Chapter 40

Biting My Lips

Your POV

Morning came and I was awake by Donghae who was busy knocking on my room door.

I got out of bed and opened the door.

There stood several females, dressed in typical maid’s attire.

“Leeteuk hyung made sure that your wedding will be the best of all, Miss____________” Donghae bowed and said.

“By hiring more maids?” I asked curiously.

“They are here to help you with your hair and makeup, Miss ___________” Donghae replied again.

“Kamsahamnida Donghae,” I smiled at him. “Tell Leeteuk he did a great job…”

Donghae bowed at me and as soon as I turned around to yawn, I was suddenly lifted up.

“AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed very loudly and realized that I was locked in my room with my new “maids”.

They put me on the chair of my dressing table and I watched them rush around.

One of them took out a box and opened it.

The box was filled with makeup tools, eye shadows, brushes…

Another opened her bag and I saw that it was filled with manicure and pedicure tools.

“Bwoh?!” I was shocked. I took a look at my own nails; it was done a few days ago!!

“I did my nails already!” I showed them my nails, but they just kept quiet and removed the nail polish on my nails and redid them.

Leeteuk’s POV

“Test one two... Test one two…” Shindong and the others were checking their security system.

“Everybody stand in a line!” I cleared my throat and shouted.

I was the head of security for today.

“There will be a lot of people attending Miss ___________’s wedding, we must be very careful of unwanted visitors!”

“DEH!” The other bodyguards shouted for understanding.

“Many bosses from big companies and many celebrities will be here today, behave yourselves and do your best to protect Miss ___________!!!”

That was the last sentence from me.

I took a glance at Donghae, Siwon, Shindong and Kyuhyun.

They all gave me a nod and we stood at our respective places to guard Kim’s residence.

The wedding was held in Kim residence’s own garden as it was big enough to fill that much people.

“Kyu,” I shouted. He turned to me shocked and walked quickly to me.

“Check on Miss ___________ and see if she’s ready…” Kyuhyun gave me a nod and I saw him running towards the mansion.

Your POV

I stared at myself in the mirror.

My hair was tied up in a bun, with the crown and the vale neatly on my head.

I was wearing the wedding dress every girl would love to own…

Real diamonds by Jay Park Diamonds on the tube dress.

The diamonds were too much for me to even count them!

I stood up and gave a twirl in my room and stared at the mirror once again.

Someone was watching me from behind…

“Come in Kyuhyun…” I slightly turned to him and smiled.

“D-Deh Miss __________,” Kyuhyun bowed and stepped into my room.

“You’re very pretty Miss __________,” I could feel that Kyuhyun was speaking from the heart.

“Kamsahamnida Kyuhyun-shi…” I smiled at him.

Then tears started to fill my eyes.

“I’m getting married…” My voice cracked when I said it.

“To… To the man that was there for me… when I needed him the most…”

I swallowed hard, and smiled again.

“No Miss _______... Don’t cry, please! You’re making me cry too!” Kyuhyun looked at the ceiling when he said it.

I laughed at how funny he was.

“Silly boy…” I said softly and lifted my gown. I took the bunch of roses on the bed and took a deep breath. “Let’s go!”

I walked out of my room and saw father standing by the staircase.

“My daughter is so beautiful today…”Abeoji grabbed my hand and smiled proudly at me.

He gave me a kiss on the forehead and continued smiling at me.

Tears rolled down my cheeks…

I’m getting married…

That feeling of growing up… growing old…

That feeling of moving to another place to live…

“Pabo-yah… you can come home and visit me anytime…” Abeoji wiped my tears away as he said.

“Are you ready?”

I took a deep breath.

I smiled and nodded my head.

With that, abeoji walked me down the staircase.

Many relatives and unknown people watched us as they cheered and clapped.

Reporters taking photographs from the minute I walked down the stairs to the garden.

The priest was standing there.

The back of a man in a suit…

Facing me…

Waiting for me…

He then turned to me, and smiled brightly.

It’s the man I’m about to marry to…

Park Jaybeom…

Jay took his hand out, ready to receive mine.

Father did not say anything when he put my hand on Jay’s palm.

He took one last look at me and walked to sit aside.

I smiled at Jay then turned to the priest who was talking.

I did not really pay attention on what he was saying until one sentence…

“Any objections?”

Everyone was silent except for the photographers who were taking pictures.

“Any objections?” The priest asked again.

I looked around; feeling something fishy is going on…

“Any objections??!!” The priest raised his voice louder when he asked for the third time.

“Priest Lee Sungmin! What are you-” I whispered but he did not seem to hear me.

“No objections? Seriously?!” The priest’s eyes widened as he looked around the crowd.

“What is going on?!” I whispered to Jay but he just shrugged.

“Come on! One last chance! Any objections?!” Priest Lee put his Bible aside and placed his hands on his waist to ask again. This time in an angry tone.

Priest Lee let out a deep breath and is about to raise his voice again…


“WAIT!!!!!” Suddenly another male voice shouted from behind.

“ME!! ME!!” The voice continued. “I OBJECT!!”

Jay turned around but I stood still.

My jaw dropped.

Tears were filling my eyes once again.

This can’t be…

My heart was racing for no reason…

Soon, the crowd was making noise…

Reporters were busy asking questions.

“I-I…” The man was catching his breath.

“Mianhae… I’m late…” That was his first sentence.

“I OBJECT!” He shouted again.

I forced myself not to cry…

But it was so hard to do so…

My heartbeat was skipping a beat faster.

It went faster and faster…

“I object to the fact that the woman that I love is going to marry someone she does not love!” He continued.

“I left her 5 years ago, I left her broken hearted and now I am back… I am back with a stable job… I am now a well known chef…” He swallowed hard.

Is he crying…?

“I am back to apologize to her… To tell her how stupid I was to leave her without telling her…”

His voice came closer…

 “To tell her how stupid I was to push her to Diamond boy who will definitely make her life happier….”

And closer…

“To tell her how sorry I am to break her heart…”

Then I felt my hand being grabbed.

 “I am back… to tell her… I love her…”

I did not turn back…

Tears were rolling down my cheeks non-stop…

“___________, mianhae…”

This time, I turned around.

It was really him!

Lee Eunhyuk…

After all these years… He did not change much…

Weirdly, he was in a suit.

He was on his knees.

He was really crying…

“Saranghaeyo _____________,” he swallowed.

“Marry me _________.”

Eunhyuk took a small box out of his pants pocket and opened it.

Inside, laid a diamond ring.

My jaw dropped instantly.

I didn’t know how to feel…

I didn’t know if I should be happy or cry more.

I looked around, the crowd was smiling…

Abeoji was smiling and nodding at me…

Leeteuk and the gang were also smiling brightly at me…

Kyuhyun and Donghae were more to dancing happily…

I took a look at Jay.

He smiled at me and nodded his head.

“It was all your father’s plan…” Jay spoke. “The plan was to get this bastard back to marry you…”

I laughed.

Then cheers were heard…

 “Believe it or not, he paid for all these expenses…” Jay continued. “Well, the wedding dress is a present from me, of course!”

I laughed more…

I was so happy…

I can’t believe this…

“Marry me _____________.” Eunhyuk repeated.

I nodded my head and the crowd was cheering loudly.

Eunhyuk slipped the ring into my finger and held my hand tightly as he stood up.

He bit his lower lip…

Then he grabbed the back of my neck and landed a long soft kiss on my lips.

I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes.

“Lee Eunhyuk…” I whispered. “Saranghaeyo…”

 Eunhyuk smiled and continued the kiss.





Thank you for being so patient with me!!! <3 <3 <3

Although it’s the final chapter, but I REALLY REALLY hope that each of you enjoyed reading << Biting My Lips>> despite my “non-frequent” updating, you guys still continued to support me and read << Biting My Lips>>…

Did any of you cried when reading the last chapter? Haha!!

I did!! (shhh!!! Don’t tell!!) xD

I will miss writing << Biting My Lips>>… I have never felt so emotional writing this story…

Now it’s time for me to focus on << Shinning Stars 2>> that I have kind of “abandoned” (Oops!)…

I really would like to thank all of you for giving me the most unexpected support after every chapter I have written…



I hope that you guys, as my readers, will continue to support me in my other stories coming up soon!!!

Once again…


SARANGHAEYO!!!!! <3 <3 <3

<< Biting My Lips>> HWAITING!!!!

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KwanHarin #1
Chapter 40: “I am back… to tell her… I love her…”
And this is the place where i cried a bit :D It was so touchy :D
And i was about to hate from Jay Park ! :D
And god, for a moment, i thought he won't come back :D
And aside the story, you have a great writing skill! I laughed, cried, suprised a lot and sentences were excellent! That word games (for example kidnapped==>Guynapped==>gaynapped) haha :D And that's why i prefer reading finished fanfictions, because i don't think i can patient enough until the next chapter! It was so exiting that i finished the reading in a few hours! Thanks again, from the subjects to characters, were awesome ^0^
Chapter 39: THANKS FOR THE COMMENTS @Just_Why and @codebluemoon (JAENIELHYUK)!!!!!
Chapter 39: Can I kill Eunhyuk? even just for a while?
JAENIELHYUK here btw. :D WHYYYY?!!!???!
T_T Eunhyuk... damn it.. get your back there!
Chapter 39: Hyuk just disappear???
or He make his own carrier now?
Sweetlove123 #5
Chapter 38: Awww poor Hyukkie Plz don't go~~ I hate this mr. diamond he always makes a moves on her but as always u leaved it at a suspense So Authornim plz update it soon I really love to read your story ^•^
shinyung #6
please update soon ! i want she finish with eunhyuk
Sweetlove123 #7
THANKS FOR UPDATING but at last what she meant when she said to Mr. Diamond that she need him.....
Awww plzz update soon :)
Chapter 37: Offfff courrrrssseeeee hyukkiiieeeeee t n t
No dont leave meh eunhyuk!!! I haechu dont you leave meh!
Update sooooon!
Chapter 36: Reporters.........gahhhhhh leave us aloneeeeee lol
Chapter 35: Finaaaalllllyyyyy oh mai gadddddd!!!! I thought appa died!!!! Wahhhhhh i missed reading this!!! Was reading the previous chappies 2 months ago!