The mysterious Woman's revealed!

The plague doctor's

Kyuhyun whimpered as he laid chained to a metal operating table. He was exposed to these creatures and he felt venerable. He wanted his hyung to come and rescue him. The Doctori circled him eyeing him like prey as they held several operating tools in their gloved hands. Suddenly, one Doctori moved closer to him before placing a scalpel to his bare chest and cutting. Blood seeped from the wound as Kyuhyun’s blood curling screams filled the room. It felt like daggers were slowly penetrating his skin as the Doctori continued to slice him open without warning. His body jerked and twisted as he tried to get away from the pain, but the restraints didn’t allow him his escape. His vision was getting blurry as his breathing became erratic. He wanted Yesung hyung, he kept trying to scream the name. Every inch of his body was now inflamed with pain as the Doctori continued to cut his skin. He felt his own blood cover both himself and the table making him subconsciously wonder how much blood he had lost in such a short amount of time.

“Oh red looks good on him,” the girl from before laughed as she entered the room and noticed the makanae on the table. The Doctori moved aside so she could move closer to the boy. Kyuhyun whimpered as she pulled him up by his hair.

“Tell us, did your little group send for help?” the woman asked yanking Kyuhyun’s hair making him yelp.

“N-no, please it hurts no more please!” Kyuhyun begged trying to escape the pain and hold of the woman.

“Please, I think you need more encouragement to talk,” she stated before dropping the boy and walking from the room allowing the Doctori to inflict more pain.


Yesung could hear his makanae’s cries and it pained his heart with every cry he heard. He needed to hurry and get out of this cell before they killed his makanae. He loved the boy he really did; he wanted nothing to hurt him. Yesung had discovered a hairpin in his cell and ad quickly begun work on the lock holding him captive. As Kyuhyun’s screams got lower, his pace got quicker. He needed to leave this cell. He couldn’t even begin to imagine what horrors those Doctori were inflicting on his crush. No, they both loved eachother, they should be lovers. Yes, if they got out of here breathing, he was going to confess to the makanae. No matter how evil to his hyung’s he was, he didn’t need to be scared and alone in here. He loved him. Finally, the lock fell to the ground allowing the cell to open. Yesung bolted from the cage and quickly located the door. Two Doctori guarded outside making Yesung freeze in thought. He needed to figure out how to get past them. Suddenly he remembered the guard desk on the other side of the room. He made his way over smiling when his search had lead him to a gun. Making sure it was loaded, he made his way back to the door to face the Doctori and get his makanae back.


Hankyung and Heechul moved swiftly through the streets trying to locate the missing Zhoury couple and Kyusung couple. The two groups had failed to meet back up with them and it was begging to worry the two.

“What if they got them?” Heechul asked making Hankyung shake his head. Suddenly Hankyung stopped as a mysterious figure appeared before them.

“Geez, I already know your both not Doctori so you can lose the get up, here I have a present for you.” The woman said tossing a bag at the two’s feet.

“It should save you time searching and also warn you that the same fate waits for the two we have at HQ and you and your friends in hiding.” She smirked.

“Amber, why did you do this?” Hankyung asked as Heechul peeked into the bag and held his hands over his mouth trying not to gag as the Zhoury couple’s heads stared lifelessly back at him.

“Please, what else is left but to join them. It’s the future.” She replied before turning on her heels to leave.

“I thought you loved him,” Heechul barked as he clung to Hankyung. Amber froze before sighing and looking back at the two Super Junior members.

“I did, that’s why I killed him. If he didn’t want to live in a world ruled by Doctori, then I would grant his wish.” She replied before disappearing in the mist of the town. Heechul shook before falling to his knees and allowing his tears to fall freely. They were dead and Kyusung were next. He had failed to protect them. As a hyung, it was his job right?

“Come on Hee, we need to return to the others and let them know, along with making a plan to rescue Kyu and Yesung.” Hankyung replied gently. Heechul could only nod, he still felt horrible for his dongsae’s.

“I’m going to puke,” Heechul groaned before rushing to a sewer and throwing up. Hankyung sighed as he walked forward and rubbed gentle circles on his lover’s back and cooing in his ear. In truth, he was just as upset. But, he was also frightened what would happen to the others when they heard the news. If Heechul was made this upset, would something much worse happen with the others?

“Heechul hyung, please stay with me.” Hankyung whispered to the still heaving lover.


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Next updates for this story will be on the 24 of oct for americans and then the 31'st of oct so please anticipate


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Iminthezone #2
This is a brilliantly written story and plot line. Definitely one of my favorites ever!!!
Chapter 16: least they dont die alone.hahaha.
I wanted to tell you that the italian word for 'doctor' is actually 'dottore' and plural is 'dottori', 'doctori' may be latin or romanian but certainly not italian. (I'm italian :))
really awesome story!! amazing!! ♥ i loved it!! ♥
SuperJunior713 #7
Chapter 16: . . . WHAT?! KYU IS STILL ALIVE?! *shivers
HOW?! Yesung died by himself? DDD:
Chapter 16: OMGOMGOMG. at the first chapter i was crying when i read it, then i had a goosebumps all the time, then i scared when i saw the last pict...

why kyu still alive? he should be die with yeye. and what happen with eunhae? ._.
Chapter 16: Oh dear Shisus Christ! *dies* First they beheaded ZhouRy, then they tried to kill Kyu but it was unsuccessful (BUT HE LIVED?! HELL YOU DUDE!), then Heechul fell from the roof dead and also Hankyung, then KangTeuk died also, AND THEN MY YESUNG DIED ALONE?!?!? HOW DARE YOU! CHO KYUHYUN! NO MORE VIDEO GAMES FOR YOU, PUNK! (Kyu: Yah, I heard that! Me: *sticks tongue out*)

Okay, that gave me the shivers. Oh my gooosh. You killed all of them in the story! AND WHAT HAPPEND TO EUNHAE?! O.o