The raid

The plague doctor's

Heechul’s eyes drooped as he watched the alleyway infront of the hospital. It was dark now and Doctori were roaming the streets. Behind him, the others slept peacefully. Hankyung was leaning against the wall beside Heechul as Leeteuk and Kangin slept on one of the beds across from the minwook couple. Ryeowook’s leg looked worse; they would need to find Nari fast if they wanted to save his leg. Kyuhyun was in even worse shape though, Yesung was beside him refusing to leave incase the boy needed something.

The streets were empty as usual making Heechul both bored and uneasy. He had been warned about the Doctori creeping up since their headquarters were right beside them.

“You awake?” Hankyung asked making Heechul jump slightly.

“Ne,” Heechul replied as Hankyung smiled and placed the palm of his hand against his lover’s cheek.

“Wo ai ni,” he whispered making Heechul blush slightly.

“Saranghae,” Heechul repeated. The two leaned close, closing their eyes. Just as their lips touched, sirens began going off waking the group from their slumber.

“What’s going on?” Ryeowook called as he tried to climb out of his bed. Sungmin quickly forced him back down as he returned to glare at the Hanchul couple.

“Doctori,” Hankyung replied.

“How close?” Kangin asked as Leeteuk and Yesung moved to protect Kyuhyun.

“Too close for comfort,” Hankyung answered with a snarl.

“Four in sight on the left, three on the right, and two straight ahead.” Heechul announced as he used the scope of his sniper to study the enemy.

“Kyu, you’re gonna make it.” Yesung whispered kissing the makanae’s lips.

“I know hyung,” Kyuhyun replied with a weak smile.

“I can fight,” Ryeowook pouted as he used Sungmin to prop himself up.

“No, Leeteuk hyung, Kangin get them out of here. Heechul and I will keep Doctori busy. Find Siwon and the others,” Hankyung ordered.

“How do we even know their still alive?” Leeteuk asked not wanting to separate again.

“It’s Shisus, he can’t die,” Heechul laughed trying to ease the situation.

“Come on hyung, we have to go.” Sungmin called as Ryeowook leaned against him. The Hanchul couple watched the group leave before turning to eachother.

“I love you Hannie,” Heechul whispered kissing Hankyung’s lips.

“Love you too,” Hankyung replied. “Go, provide cover for them from the rooftop, I’ll handle these.” Hankyung instructed.

“See you in hell,” Heechul smiled.

“See you then,” Hankyung replied before grabbing his own gun and rushing out the door.


Shindong walked back to their camp with the fresh water he had found.

“Kibum should be back soon with food,” Nari smiled as her boyfriend sat down beside her.

“Good, oh the sirens went off in town again.” He announced.

“I hope the others are okay,” she whispered.

“Same,” Shindong replied. They sat in silence for a bit before the bushes behind them began to rustle. Both jumped up pointing their guns at the bushes waiting for the enemy to appear.

“Whoa, wait it’s just us!” Siwon’s voice called making the two ease up as Siwon and Kibum emerged.

“Did you see anything or one?” Nari asked as she helped Kibum with the food.

“No, but we heard the siren’s,” Kibum answered. Siwon sighed before taking a seat and running his fingers through his hair.

“We need to go back and search for survivors.” He announced finally.

“But Doctori are everywhere!” Shindong replied.

“Our friends may still be alive,” Kibum pointed out. Nair sighed before eyeing her gun.

“The Doctori are out right now, but the sirens will distract them enough for us to sneak inside and search,” she explained. Siwon nodded as Shindong sighed.

“Then let’s do this, Nari, you and Shindong stay here and prepare in case we need medical support. Kibum, you and I are going to search for survivors.” Siwon ordered.

“Ne,” they saluted before rushing to do their deeds.


Amber glared at the computer screen before her as it counted down. So far, the military base was HQ for the more experimental studies Doctori were running. Her attention shifted to two new Doctori that entered the room.

“You have order’s, do them, you have twenty four hours left to complete your mission.” She instructed before returning her attention to the screen. The Doctori left making her sigh as she closed her eyes. All hope for returning home disappeared as the closer time ticked to zero.


Ryeowook screamed as Doctori fell dead around him. Sungmin held him closer as they made their way closer to the abandoned buildings. Heechul was doing his best to provide cover, but the Doctori were flanking him.

“It’s like they keep multiplying.” Ryeowook whimpered as Sungmin searched for the others. Kangteuk was providing cover for the Kyusung couple as they tried to make their own escape.

“We won’t make it,” Ryeowook whispered watching as the Doctori surrounded them. Sungmin turned, placing his hands on his partners face.

“We die, we die together, but you will never die alone Kim Ryeowook, hyung love’s you more than anything, I love you.” Sungmin whispered.

“I love you too,” Ryeowook replied kissing Sungmin’s lips. Screams sent them apart as Heechul fell lifeless from the rooftop. Sungmin panicked as he grabbed Ryeowook and dragged him away from the death and the others.

“Hyung, the other’s,” Ryeowook called worried for his friends.

“We’ll meet back up, but we have to live,” Sungmin said as he pulled the other to the buildings by the tree line.


Yesung could hear the yelling around him as he carried Kyuhyun to safety. Kangin and Leeteuk were no longer flanking his side’s making him uneasy.

“Hyung,” Kyuhyun whispered as Doctori closed in on them. Yesung panicked as he turned a corner, freezing when he realized he reached a dead end. He sat Kyuhyun down against the wall standing protectively infront of him, blocking the Doctori’s path to him. The Doctori stood before them holding up their weapons.

“Kyu, hyung love’s you.” Yesung whispered as the makanae screamed his name. Yesung’s blood splashed against both Kyuhyun and the wall as his body fell motionless to the floor. Kyuhyun smiled as the Doctori turned to him.


Leeteuk froze in fear, as he found Hankyung’s mangled body.

“Teukie, we have to go.” Kangin called as Doctori moved closer.

“He’s dead,” Leeteuk whispered falling to his knees. Kangin quickly rushed to cover his fallen angel with his body, kissing him as Doctori closed in. this was the end for them, and they both knew it. They exchanged I love yous before Kangin felt the cool sensation of the Doctori behind him.

“Teukie,” he whispered his final breath.

Just two more updates left. One on the 24 of oct, the next on hte 31st to celebrate Halloween


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Next updates for this story will be on the 24 of oct for americans and then the 31'st of oct so please anticipate


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Iminthezone #2
This is a brilliantly written story and plot line. Definitely one of my favorites ever!!!
Chapter 16: least they dont die alone.hahaha.
I wanted to tell you that the italian word for 'doctor' is actually 'dottore' and plural is 'dottori', 'doctori' may be latin or romanian but certainly not italian. (I'm italian :))
really awesome story!! amazing!! ♥ i loved it!! ♥
SuperJunior713 #7
Chapter 16: . . . WHAT?! KYU IS STILL ALIVE?! *shivers
HOW?! Yesung died by himself? DDD:
Chapter 16: OMGOMGOMG. at the first chapter i was crying when i read it, then i had a goosebumps all the time, then i scared when i saw the last pict...

why kyu still alive? he should be die with yeye. and what happen with eunhae? ._.
Chapter 16: Oh dear Shisus Christ! *dies* First they beheaded ZhouRy, then they tried to kill Kyu but it was unsuccessful (BUT HE LIVED?! HELL YOU DUDE!), then Heechul fell from the roof dead and also Hankyung, then KangTeuk died also, AND THEN MY YESUNG DIED ALONE?!?!? HOW DARE YOU! CHO KYUHYUN! NO MORE VIDEO GAMES FOR YOU, PUNK! (Kyu: Yah, I heard that! Me: *sticks tongue out*)

Okay, that gave me the shivers. Oh my gooosh. You killed all of them in the story! AND WHAT HAPPEND TO EUNHAE?! O.o