
The plague doctor's

Yesung panted as he carried a wounded Kyuhyun on his back. The makanae’s whimpers made his heart ache as he tried to hurry to safety. If Doctori found them now, he wouldn’t be able to avoid them.

“Sungie hyung,” Kyu panted out making Yesung pause and glance over at his dongsae.

“What is it Kyu?” he asked worried the boy was hurting more.

“I hear something,” he stated placing his head on his hyung’s shoulder. Yesung moved to a wall pressing himself close so that Kyuhyun would be hidden. The footsteps Kyuhyun had heard were drawing closer making Yesung hold his breath as he readied the gun at his side. Kyuhyun held his hyung tighter as they waited for the footsteps to come closer. Finally, the moment they had been waiting for arrived as Yesung clicked the gun.

“Yipes!” a high pitched voice yelped making Yesung freeze. He knew that voice. “Leeteuk hyung?” Yesung asked eyeing his leader.

“Did you just try and kill me?” Leeteuk asked as Kangin grabbed Kyuhyun from Yesung’s back.

“No, not really,” Yesung lied as he followed Kangin and his dongsae down the hall.

“I can’t believe you shot at me, my own child tried to kill me.” Leeteuk continued as they escaped the labyrinth of halls.

“The others are keeping watch outside,” Kangin explained as they neared the door.

“Any Doctori?” Yesung asked making sure to stay within Kyuhyun’s line of sight.

“No, Heechul killed a lot of them with a sniper from the building infront of here.” Kangin said. Yesung nodded as they stopped to rest before making their way towards the exit.

“Kyu, what did they do to you?” Leeteuk asked as he eyed the youngest child. Kyuhyun shook his head making Yesung sigh. Just by looking at him, he knew they had hurt him badly.

“Is everyone alright?” Sungmin asked as he entered the building.

“Kyu’s hurt badly,” Yesung replied as Sungmin eyed the makanae.

“I have a health kit I found in the hospital a few building down. Ryeowook’s there now with Hankyung hyung.” Sungmin replied.

“Why is Wookie in the infirmary?” Leeteuk asked.

“His leg got worse.” Sungmin whispered as he aided Kangin with the makanae. As they made their way outside, they noticed Heechul exiting the building he had vacated.

“Hannie and Wookie are still inside the hospital,” Heechul explained. Leeteuk nodded before allowing Heechul to lead them to the building. Hankyung looked up when they entered and gasped at the sight of the makanae.

“What did they do to him?” he asked as Ryeowook tried to see as well. Sungmin placed Kyuhyun on the bed beside the eternal makanae and sat down on Wookie’s bed.

“Multiple cuts and extensive bruising.” Hankyung whispered.

“If Nari were here then we could get a better assessment, she’s better at medical stuff than we are.” Leeteuk whispered.

“Will he be okay?” Yesung asked worried as he Kyuhyun’s hair.

“Hopefully,” Hankyung answered as Heechul and Kangin guarded the door. The sun was setting outside, Doctori would be hunting them soon.

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Next updates for this story will be on the 24 of oct for americans and then the 31'st of oct so please anticipate


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Iminthezone #2
This is a brilliantly written story and plot line. Definitely one of my favorites ever!!!
Chapter 16: least they dont die alone.hahaha.
I wanted to tell you that the italian word for 'doctor' is actually 'dottore' and plural is 'dottori', 'doctori' may be latin or romanian but certainly not italian. (I'm italian :))
really awesome story!! amazing!! ♥ i loved it!! ♥
SuperJunior713 #7
Chapter 16: . . . WHAT?! KYU IS STILL ALIVE?! *shivers
HOW?! Yesung died by himself? DDD:
Chapter 16: OMGOMGOMG. at the first chapter i was crying when i read it, then i had a goosebumps all the time, then i scared when i saw the last pict...

why kyu still alive? he should be die with yeye. and what happen with eunhae? ._.
Chapter 16: Oh dear Shisus Christ! *dies* First they beheaded ZhouRy, then they tried to kill Kyu but it was unsuccessful (BUT HE LIVED?! HELL YOU DUDE!), then Heechul fell from the roof dead and also Hankyung, then KangTeuk died also, AND THEN MY YESUNG DIED ALONE?!?!? HOW DARE YOU! CHO KYUHYUN! NO MORE VIDEO GAMES FOR YOU, PUNK! (Kyu: Yah, I heard that! Me: *sticks tongue out*)

Okay, that gave me the shivers. Oh my gooosh. You killed all of them in the story! AND WHAT HAPPEND TO EUNHAE?! O.o