First Mssions

The plague doctor's

I smiled as Ryeowook sat beside me examining his new outfit in the mirror of our new shared room.

“What do you think Min hyung, is it cute?” he asked me still eyeing his reflection. I chuckled before replying with a yes and eyeing my own mask in my hands. A new division of freedom fighters. How had we managed to become this? Were we even going to live through this? I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing Wookie lying dead in my arms, no that thought had kept me up since this nightmare had started.

“Hyung?” Ryeowook’s voice drew me from my thoughts as I looked over at his worried face.

“Ne Wookie, what’s wrong?” I asked offering him a gentle smile.

“Our you  worried about our new mission?” he asked me as he made his way beside me. I nodded, partners never lied to the other right? We depended on trust.

“Don’t worry, I have your back hyung, no Doctori can beat us.” Ryeowook beamed puffing out his chest cutely.

“Your right, we are Minwook.” I smiled earning a smile in return from my crush. The two of us made our way out onto the streets, our eyes widening as we took in the destruction Doctori had caused since their takeover. Buildings crumbled and the ground was ruined. Everything was dead now.

“It’s scary hyung,” Ryeowook whispered beside me as he walked closer and grabbed my sleeve. I couldn’t deny the comfort the small act brought me as I led us forward to our mission. We had to get a file from one of the Doctori headquarters, A.K.A, the mayor’s office. Downtown, was an hours walk from where we were and the whole area was littered with Doctori. In our getup, getting passed them without being spotted would be hard. Within thirty minutes of walking and avoiding the few Doctori’s we saw, we made it to the safe zone and examined our target.

“I can provide a distraction hyung, if you can get in and grab the file.” Ryeowook whispered making me blink. I didn’t like that plan. However, I also didn’t like the idea of Wook entering the den of Doctori demons.

“Ok, don’t die on me Wookie,” I ordered kissing his lips. My heart accelerated as he returned the kiss making me blush.

“Same goes for you,” he softly ordered before crawling to start his diversion. I softly counted to ten before making my own way forward to my target.


Kyuhyun and I were ready to leave. Our outfits were camouflaging our bodies well and we had our orders.

“Are you sure you two can handle this?” Hankyung asked eyeing the two of us. I felt Kyuhyun’s hand tighten in my own as I nodded my head.

“Good, they can’t have gone far we are depending on you for this.” Hankyung stated.

“Ne,” we chorused before walking off to locate the resistant’s spy. As we walked down the streets of Seoul, I felt Kyu begin to slow down. I sighed before stopping and turning to him.

“Kyu, tell hyung what’s bothering you. You can’t do this mission without a clear head, you’ll get hurt.” I explained, tucking a strand of his brown locks behind his ear.

“Yesung hyung, I’m worried about us. All of us.” The makanae admitted making me blink. We all knew what we were doing when we signed up for this.

“I’m sorry; hyung knows this is scary for you. I’m scared too, but we have to do this or we will forever be ruled by these masked demons.” I stated making Kyuhyun nod. I smiled before kissing his forehead and making him blush a sweet red.

“I love you Kyu, your more than just my dongsae, I’ll admit that. But, that being said, I won’t let you die, that I promise.” I whisper loud enough for only him to hear. I felt the makanae’s arms tangle around me, embracing me in a tight hug. It reminded me of the ones we shared before this all happened. My heart beat faster as we tightened our grip not noticing the sound of footsteps that drew closer to us. No, we didn’t notice those until it was too late. Kyuhyun was the first to see the danger we were in as he whimpered and held me in his arms with fear shaking him. I wanted to soothe that fear, but my own fear prevented that as the subjects of our hunt stood before us. The long beak of the Doctori’s mask was in my face barely touching my nose making me hold my breath, scared the act would lead to both mine and Kyu’s death.

“So, they sent two little rats after a rat, pitiful,” a female voice laughed. She wore a tight fitting black ninja suit with a mask showing nothing but her dark red eyes.

“Who are you?” I asked trying to sound braver than I felt as Kyu tried to calm his shivering. The girl was holding a sword up to Kyu’s face making me fear what would happen if the boy chose to move. I felt the Doctori’s stick roaming up my body searching for a place to hit. The air was growing colder as if sensing the next death that would taint the air.

“I don’t believe you’re going to live long enough for that to matter,” the woman spoke making my blood freeze. She had no intention of letting us live. We were just prey she wanted to play with.

“Knock them out, they will be a perfect gift for our return.” She ordered making me yelp before something banged against my head. All I could make out  was the fuzzy image of the Doctori’s beaked face.


I ran forward knowing that behind me was the enemy. My steps echoed throughout the empty street as the dense fog made everything blurry. I could barely make out the streetlamps and buildings as I ran past, my breath coming in pants as I swiftly turned the corner. I knew they were catching up and being caught would mean a fate worse than death. I could see the safe zone ahead, but did I dare go near it with those monsters so close? no, I couldn’t lead them to him. To any of them. The mask on my face blocked my peripheral view handicapping my line of sight, but I could hear them. I felt horrible about this, my first mission and I failed. I turned a final corner I was getting closer just a few more feet, almost there.

“AHHHHHHHHHHH!” my scream escaped before I could stop it as several Doctori blocked my path. A glisten of silver raced before me as I closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable.

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Next updates for this story will be on the 24 of oct for americans and then the 31'st of oct so please anticipate


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Iminthezone #2
This is a brilliantly written story and plot line. Definitely one of my favorites ever!!!
Chapter 16: least they dont die alone.hahaha.
I wanted to tell you that the italian word for 'doctor' is actually 'dottore' and plural is 'dottori', 'doctori' may be latin or romanian but certainly not italian. (I'm italian :))
really awesome story!! amazing!! ♥ i loved it!! ♥
SuperJunior713 #7
Chapter 16: . . . WHAT?! KYU IS STILL ALIVE?! *shivers
HOW?! Yesung died by himself? DDD:
Chapter 16: OMGOMGOMG. at the first chapter i was crying when i read it, then i had a goosebumps all the time, then i scared when i saw the last pict...

why kyu still alive? he should be die with yeye. and what happen with eunhae? ._.
Chapter 16: Oh dear Shisus Christ! *dies* First they beheaded ZhouRy, then they tried to kill Kyu but it was unsuccessful (BUT HE LIVED?! HELL YOU DUDE!), then Heechul fell from the roof dead and also Hankyung, then KangTeuk died also, AND THEN MY YESUNG DIED ALONE?!?!? HOW DARE YOU! CHO KYUHYUN! NO MORE VIDEO GAMES FOR YOU, PUNK! (Kyu: Yah, I heard that! Me: *sticks tongue out*)

Okay, that gave me the shivers. Oh my gooosh. You killed all of them in the story! AND WHAT HAPPEND TO EUNHAE?! O.o