First day of work

Who exactly is the father of my child?

The next morning


(EXO-K's dorm)
JungMyun's POV
"Get uuuuuuuuuuupppppppp! Get uuuuuuuuuuup!!!!!" Aish! its my annoying alarm clock I got up and checked the time its already 5 am.
"Ya. Sehun ah. Time to get up. We got schedule." I went to Sehun bed and pat on his shoulder and he start to wake up.
"Ne....hyung" He start to get up and stetch himself
"Don't forget to wake the other members up." I said as I went to bathroom to take a shower.
End of POV
few hours later....
Seohyun's POV
Ahhh~~~ I slept well. I checked on the time its 7.30 am. I went to the bathroom to take a shower and make breakfast for Leo after that. Leo is already awake and he plays with his toys.
"Leo ah. Come over any eat your breakfast."
"Ne. Omma."
"Leo, today omma is going to work. So Omma will bring to a daycare centre, an ahjjumah will take care of you. Please be good boy ok?" I said as I caressed his hair
"Ok." Leo said.
After we're done with breakfast and we went out of the house. I brought Leo to a daycare centre that was located near our apartment.
"Annyeong haseyo." I greeted an ahjjumah at the entrance
"Ne. Annyeong haseyo! You're Miss Seo right? You called the daycare that you needed someone to take care of your son."
"Ne. This my son Leo. He is 3 years old. Leo greet ahjummah."
"Ahjjumah annyeong haseyo chae irhreum Leo imnida." Greeted as he bow.
"Oh what a bubbly child come on in." She signaled Leo to enter
"I will be picking him up in the evening. Please do take care of him."
"Ne. I will. See you." She said and I went off to work.
(At SM building)
I walked over and arrived at the building and I went inside. What I could see was many people rushing around with their work. I went to the reception counter asking for direction to the management centre.
"Yes may I help you?"
"May I know which way is to the management centre?"
"Proceed to your right and that the elevator to level 5 and the management office is there."
"Ok thank you." I thanked the reception lady and when to the elevator and pressed the up button and waited for it to arrive. As the elevator arrive I saw a many people coming out of  the elevator. Suddenly there was this young man that sees me and start glaring at me with these O____O eyes, I was abit terrified and I entered the elevator quick.
End of POV
Isn't that the girl? What is she doing here? Why the heck did she run into the elevator when she saw me?
"Ya. D.O what are you looking at? Come lets go. Its time for your next schedule." My manger said
"Oh hyung, nothing I just saw someone I know that all."
"Then lets go."
Me and manger hyung went out of the building and take the car to our showcase.
End of POV
(Management centre)
Seohyun's POV
I took the elevator to level 5. As I went out, I take a look around to see where is the management office and I found it. I went to the reception counter located outside it.
"Annyeong haseyo, is this the management office? I got a call from here saying that I got a job."
"Are Miss Seo?"
"Yes. I am."
"Please follow me." The reception lady brought me towards an office and saw a there was someone waiting for me there.
"Hi. You must be the new artist manager." A man went to me and greet me
"Yes, I am Miss Seo. Nice to meet you."
"I am Mr Park. Nice to meet you. Would you like some coffee?"
"Erm no thank you. So basically what is my role in here?"
"Basically you need to make sure when there is a schedule for an artist that you're meant to meant to manage, you must make sure that the artist went to the correct place at the right time. When there is no schedule, your job is to keep track on schedules set by the system regularly. Its a simple job."
"Ne. I will be able to do it."
"For now we haven assigned you to manage any artist yet. So you will be managing Kangta for today in the afternoon. Now let me show you around the building."
Mr Park me take me on a tour around SM building and had a chit chat. After that it was lunch time, we both went to the cafeteria for lunch. After that we went to the office and he gave me some schedule printout on which artist I will be taking care today.
"Today Kangta is having his  music bank performance. So please make sure he is on time for his next schedule afterwards." He gave me a stack of paper of all the schedules I need to go.
"Ne. I will do my best."
"Here he is!" He pointed at a man called Kangta and signal him to come over.
"Kangta, she is new a manager. So she will be leading you for your schedules in the afternoon."
"Ne. Nice to meet you I am Kangta." He greeted me cheerfully
"Nice to meet you I am Seohyun.."
"Shall we head over to the KBS?'
"Lets go. Mr Park I am off now." I said as I leave with Kangta and we both went to take the car.
End of POV
(At EXO showcase backstage)
No one's POV
"Psssss guys I got something to tell you all." D.O tells all the member except for Suho to follow him to a nearby meeting room.
Sehun: What is it hyung?
Chanyeol: What? What?
D.O: I saw that girl, in SM building. It seems like she is up to something.
Kai: Are you sure?
Baekhyun: Don't tell me she is a stalker.
D.O: I saw her running into the elevator when she saw me. But I don't know why.
Chanyeol: Must me she was afraid of your big eyes because you always does O.O this.
Baekhyun: Hahahaha!!! Lol!
D.O: I am afraid she will awaken the case again.
Kai: No such thing! She won't be that bold to do that.
Coordinator: Ok boys, its time for your rehearsal. Please proceed to the stage now.
They all went out and go for their rehearsal.
End of POV
(KBS music station)
Seohyun's POV
Its my first time at KBS station and didn't know there were so many artist existed in Seoul! I am really amazed how this 3 years had changed. I was waitng for Kangta to finish changing and have his make up on.
"Is this really a music station?" I asked Kangta
"Yes, it is. Don't tell me you never came here before?"
"Nope, I have never been here. Its my first time being an artist manager."
"Oh, I see I will be off to my performance. I will be back soon."
"Ok. See you." I went to the coffee lounge nearby to monitor his performance on the television there. Wow I didn't know he was a good singer.
After his performance ended he came back to meet me.
"Wow your voice is so great!"
"Really? Many people say that too. So where is our next location?"
"Later you will be attending a talk in MBC channel at 3.00pm. Now its about 1.20pm. You can grab some beverage and start going there."
"Erm. I don't need to get beverage. I think we can go to MBC studio now." So the both of us including the coordinator went to the car and went off to MBC station.
"Later when we arrive, there will be another manager to take care of your next schedule so good luck."
"Ne. Thanks."
When we arrived at MBC. Me and Kangta went inside the building. The manager taking over me is already there. So I quickly went to him.
"Are you the new manager?"
"Yes. My name is Seohyun. Nice to meet you."
"Hi, I am Mr Lee nice to meet you to."
"By the way here is Kangta's schedule for the rest of the day." I handed him the schedule list.
"Ok Thanks."
"I will be going back to sent the report. good bye." I went to the car and tell the driver to send me back to SM.
I arrived at SM and went to Mr Park's office to submit the report.
"Oh you did a great job today. Its easy right?"
"Yes its a little easy."
"Well great job. By the way, I got an office desk for you at the staff room, come let me show you." I followed him to the staff room and he brought me to a desk.
"From tomorrow on you'll be using this desk so you don't need take trouble to send the report directly to my office. You can key in through the computer system our staff will help you out."
"Ok thanks Mr Park."
"Oh ya, one last thing. Starting tomorrow you will be managing EXO."
"EXO-K?" I asked him
"Yes EXO-K is a new band. The schedule is already in the system on your computer to so you can check on what time their daily schedule."
"Ok I will check on it." I checked on the computer and it says "EXO-K photoshoot 8.00 am at studio" wow that was so early, so that means I have to be at their dorm doorstep at 6.00 am to make sure they are out of their dorm at 6.30am.
I went off to the daycare to pick Leo up and cooked dinner for him.
"Leo ah~~ How was your day?"
"Leo is fine ahjummah is very nice. What about you omma?" He finished dinner and left the dining table.
"Omma is fine too. Leo ah, omma will be going to work early in the morning so please go to bed early so I can send you to the daycare early ok?"
"Ne omma." Leo kissed my cheek and went to take a shower and went to bed."
I washed the dished and took a shower. After I finished my shower, I went to my room to my laptop and surf the net for a while and went to bed.
End of POV
Author's Quote:
Since everyone like my story. I will try my best to create as much idea as I can.


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Chapter 61: yeah,, i thought the end it just like that anyway hwaiting 4 new fanfic ^_^
Chapter 61: omo! omo! a cliffie! yah! wae u made such a cliffie at the end?! aigoo! but love the wedding and their kids names kyaaaaaaa so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i demand a sequel for this! d.o and shin ae! seriously! Fighting!
Chapter 60: and just like that he forgive soo...well done...andy is here??? XDDD yah! suho at least more interested pabo-ya! Aigoo! Fighting for next chapter! Can't wait for the wedding!
Chapter 59: Am surprised Soo was choking he crazy?! Poor Seohyun...but all ends well in the end. Finally Seohyun and Joonmyeon gonna get married. Fighting for next chapter!
Chapter 58: They really love each other still don't they....guess the one who really is good enough for Seohyun is Suho....Aigoo....Fighting for next chapter!
FatinFaiqah #6
Update soon :)
Chapter 57: SuDo fight....aigoo those two...pabo-ya! So immature! Fighting for next chapter!
Chapter 57: I like Seohyun with Suho better than with Kyungsoo. Well, Suho suits Seo better
Chapter 56: Omg I want her with Suho not D.O! Omg I just started shipping them together and now. Ugh. Suho's just really nice you know? Even if D.O is the father I don't want him with her. I feel that she's better off with Suho. I think D.O did something to trick Suho so he'd think she was a . Omg this is not comedy but I love it. Except the part when leos a demon or something.
Chapter 56: Can u send me a message to tell me when u finish updating thanks