
Butterfly Dejavu



"Why you leave me???!!!!!You know what??I can't live without you...You are the apple of my eyes,,You inspire me,,You give me strength,,You give your heart to me,,But,,WHY??????!!!!!!!!!!!" Kris shout to the sea.....


He can't believe that  Victoria would leave her just like that.She looks so fine before,,.hard to know that she is sick....

Kris wouldn't believe that he is the cause for Victoria to leave him....

He asked Victoria to buy his present for his birthday........Kris want a present from Victoria so much.....Victoria just cannot see Kris sulking...She go and buy a watch for him -ROLEX.






She wrote on a card: Hey,dear....I bought you this watch so that you are not late to come and fetch me this night.......Shangri-La hotel, my treat.....just for,VICky.....




On the way she came back from the shopping complex,,

she had an accident,,

Her car was burnt,,


only the words would come out for those who can saw the accident,,

Kris is not willing to look at his lovely lover's face anymore at the morgue..........

Kris hurt,,

He blame himself...

If he don't ask for his present,,

If today is not his birthday,,

If Victoria wouldn't tend his wishes,,

If he is not ego like today,,

BUT......The ifs were only the dream,,,

Victoria is not here anymore.......What can he do???Can he live anymore wihout his inspiration???

Only God knows.............


Kris becomes untreated...His hurt................No one knows......


"Kris,I think you should leave this place,dear....I can't stand to look you like this......Go far away from here.......I don't think you can carry out your life here anymore....about your expenses,,,don't worry...I will always give away money for you every month....I just want you to live a new life.." Kris's mother giving him idea.......She hope one day,,a person will give him a new life......


"I will do what you told me,mum...I know,,every step of your determination in my life,you have your reason...But,I want to ask you something....Can I bring Kai along if you placed me everywhere you want???I need a friend too.."Kris asking his mother..


"Of course,,you can.....I know,,you can't do anything without your beloved cousin,right??" His mother allowing him to bring along Kai.......



"SEOUL....I had planned everything for you...I had many friends right there..They suggested me SEOUL DASOM SCHOOL there for you.The school is an international school,so,,you don't have to worry about your communication.......Anyway,Kai is there for you...He is the best translator,right Kai??" Kris's mother winked at him.


"I'm not that good, aunt Wu,,just knowing a little,,,," Kai answered.

"I bought the flying ticket for you guys just now..You will go to Seoul 2 weeks upcoming,,and you will be staying in this place..That is  your mother and my house..(showing the address).....We bought it last 2 years ago...You will scrolling in that international school 3 days after that..." Kris's father explained...


"I never knew that you had a house there....???" Kris puzzled.

"Is that necessary???I don't think telling you that we have a house there would gave us any money......" Kris's mother joking.

"I will be the best investor,mum...Don't you trust me??"Kris continue her mother's jokes...

"With your ego,your irresponsible behaviour....??" Her mother said...

"From now on,,mum,,I will try to face all the obstacles strongly and be the best son for you,mum~~~" Kris try to giving his mother assurance...

They hugs each other...

Kai and his father also hugging with them....

All of them hoping the best.....






"Anyonghasaeyo,," A woman greet Kris...

"No,No,No,I don't buy....I will not buy it...."Kris try to avoid her..

"hahahaha....She is greeting you,,not asking you to buy her stuff"Kai saved the woman....huh!!

"Twey bouchi,,,,I am sorrryy........" Kris try to ask for forgiveness..

"Next time,don't go too far away from me~~~" Kai murmur...

 First day in SEOUL....

made Kris feel that he is going to really have a new life here....

He thought of his father and beloved mum....

'"Mum,thanks for choosing this pleasant place for me.." Kris murmured



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hello i am najib razak.. ohh ayamas
harhar_wa #2
Chapter 12: "kris ecah x mainkn kau larrrr!!!! dei cume keliru tntng perasaan die....dont you dare to think ecah so nagetively ok...ecah terbaik d ladng" ckp dlm hati geram
harhar_wa #3
XOXO...ChaCha dont get mad of me hehehehe
harhar_wa #4
Chapter 12: part that _____-ah grab kris's neck and her lips on his ear really make my hairs get up....felt like i do it...ohhhh naik gile aq...
Chapter 11: just give kris to me if you choose siwon .keke
harhar_ cuuumm!!! you obviously AEWA SUB-GROUP,babe!!
harhar_wa #7
plz chacha update this story ok :)...ohhh plz rate M hahahahahahha
Chapter 10: ignore siwon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go kris !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 10: but she needs to end up with Kriss!!! ://
sam_IM #10
i hope that she'll be with kris in the end!!