Something 'bout Love

[Shin Yeul's POV]

It's been 1 month, since we ran away from home.. And so far, no signs of Father's BGs.. But just in case, Oppa and I decided to dye our hair and i also curled up my hair.. I know, we still look the same and it won't change anything, but it's better to be careful..

And now, i'm on the super mart buying the ingredients for my kimchi soup and my special dukkbogi.. And OH!! Didn't i tell you that Yoseob and Dongwoon are leaving at my house too?.. Yes, that's right.. That big human puppy and big baby.. *sigh* I don't know why.. Though we're having so much fun, everyday.. Yoseob, always makes the mood up, Dongwoon always nag around.. While my Oppa is busy with her girlfriend.. And me? as usual..I'm always alone sitting infront of my laptop.. But sometimes me and Yoseob would go shopping and go to the amusement park, We're getting closer these days.. He's a funny person..

"Yah~ Shin Yeul.." I halted when someone called me.. I turn around, 'oh? speaking of the puppy..'

"Yoseob?" He smiled and walk towards me..

"Yah?~ What did i say to you calling me Shin Yeul~"

"Calling you Shin Yeul in public is dangerous.." Wow, he finished my sentence.. I smiled..

"Fine~ Don't ever~"

"Don't ever call you SHIN YEUL again.. OK GOT IT!!" Then, again he finished my statement..

I chuckled.. "Yah~ Do you have ESP?"

He shook his head playfully.. "Nope.. I'm a detective.."

"What's the connection~ AHhh.. Fine~ I give up.." I sighed..


"Why are you here by the way..?" I drag him along the vegetables section..

"I was left alone, because Dongwoon's father called him to finish the presentation setup for there company and Doojoon Hyung went out with Eunjung.." He pouted..

"AWW.. Poor little puppy.." I played with his hair..

"shin yeul.." He whispered my name.. "Let's buy that.." He said, that words in loud voice, pointing at the ice cream stall..

"Yah?~ You don't like calling me YooShin right?~" I said, when he drag me along to the ice cream stall..

"Nope.. Because, i love you real name.." He answered not looking at me.. The way he said that he loves my 'REAL' name, makes my heart skip.. Then, i snap out my thoughts..

"Ahjumma, 1 liter of vanilla ice cream.. please.." He said..

"Yah~ That's alot.."

"NAH..~" He paid and took the plastic bag with ice cream on it..

It's fun, being with Yoseob.. He makes me forget my problem, everything.. That's why i love being with him..

Nope, not to the extent that i like him(yet).. I just love to be with him as a friend.. Though, we always bicker in anything..

Just like now.. He wants to buy meat, because he wants to eat a samgyupsal..

"No~ I TOLD YOU NO!" I walked away from the meat section and left him, then he followed..

"Yah.. Just these once.." He tried stopping me..

"No~!" Then, i continued walking..

"SHIN YEUL..!!" He said my name out loud.. I turn back to him..

"YAH!!" I lightly slap his arm.. "YANG YOSEOB!"

"WHAT YOON SHIN YEUL?" He placed his arms on his hips.. Racing his left brow to me..

The people on the mart are looking at us.. giving us a 'What-the-heck?' look..

"Yah..Fine~Fine~ Just shut your mouth.." I looked down so i can't see their(people at the mart) gazes.. *sigh*

"Yes..!" I heard him said, As he ran towards the stall..Now, his picking what kind of meat is better..

"Your going to pay for that.." I said coldly..

He looked at me, but i looked away.."Yah~ Ok, i'll pay.. But? are you mad?"

"Just pick anything, so we can leave.." I said, and left..

"Yah~" He called, but i didn't look back.

[Yoseob's POV]

We went out at the mart.. She hasn't said a single, after what happen.. I tried talking to her, but she won't say anything ..

"Yah~" I pulled her arms before she went in her car..

"What?~ I'm tired let's go home.." She coldly said.. Taking away my hand.. She quickly went inside her car, started the engine and left..

I ran back to my car and followed her..

After Awhile..

Now, we're at her kitchen.. But, she keeps ignoring..

"Shin Yeul-ah.. What i did was wrong.. I'm sorry.." I said.. She was facing back at me, i think she's slicing something..

She turn around.. "Here, cook these.. So you won't die in hunger.." It was the meat that i bought earlier, now it was cut nicely.. I don't if i'm going to smile or what..

"what? are you going to do it or not?" she looked at me.. 'Is she still mad at me?'

"Oh..ok.." I took the plate and sat on the floor.. "But, uh? where's the?~"

"The roasting pan and the mini stove is inside that cabinet.." She pointed, the cabinet behind me..

I looked for the roasting pan and the stove.. "WOw? How could she have these?" I murmured to myself..

"Why? Do you have problem with that?" I almost dropped the pan, because she popped out from nowhere..

"Ah.. No.."



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it seems interesting! i will start reading it!! ^ ^ <3333