It Just Getting Started

Butterfly Dejavu


Only the words would come out.

Siwon went through the winter even though he knows that he would get a cold.


 "What __________ doing there with that new students??I also want to have dinner with her just now!!How couldo she do that to me??NO!!! I will not give up!!! I cannot lose to that new Students!!" Siwon talking to himself while he walking pass through the cafe.


"Let me pay.Wait here."Kris offered.

"No,we won't let you.I will pay what ours.If not,we would never be comfortable with you after this."You against him.

"Okay,If you wish to do that,,,I'm just fine..."Kris smiled to you.



Something not right.

You think that your heart beat faster than ever.

Your face was pale..

You cannot let your heart beat faster.

"Unnie,what's wrong?"Shinnie noticed you.

"Are you okay?"Kai asked.

Shinnie covered you."I think we have to get home early,I'm sorry that we cannot joined you to go around Seoul today,Maybe tomoorrow.This is my number.Call me."Shinnie hurrily take you out of the cafe and gave her number to Kai.


Shinnie never thought that her action is the beginning of the love..


"What's wrong??"Your  mother asked.

"Unnie,mom.....I'll get her medicine upstairs." Shinnie went upstairs and towards your room to get your medicine in a drawer.

"Unnie,,please hold on..." Shinnie worried.


You lied on your bed.Shinnie look after you beside you until the sun would come out.

9 a.m

"Kris..Kris...." You delirious in your dream.

Shinnie heard you.She woke up.

"Unnie,I'm here,Why you keep calling Kris??" Shinnie puzzled.

You woke up.

"What!!!Did I do that??" You asked Shinnie.

"Yes..." Shinnie told you.


~~~~Two moons- EXO-K ringtone~~~~~~~


"Shinnie,answer it."You asked her.

Shinnie looked at her phone...the number....She could not recognize it,,Who would want to call her this Saturday??Usually her friends would only call her on Sunday.


Shinnie:Hello,who is it?

Kai:It's Kai.

Shinnie:Kai??BIG LIPS??where do you get my number?

Kai:You gave to me yesterday.


Kai:It's okay.You said that you want to bring us to look around Seoul.

Shinnie:Owh~~Wait a minute.

"Unnie,How do you feel now?Can you joined to go around Seoul today?''Shinnie whispered to you.

''I'm okay,I'm just does not feel well yesterday.I'm very okay now."You whispered to Shinnie.


Shinnie:Alright,Wait us at Baskin Robbins Ice Cream shop at 11.



"Kris,they want us to wait them at Baskin Robbins at 11" Kai told Kris.

"Okay,then,,"Kris agreed.

You,Shinnie,Kai and Kris get ready.

YOU        ( YOU )

















( KRIS )




Then,you met each other.

Go around Seoul together.

You all went to enjoy yourselves and till the sun started to set.

"________,Is there any places in Korea that we can see the sun set?"Kai asked.

"Yes,,You want to go??" Shinnie invited Kai.



Then,you all lied on the grass and looked at the beautiful view.

A grasshopper jump at you,,


You screamed and automatically hugged Kris.

Your eyes were at Kris' eyes.

Your bump again.

This time the heart not sick.

IT's beautiful.

Your lips looked so cute to Kris.

Your lips calling Kris to put his lips to yours.

Looked each other.

Something existed.

A  feeling that you and Kris never felt before.


Kris tried to closed his lips to you.




"Unnie!!Look!!!It's beautiful"Shinnie shouted to you and Kris.

She don't know what you two going to do...

Kris didn't get his chance.

"Oh~~~What a wonderful view!!"You tried to overcome awkwardness..

"Yes,," Kris answered.

He held your hand.



"Unnie,Im hungry,,,Let's eat before we go home" Shinnie asked.



You,Shinnie,Kai and Kris went to Kenny Roger Roaster restaurant.

You all eat happily without any arguments between Shinnie and Kai.

Shinnie went to washroom.

You smiled at Kris and Kai and said,,''I wish today is not the last.."

"Yes.I'm just getting started...."Kai slightly want to say something.

"Just name it" You asked  him.

" I know,,,You are my closest cousin,Kai.." Kris knew it.

You,Kris and Kai laughed together.

Shinnie back from the washroom.

''WHY??~~" Shinnie asked.

"Nothing,dear" You tried to hide it...






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hello i am najib razak.. ohh ayamas
harhar_wa #2
Chapter 12: "kris ecah x mainkn kau larrrr!!!! dei cume keliru tntng perasaan die....dont you dare to think ecah so nagetively ok...ecah terbaik d ladng" ckp dlm hati geram
harhar_wa #3
XOXO...ChaCha dont get mad of me hehehehe
harhar_wa #4
Chapter 12: part that _____-ah grab kris's neck and her lips on his ear really make my hairs get up....felt like i do it...ohhhh naik gile aq...
Chapter 11: just give kris to me if you choose siwon .keke
harhar_ cuuumm!!! you obviously AEWA SUB-GROUP,babe!!
harhar_wa #7
plz chacha update this story ok :)...ohhh plz rate M hahahahahahha
Chapter 10: ignore siwon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go kris !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 10: but she needs to end up with Kriss!!! ://
sam_IM #10
i hope that she'll be with kris in the end!!