Chapter 7

Biting My Lips


Eunhyuk’s POV

I borrowed Kyuhyun’s laptop and was on the internet. Looking for more information about cooking.

This is easy… Tiramisu cake…

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door.

I quickly closed the lid of the laptop and went and open the door.

It was Mr. Kim.

“Good evening Mr. Kim, how may I help you at in the middle of the night?” I was surprised to see him.

“May I come in?” He asked.

Silly me.

“Y-Yes. Of course!!” I opened the door wider and pulled the chair on my dressing table for Mr. Kim to sit.

“I’ve heard what has happened earlier this afternoon…” He said and he smiled a little.

I smiled back. Thinking of what had happened earlier this afternoon.

Oh yes. An argument with his daughter…

“Thank you very much for trying to change my daughter…”

“It’s my job sir…”

“Here is your allowance…”

So fast?! But I’ve just served her for one day!!

“It will be more than enough for you to clear your debts…” He gave me a check.

I took a check and have a look at it.


“Mr. Kim!! I can’t accept so much money!! Please take it back!!” I stuffed the check into his hands and said.

“Take it young man… You’ve done a lot for me… I’ll just have to accept the fact that ______ can’t change anymore…”

“Don’t give up Mr. Kim. I will do my best to change Miss ______. Trust me.” I said and Mr. kim nodded his head and smiled.

“I’m glad that you’re here young man.” Mr. Kim patted his hand on my shoulder and said.

“And yes. One more thing boy…” Mr. Kim turned to me before he left my room.

“Yes sir?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Another thing about my daughter that I want you to change…” Then he walked closer to me and I closed my room door.

“She shops a lot…”

“Means she wastes a lot of money…” I interrupted.

“Yes. I want her to be independent. As you know, I want her to take over my company…” He said and he laughed.

Mr. Kim is a happy man. But why isn’t his daughter like him?!

“Of course sir. I’ll do my best…” I bowed at him and he nodded his head with a pleasant smile and left my room.

Your POV

A loud thud woke me up from my beauty sleep.

“What is going- on?” I yawned as I said and I turned to face the noise.

“WHAT THE F-” I screamed when I saw the gay fella’ sitting in front of my wardrobe.

“No foul language madam…” He smiled and said.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM???!!!!!” I cleared my throat and shouted again.

“Good morning ma-”

“I’m not that old for you to call me madam. Didn’t Si Won tell you what to call me?!” I sat up and frowned.

He just spoilt my mood…

“I apologize Miss _____.”

“Explain to me. What are you doing here?!”

“I’m helping you to keep your wardrobe clean.” He said and he continued to pull my handbags out from my wardrobe.

Now that’s what I’m talking about…

“Good. I want them all in order. I’ll write it down-”

“I think you’ve misunderstood me miss. I said I’m helping you. Not doing it for you. You’ll have to repack it yourself.”

“You’re joking right?” I laughed a little but he shook his head.

He’s serious.

“Well, I didn’t ask you to help me. I like it the way it is!!” I shouted.

“Just admit it Miss. You’re lazy.”

What the heck?!

“How could you talk to me like that?! I’ll cut-”

“My allowance?” He interrupted me. “I’m sorry to say that the person giving me my allowance is your father. Not you.”

He’s getting braver to talk to me that way.

“You are so rude!!!” I shouted and I turned away from him.

“Well, that’s just the way you talk to everybody…” He said.

I glared at him angrily and he quickly continued to get the things out of my wardrobe.


My annoying stomach.

“You must be hungry… Your breakfast is on the table.” He said as he pointed on the dressing table.

I took a look at the breakfast.

Oh My God!!

Are those my favorite??!!

“CHEESE CAKE!!!” I screamed and ran to the dressing table.

“Although it’s fattening but-”

“Thank you so much!! I haven’t been eating it for a long time!!!” I interrupted him and sat down and ate quickly.

“HALT!!!!” He suddenly shouted that nearly made me choke on my piece of cake.

“Have you done the first thing you must do when you wake up?!” He asked as he took the plate away from me.

I thought for a while and smirked at him.


“I didn’t see you doing it.” He said quickly and stared at me.

Oh boy… Stop looking at me!! You are making me melt!!!

He’s gay!! He’s gay!!!

I kept reminding myself so that I can’t fall in love with him.

“You don’t have to!!! You… You… ert!!” I exclaimed and tried to snatch the plate of cake from him.

“You must use your words wisely Miss _____.” He said as he pointed at me.

I think I’m going to die!!!

How could someone as good looking as he is be GAY!!!!!


“Please take a visit to the bathroom before you eat.” He smiled but I just glared at him.

“Are you giving me my cake or not?”

“Not.” He said and he looked out of the window.

I folded my arms. Glaring at him.

“What will you do if I don’t obey you?” I glared at him.

I saw his shocked expression. Then it slowly turned to a sad face.

“Well, do you really have to know?” He said and he put the plate on the dressing table and went close to me.

His face was a few centimeters to mine.

Stop beating so fast!!! Stop beating so fast!!

I was commanding my heart. Telling it not to beat so fast.

“If you do not obey me, you’ll have to…”

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KwanHarin #1
Chapter 40: “I am back… to tell her… I love her…”
And this is the place where i cried a bit :D It was so touchy :D
And i was about to hate from Jay Park ! :D
And god, for a moment, i thought he won't come back :D
And aside the story, you have a great writing skill! I laughed, cried, suprised a lot and sentences were excellent! That word games (for example kidnapped==>Guynapped==>gaynapped) haha :D And that's why i prefer reading finished fanfictions, because i don't think i can patient enough until the next chapter! It was so exiting that i finished the reading in a few hours! Thanks again, from the subjects to characters, were awesome ^0^
Chapter 39: THANKS FOR THE COMMENTS @Just_Why and @codebluemoon (JAENIELHYUK)!!!!!
Chapter 39: Can I kill Eunhyuk? even just for a while?
JAENIELHYUK here btw. :D WHYYYY?!!!???!
T_T Eunhyuk... damn it.. get your back there!
Chapter 39: Hyuk just disappear???
or He make his own carrier now?
Sweetlove123 #5
Chapter 38: Awww poor Hyukkie Plz don't go~~ I hate this mr. diamond he always makes a moves on her but as always u leaved it at a suspense So Authornim plz update it soon I really love to read your story ^•^
shinyung #6
please update soon ! i want she finish with eunhyuk
Sweetlove123 #7
THANKS FOR UPDATING but at last what she meant when she said to Mr. Diamond that she need him.....
Awww plzz update soon :)
Chapter 37: Offfff courrrrssseeeee hyukkiiieeeeee t n t
No dont leave meh eunhyuk!!! I haechu dont you leave meh!
Update sooooon!
Chapter 36: Reporters.........gahhhhhh leave us aloneeeeee lol
Chapter 35: Finaaaalllllyyyyy oh mai gadddddd!!!! I thought appa died!!!! Wahhhhhh i missed reading this!!! Was reading the previous chappies 2 months ago!