
Butterfly Dejavu

After 4 days~~~~


"___________,Let's go out for a while.It would be boring if you just stayed in hospital,right?"Siwon happily asked you.

"Yes!!~~I'm bored and feel like live in a cave full of mysterious evil nurses~~" You joked.

"I will take you to a special place.This place was my memorable and unforgettable place ever.My mother  always took me when she was with me and appa.Now,she remarried with someone else and had other 2 children.She just forget me like that."Siwon told you long.

"Owh~~I'm sorry to hear that.Nevermind,,just enjoy your life." You calmed Siwon.

"Thanks for your concern,,Gaja!!~~"

Siwon take you to a special place.


You shocked.

It's amazing!

The place was so beautiful.

Never been in such place.



"It's beautiful,right??When I missed my omma or feeling sad,,I will definitely went to this place." Siwon explained.

"YES!~~You should.This just could calm anyone who came.LOOK!~~~there's butterflies.Let's catch them!" You run to catch the butterflies.

"_________!!!Don't run so fast.You are not recover fully enough!" Siwon worried about you.

"Siwon!!I just cannot stand look at them!!I promise will not hurt myself anymore!!" You shouted as you are further away from him.



You caught one.

It's blue one.

With a love shape on it's body.

It's wonderful.


"Siwon!Look!!I got this...It's beautiful,right?Let's keep it." You showed Siwon.

"No!You cannot.It is butterfly.It is fated to fly.Not to kept.Look~Do you ever imagined if your father won't let you to walk one step further just because he loves you?? Siwon asked you to make you pitied the butterfly.

"Hahah!!~~~~ I will die or I will run from home.Never go back.." You laughed.

"It is just like the situation now.Don't worry,There are many here.If you wish to catch them,,You just can catch their pictures~~"Siwon smiled.




It makes your heart bump again.

Oh my protector~~

"Why?" Siwon noticed you stared at him.


"Siwon,can I go to this place whenever I want?" You asked.

"Of course!~~~Why woulldn't I let you go to this place?" Siwon puzzled.

"Yeah~~This is your place,right?Who knows you just want this place be the memorable thing in your life only,Doesn't want any stranger to know about your memories~~" You explained long.

Siwon smiled.

He stared at you.

He hold your hands tightly.

"You're one of my life.Not a  stranger."

"If that case,You promise me.Please promise that you'll never leave me." You make Siwon promised to you.

You forgot a thing.

You forgot.

That you also love another man beside Siwon.

That is because you became clueless when you were in front of a MAN.

You forgot everything.


You tightly hugged Siwon.''THANK YOU!"






Kris: Hello?

You: Dugusaeyo?

Kris: I'm Kris.

You: Where did you get my number.

Kris: Hehehe~~Like you don't know...I asked Kai to ask Shinnie your number.

You:I see~~~

Kris:Are you feeling well right now?

You:Yes~~Just like get a new life.

Kris::hohoho~~You seem so happy.

You:Not really.


You:Nothing.You've eaten?

Kris:Not yet.If you same as me,Let's go out for a while,can you??I just missed you.

What wrong with me??Am I sick again??I'm just get out of hospital yesterday.My heart just cannot stop pounding.

You:Of course.Come and fetch me at 7 tonight.

Kris:Okay~~~ Love you.

You:What did you say?

Kris:Oh~~Nothing.Just go and get ready okay?





Then,you get ready.

Just a simple style you thought.It will be just fine if you just be your true self.Does not change to other people to make Kris attracted to you.











Kris meet dead-end.

 What should he wear?

"I gonna take her to a hotel.So,maybe I just should wear a tuxedo.But,If __________ just wear a simple suit??Nevermind,she still my beautiful buterfly on my eyes." Kris talk to himself.





"Where is she??Maybe I just got to get out from the car,so I can meet her parents too." Kris talking to himself AGAIN.

Kris get out of his car.He worried if his appearance does not match you.








"Hi,Mr.and mrs. Park.I'm Kris.Your daughter's classmate." Kris explained.

"You not the same boy that day in the hospital,don't you?"

"Boy??At hospital??Is there someone else that concerned about your daughter more than me?" Kris asked.

"Yes~~He came to ____________ everyday.She getting better after he came to her life." your mother explained.



Shinnie heard Kris and omma's conversation.

Shinnie tried to cover you.


"Getting better?Is ____________ had other disease?" Kris became puzzled totally.

"She had ......................."

"NO!She just got a high fever." Shinnie cut her mother explaination.

"So,who is the BOY??'' Kris felt abandoned.

"No one,,he's just unnie's best friend.Don't think other improper things,You want to go out with unnie,right??Just take care of her." Shinnie reminded Kris.

''Of course,Shinnie.I will take care of her as long as I live.She has become the reason I live today till now." Kris explained.

"Huh~~Do you ever try to commit suicide before?'' Shinnie shocked with Kris's explanation just now.


"Hi! Kris.Sorry I'm a bit late."You appeared suddenly.

''Nevermind,___________.Let's go!"

"But,you didn't answer my question yet!" Shinnie yelled as you and Kris walk to Kris's car.

"Later I will try to tell the story to you.Bye!"Kris shouted from his car towards Shinnie.


"What story?" You asked after Kris shouted.

"Nothing...." Kris only smiled.


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hello i am najib razak.. ohh ayamas
harhar_wa #2
Chapter 12: "kris ecah x mainkn kau larrrr!!!! dei cume keliru tntng perasaan die....dont you dare to think ecah so nagetively ok...ecah terbaik d ladng" ckp dlm hati geram
harhar_wa #3
XOXO...ChaCha dont get mad of me hehehehe
harhar_wa #4
Chapter 12: part that _____-ah grab kris's neck and her lips on his ear really make my hairs get up....felt like i do it...ohhhh naik gile aq...
Chapter 11: just give kris to me if you choose siwon .keke
harhar_ cuuumm!!! you obviously AEWA SUB-GROUP,babe!!
harhar_wa #7
plz chacha update this story ok :)...ohhh plz rate M hahahahahahha
Chapter 10: ignore siwon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go kris !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 10: but she needs to end up with Kriss!!! ://
sam_IM #10
i hope that she'll be with kris in the end!!