man's office?" She said as she signal me to follow her.


"Ne." I followed her outside of the training room and what I thought of is to run away while she is not looking. Out of nowhere, just outside our training room there were 2 guards came and seize me. Each of them grabbed one of my arm. I tried to struggle but they were no use.


"Guys! Help! Help!" I shouted while turning back and struggling to break free

"Isn't that JunMyun hyung? Why is he getting caught by guard?" Baekhyun said


"Let JunMyun hyung go!" Sehun shouted at the guards while  running towards me.


All my members were coming over trying to help me. All of a sudden, more guards came in and each of them seized all my members hands to their waist and not letting go. I keep screaming for help and the one the guard that was seizing me covered my mouth.


"Its an order from Lee Soo Man. We apologize for causing this trouble." He said as he and the another guard dragged me towards president Soo Man's office 

I keep trying to struggle while stopping them from bringing me to Soo Man's office but failed their very strong. So I gave up.


(At Soo Man's office)

"President Soo Man, we got the trainee that you requested to see." One of the guard said as he brought me into his office.

Lee Soo Man looked at and went to his chair and looking at some paper work I was afraid that he will hurt me so I just keep quiet and stay calm.


"You're Jun Myun right? The one that went to the club a few days ago."

"Ne." I replied


Without saying anything he start to grab my collar and punch my stomach.

"Ahh!" I shouted in pain and fell on the floor.He continued punching an kicking me.


"Why did you try disobey me. Why? Why???" He shouted as kicked my head and my stomach. Blood are starting pour out of my throat.

" Soo...Ma..n aj...husshi " I looked at him and cried while holding on to my pain. My voice was hoarse because of blood coming out.


"I am still not done with you yet." He said as he went to his desk and took out a wooden pole. He walked over to get to me. I tried to get up so that I could escape but I can't.


"This what you get for disobeying me!" He shouted and raise the pole.


(End of flashback)

"Suho hyung~~~.....YA SUHO HYUNG!" Baekhyun said as he hit my hand

"Ouch! What you do that for? I am not deaf ok!" I replied while rubbing my hand

"I called you from just now you never respond. That's why I gotta shout."

"What now? Ehh? Where is Seohyun?"

"She went to home to take care of her son." Kai said

"Oh I see.. She had a son...."


After I was beaten up by the pole for  half an hour. Soo Man ahjusshi was really angry that I thought he would really kill me that day. A girl ran in and quickly grabbed Soo Man's arm stopping him from hitting me.

"Soo Man Ahjusshi, please stop. Don't kill him, he had enough." The girl said


"Go away Soon Kyu. This boy is really disobedient, he deserves to be taught a lesson." Soom Man said

"Please Soo Man ahjusshi, your health is not good either. Please stop."


"Fine! Hey you! I will let you off. If anything happen to that female or the case has been awaken. You will dies in my hands. Arraso?"

I looked at him and nodded.


"Guards." He called the guards came in and brought me out of his office. They left me in a quiet corridor, I was left there injured and motionless.......

(End of Flashback)

"Hyung! Please stop dreaming and eat the Kalbi now!" Sehun shouted

"Alright alright. I will eat."

End of POV


Seohyun's POV

Oh my got its going to be midnight. I am really totally crazy, The daycare ahjummah is going to me extremely mad at me. I rushed to the daycare entrance. 


"Hello is there anyone there?" I shouted while knocking a the door.

The door opened and I saw the ahjummah bringing Leo out of the daycare.

"Ahjummah I..."


"You don't need to pay the fee. Just take the child and go." She said as she went into the daycare and shut the door.

"Omma... Why are you late? Ahjummah is mad." Leo said while holding my hand

"Sorry Leo ah~~ Lets go home." I took Leo back to our apartement


(At the apartment)

"Leo have you eaten?"

"Leo eaten already, its so late. Leo wants to shower and sleep." He said as he enters his bedroom and took towel with him to the bathroom.


"Ok." I went to my bathroom and took a shower too.

After showering, I took out my laptop to check on updates for EXO-K's schedule. Hmm... Music champion at 7 am... Woahh thats really early. I better message the boys.


"Tomorrow be ready by 5.30am." Sent to EXO-K members.


I closed my laptop and suddenly remembered that Leo had no one to take care of when I am going to work. Oh my! What am I gonna do? Ahhh... No more stress. I will bring him to work tomorrow! I tucked in bed and quickly fell asleep.

End of POV


The next morning.........

Kai's POV

4.30 am

"Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttttttt uuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppppppppp!"

Ahhh! I really wanted to destroy that alarm! Its so irritating. I can't get my sleep! I got out of bed and went to Suho hyung's room.


"Ya! Kim Suho! Off the freakin alarm! I can't sleep because of the noise!" I shouted while pulling his blanket.

"Ya Kai. If you dare to show disrespect to me. I will give you no mercy." He said as he got up


"Mian...hyung." I went out of his room and when back to my room to wake D.O hyung.

"Hyung wake up!. Its already 4.30 am, We gotta get ready now....." I shook him


"Ok...." He got up and what I could see was dark circles on his eyes.

"Hyung. Your dark circle... Its so obvious."


"O___O really? Oh My God!"

"It can be covered up later. Lets hurry."


End of POV


Seohyun's POV

I brought Leo with me to work. We arrived at the dorm's doorstep.

"Omma. Whose house is this?"

"Oh, its Omma's boss. They live here." I said and I pressed the doorbell.


"Who is it?"

"Its me Seohyun. Please open the door."

The door opened and I saw Chanyeol. His expression was very dull....

End of POV


Chanyeol's POV

I heard the doorbell I asked "Who is it?"

It was Seohyun noona's voice, she told me open up the door. When I opened I saw a kid just beside her only. I was a little shocked. I didn't expect her to bring her son.

End of POV


To be continued.....

Author's quote:

Wow! Lucky Chan Chan!! Gets to see the son first. I will be ack to update again =) I am not insulting Soo Man, I am just making him a strict founder.

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Chapter 61: yeah,, i thought the end it just like that anyway hwaiting 4 new fanfic ^_^
Chapter 61: omo! omo! a cliffie! yah! wae u made such a cliffie at the end?! aigoo! but love the wedding and their kids names kyaaaaaaa so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i demand a sequel for this! d.o and shin ae! seriously! Fighting!
Chapter 60: and just like that he forgive soo...well done...andy is here??? XDDD yah! suho at least more interested pabo-ya! Aigoo! Fighting for next chapter! Can't wait for the wedding!
Chapter 59: Am surprised Soo was choking he crazy?! Poor Seohyun...but all ends well in the end. Finally Seohyun and Joonmyeon gonna get married. Fighting for next chapter!
Chapter 58: They really love each other still don't they....guess the one who really is good enough for Seohyun is Suho....Aigoo....Fighting for next chapter!
FatinFaiqah #6
Update soon :)
Chapter 57: SuDo fight....aigoo those two...pabo-ya! So immature! Fighting for next chapter!
Chapter 57: I like Seohyun with Suho better than with Kyungsoo. Well, Suho suits Seo better
Chapter 56: Omg I want her with Suho not D.O! Omg I just started shipping them together and now. Ugh. Suho's just really nice you know? Even if D.O is the father I don't want him with her. I feel that she's better off with Suho. I think D.O did something to trick Suho so he'd think she was a . Omg this is not comedy but I love it. Except the part when leos a demon or something.
Chapter 56: Can u send me a message to tell me when u finish updating thanks