The Shocking Story Revealed

Butterfly Dejavu

                           PARK GYURI


                                                                                                         PARK GYURI

 **Class 7B**Enemy of Class 7A**Pretty**Snobbish**Very Good in Sport**Willing to do anything to get hers**Wealthy**Not very good in Academic**Secret admirer of Siwon**Good in fashion**Got a best friend a.k.a Assistant**Cannot hear any advices although her parents**Wants to be free**Love Credit card a.k.a Shopping**







                                                                                                                     Sun Hwa

**Class 7B**Best friend of Gyuri**Good-hearted**Always give advises to Gyuri**Assistant of Gyuri since her father worked at Gyuri's villa**Not very good in love**Actually she admires two man in class 7A,the y Max Changmin and the talented Woohyun **Always cannot decide the best**Humble**


"Yahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you doing???? where do you put your eyes!!!??? You know how much this dress!!!!??? Your 10 dress would not be enough to buy my dress!!! Sun Hwa!!Now,go and take another dress for me!!'' Park Gyuri was very mad when you suddenly poured mashed potatoes at the canteen.



"I'm sorry,I'm sorry,,I didn't meant it....I'm sorry." You ask her forgiveness.


''What???What did you said??SORRY??? Is your sorry can buy me the same dress??Huhh~~" Park Gyuri was very mad.

''Gyuri~ah...She said she didn't meant to do it...Just forgive her...Today,the canteen was very crowded..Omo-omo-- your make started to vanish..and your wrinkles started to grow!!'' Sunhwa calmed Gyuri with her jokes.

''Omo--omo---Let's go to the toilet..I want to change my dress and  make-up again... No time with this unknown girl,," Gyuri left you.




You went to your classroom with a glum face.

Kris looked at your face.

"What's wrong with your face?'' Kris asked.

''There's a girl who just wanna eat my feet..I'm so mad with her~~'' You sulking.



Last night you promised with Kris that you both never reveal your relationship to others except Kai and Shinnie.So,Kris cannot show his overload careness for you.



''Who is it??'' Suddenly Max cut you.


"I know,That must be the Creepy Gyuri,right??She never likes us either.'' ChangJo told you.


''Why??'' You wanna know the story.


 ''It happened a year ago.She never say hi to us since her first time in this school.Maybe her father was the richest,she felt that not everyone can befriend with her.But,we never care.Her father owns a sport car company and wine company.Her father was a very succesful man.One day,she held a birthday party in her villa.Siwon and his family was invited as Siwon's father was a best friend to her father.Siwon invite us along as she was our schoolmate.Changmin,Hyunseung,Woohyun,and me went along with Siwon.Suddenly,when she looked at us,,She cried loudly like we are beggars who come just to beg her.Then,we spited at her face and get angry with her.We very angry.Then,we stole her pictures when she was 8 years old.Where she was  very fat at that time.We spread it through the internet.We thought we never get caught,but, with her wealth,she  caught us,and till now we're fighting each other.We just don't like her snobbish behaviour." ChangJo told the long story.


"It's very long story,But,Why you all being childish,You all have to be rational." You said dissapointed.


''Ah~~~~" Kris suddenly shoked you.


''Yahh!!~~ You shocked me,,!! Since when you were here??'' You asked.


''When ChangJo started the story.'' Kris happily told you.


You happily laughed with him.


''Looks like you both have chemistry.Are you date each other??'' Max puzzled.


''No..N..oo....We're just best friend since we're from other country,So,maybe we have chemistry each other.Hehe~~'' You avoiding the 'sweating' question.

Kris shocked when you said that and  just smiling.






Siwon heard you and your classmates 'story'ing each other.


''Yah~~It's past already..'' Siwon said.


''But,she was just does not hate you,right??That's why you said like that.'' Max told Siwon.


''I heard that she is your fanatic secret admirer.'' Hyunseung with no feeling told Siwon.


 You widened your eyes.



What??Siwon had secret admirer??But,I already had Kris,,Why should I be jealous..But My  heart...



You touched your chest.

Kris saw you.

''What's wrong with you??'' Kris asked.

''huh??~~ Oh,nothing.''




Suddenly,a cute leader in the class bringing news,Actually it's a good news since only he knew the prizes,,with a cute face he told the class~~~~~~




Yahh!!~~Yahhh!!~~~Listen everyone!!!Just now,,So-SangNim told me to prepare you all in the upcoming Sport Day!! Here is the list... 100m sprint would be Kai   ,  200m sprint would be Kris   ,  1500m would be Siwon   ,   Triple jump would be Hyunseung   ,   Long jump would be Hyunseung again,   pole jump would be you also like a pole..hahahh!!~~ oh,,serious-serious~~ Ehemm,,    ChangJo,you will compete in swimming, I would participate in archery,...................bla...bla.....bla......bla.......bla.......bla........bla........bla......bla......bla.....bla......and That's it!!! Hope you all started your training well,,I also eager to touch my arrow~~~'' Woohyun explained since he is the class monitor.




"Yahh!!~~Woohyunnie~~why another 5 girl student didn't get participate??'' Hyunseung asked unsatisfied.


''Ohhh~~Don't be mad,,They  would serve us food and be our supporters..'' Woohyun  calmed Hyunseung.


''But,I don't need supporter beside ......'' Hyunseung words cut by Max,,


''HyunA,right??She is now our enemy since she is in class 7-B ''


''Who said,I just wanted to say....'' Hyunseung started to blush~~


''We know,We know,,and just get your feeling throw in the cupboard for a while,can you??We are now have a big mission to get our class to~~~~Tha~~~Oppsss!!~~'' Woohyun slipped it.

''What?? What do you want to say??'' You curiously asked.

''Nothing,,_______.....hehe...'' Woohyun just do a fake smile.






Class Ended!!~~~~~


''_______-ah,,Will you accompany me during my practice??I think that I would be even more  spirited if you beside me..'' Siwon suddenly appeared when you finished pack up your things in your locker.


''Sure,,where do you wish to practice,??'' You agreed.


''My house had gym,,Since my family love to exercise in case to maintain our health..'' Siwon explained.


''Jongmal???Woww!!~~~That's great!! When??''You eagerly asked as you wanted to see the gym.


''Tomorrow,after school.I will drive car to school tomorrow.'' Siwon smiled.He never thought that this time his invitation would be success..





As you walked through the door of the school,


''Jakgya,,,,Jakgya,,,~~~'' You heard familiar voice.


''Yahh!!~~Don't mention that,If anyone heard??'' You angrily told him.


''But,~~huh~~_______-ah,Could you please watch me training at the stadium tomorrow with Kai,I would be delighted if you can do so!!~~ ''Kris begging you.


''Hmm,,Ahh,,Hmmm..Oh,I have work to do a tomorrow,I'm sorry...'' You lied.


''Really,If that case,nevermind..But,______-ah,,I BELIEVE IN YOU~~'' Kris hardened the words.



 What's wrong with me???Kris was the best boyfriend I ever had,,and my first love,He was my very best..How could I do this,,But,I couldn't hold my feeling though towards Siwon.He was my  best listener ever,,Oh noo!!!

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hello i am najib razak.. ohh ayamas
harhar_wa #2
Chapter 12: "kris ecah x mainkn kau larrrr!!!! dei cume keliru tntng perasaan die....dont you dare to think ecah so nagetively ok...ecah terbaik d ladng" ckp dlm hati geram
harhar_wa #3
XOXO...ChaCha dont get mad of me hehehehe
harhar_wa #4
Chapter 12: part that _____-ah grab kris's neck and her lips on his ear really make my hairs get up....felt like i do it...ohhhh naik gile aq...
Chapter 11: just give kris to me if you choose siwon .keke
harhar_ cuuumm!!! you obviously AEWA SUB-GROUP,babe!!
harhar_wa #7
plz chacha update this story ok :)...ohhh plz rate M hahahahahahha
Chapter 10: ignore siwon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go kris !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 10: but she needs to end up with Kriss!!! ://
sam_IM #10
i hope that she'll be with kris in the end!!