
The plague doctor's

Sleep seemed to evade the group as sounds filled the night skies. Shindong kept pacing the clearing like he was waiting for something. Sungmin kept clinging to Ryeowook as they eyed the skies waiting for their death it seemed. Sungmin shook his head not wanting to think about it. It hurt too much already knowing he might not survive the day or night. This was a new hell that made the old one something to yearn for. Every sound scared him; the Doctori could come at any moment and kill them. Yet, here they stayed like loyal children, praying one of the good guys would find them, or one of them would wake up to discover this all to be a bad dream .

“Shindong come sit down your making me uneasy.” Nari instructed. Siwon and Kibum had found a radio and were currently trying to find a broadcast of what was going on in the area. Suddenly, Kibum yelled for Siwon to stop. Everyone perked up as voices came from the small speakers.

“Seoul…. Few moments…..Doctori,”

“It’s fading too much,” Nari said trying to hear more.

“Nuclear… ten minutes,” it continued. All heads turned in confusion as Ryeowook started laughing.

“Wookie?” Sungmin asked.

“We are all going to die, I’ll see everyone soon.” He continued.  

“Don’t speak like that; we don’t know exactly what that message means.” Nari stated angrily at the eternal makanae. Sungmin tried to hush Ryeowook’s constant mumbles of death, but he seemed to only be able to whisper those repeated words.

“Please stop Wookie,” Sungmin begged as the others glared at him and tried to find a clearer broadcast. Sungmin closed his eyes holding Ryeowook closer pleading for him to be quiet before the words became truth.


This was it, ten minutes and counting until their deaths. Amber closed her eyes as she waited for her doom while the rest of Doctori continued about their business trying to complete their newest experiment before time went out. Her body shook as she watched the Doctori work on the body they had collected, the only live person they had caught. She knew his identity, knew his likes, but she hated that he was to become one of them. The being he feared. If the experiment went as intended, then he would survive this apocalypse and continue the Doctori’s reign. But, she refused to remain in this hell, she was sickened by the thought of being one of them. It made her sick that she had even joined them. She knew her friends and fellow bandmates had not had a choice. They had been subjected to the same experimental research this boy was going through. Another toy for the Doctori to play with. And in four minutes, they would know if their hard work would succeed or not. Her blood ran cold at the thought of their reign continuing, that someone else would inherit their problem. Bile rose in at the thought as she fell to her knees coughing. This was indeed the end, she was sorry for her part in this end. Two minutes, her mind wouldn’t operate right as she leaned against the wall listening to the boys screams as the Doctori stitched him up. One Minute. Silently, she began counting as she heard the whistle of the missile.


I held Ryeowook tighter, as he silently sang to himself. Siwon and Kibum were praying together as Shindong and Nari kissed and exchanged I love yous. Everyone had someone. I was grateful with my friends deaths, none of them died alone for the one thing. Even though it had to be rough knowing your loved one was going to die with you, it had to give them some peace to know they wouldn’t die alone. Ryeowook jumped as we both heard the impact, we saw the light, felt the heat as we were thrown to the ground. Both Wook’s and my hands were linked as we stared the other in the eye waiting for death. I couldn’t help the scream that left my mouth as I felt my body burn and my bones become dust. Yet, the only true noise I heard was Ryeowook’s own screams of agony. The last noise I heard before I died. But, I wasn’t sad, I knew I wasn’t going to die alone. This must have been how the others felt.


Two months later American and Korean soldiers examined the blast sight curious of what was left. The rubble of the once bubbling town was now ruins of its once glory. The Doctori had taken over the magnificent of the place along with the government making it impossible to get near. They had been forced to nuclearize the area. The Korean’s had been happy for America to lend them the materials. The media had covered the day of the bombing from the skies. They had prayed for the victims below. The thing’s that survived the blast were now being collected. Life was continuing onward around the world and much as Nagasaki and Hiroshima, this incident would forever be in history books.

“Hey Lee, go look over in that corner!” one of the soldiers instructed pointing the ruins of army base. The soldier nodded his head shifting through all that was left of the base and expecting to find nothing. The man seemed oblivious to the dark shadow that had fallen over the room.  The lifeless computers the particles of dust that covered everything. The broken walls and piles of rubble had fallen in neat piles making the area seem as if nature had cleared it up itself.

“Yah, I can’t find anything,” Lee called as he stood up straighter from the mess he had scrambled through. He shivered at the new chill that fell over him as he turned, yelping as a cloaked figure with a beak like mask stared back at him.

“D-Doctori, you should all be dead.” The man yelped as the Doctori lifted his weapon and beheaded the man. Slowly, the creature turned and moved its gloved hand up to its mask revealing the face of Cho Kyuhyun.



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Next updates for this story will be on the 24 of oct for americans and then the 31'st of oct so please anticipate


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Iminthezone #2
This is a brilliantly written story and plot line. Definitely one of my favorites ever!!!
Chapter 16: Hmmm..at least they dont die alone.hahaha.
I wanted to tell you that the italian word for 'doctor' is actually 'dottore' and plural is 'dottori', 'doctori' may be latin or romanian but certainly not italian. (I'm italian :))
really awesome story!! amazing!! ♥ i loved it!! ♥
SuperJunior713 #7
Chapter 16: . . . WHAT?! KYU IS STILL ALIVE?! *shivers
HOW?! Yesung died by himself? DDD:
Chapter 16: OMGOMGOMG. at the first chapter i was crying when i read it, then i had a goosebumps all the time, then i scared when i saw the last pict...

why kyu still alive? he should be die with yeye. and what happen with eunhae? ._.
Chapter 16: Oh dear Shisus Christ! *dies* First they beheaded ZhouRy, then they tried to kill Kyu but it was unsuccessful (BUT HE LIVED?! HELL YOU DUDE!), then Heechul fell from the roof dead and also Hankyung, then KangTeuk died also, AND THEN MY YESUNG DIED ALONE?!?!? HOW DARE YOU! CHO KYUHYUN! NO MORE VIDEO GAMES FOR YOU, PUNK! (Kyu: Yah, I heard that! Me: *sticks tongue out*)

Okay, that gave me the shivers. Oh my gooosh. You killed all of them in the story! AND WHAT HAPPEND TO EUNHAE?! O.o