Beautiful Winter

Butterfly Dejavu

"Yaahhh!!! Shinnie!!!! I think these suits you well....." You showed her a red Adidas' shoes.

"But,It is not the same..." Shinnie said with a sad face.

"Shinnie...." You tried to persuade her.

"Unnie,where is your scarf??" Suddenly Shinnie noticed it.

"uh,,,,.....ah,,,........hmm...." You're stuttered to answer her.

"You lost it????You know how much difficulty that I have to face them to buy that expensive scarf for you????"Shinnie explained in her anger.

"Shinnie..Im very sorry....I'm sorry...I didn't mean to lost just blown away by the wind just now....i'm helping Kai's friend that time.."

"KAI??the Big Lips just now???Please,unnie...Don't ever mentioned that name again....I know,,they could be the cause of the bad luck that befall on us." Shinnie in tone of her avenge.

"Shinnie,,,don't say like that!!! I'm who the one careless in small matter like that..I'm sorry...I promise to find it later." You promised her.


"Unnie,,,I think you don't have to do that....Yes,I admit that I feel a bit mad at you,,but,,,It does not matter right now....I can buy you a new one,,if you wish to.."Shinnie tried to calm.

"No,thanks Shinnie...No need for that...." You happily told her.





Kris and Kai went to the home.

The house was not bad.

Kris's parents were wise in choosing the best house to buy.

They started to tidy up the house.

The last place would be their rooms.

Before they go to sleep,,



"Kris,We will get in a same class tomorrow,so you don't have to worry.I will be the best translator for you." Kai told Kris.

"Ok,,how about our daily goods,,when we are going to buy all that???" Kris asked.

"oh,,that....We will eat at the restaurants for this 3 days,,While we manage other important things first."Kai giving idea.

"No,I think we should not manage the important things that long...We should finish it in 2 days...Anyway,this house was fully-furnished,right??We just have to add our daily needs and goods." Kris disagree with Kai's idea.


"Ok...then,Good night,sweetheart." Kai followed Kris's idea.

"Good night,my love" Kris replied him.





"GOOD MORNING,class!!!" The teacher greeted the students first.

"Class,today we have another two students would joined you after this........huh,,,how many more students that the Principal want to have them in my class......" So Sang-Nim murmurmed after she introduced Kai and Kris.


"Annyong.....Kai imnida...Igeo,,Kris ...He cannot understand neither speak in korean...So, I help him......haha.......Please teach us.." Kai introduced himself.


"Ta xia hou...Wo xe KRIS.....You can speak English only with me...I'm sorry if I troubled you....Please teach me......" Kris explained in front of the class.


"Kai,You can sit beside Hyunseung there,,Kris,You can behind ChangJo there.....Okay,done...Now,,show me your homework yesterday I gave you..." So Sang-Nim instructed them.


They sit where So Sang-Nim pointed before...

Kris take out his books and his stationeries as well hurrily.

His pen falls.

He bow down to take his pencil.....



You took it for him.

You and Kris looking at each other.

It took 6 minutes and 11 seconds  for you and him look into the eyes of each other.



PAP!!!PAP!!! So Sang-Nim knock the table for you and him back to the reality.

"Hey,,If you want to look into each other and make love,,,Do after the class.....Always give your attention in my class...!!" So Sang-Nim get angry  with you and Kris.


"We're sorry,So Sang-Nim..We promise it'll not recur again." You asked for pardon.

"Concentrate..." So Sang-Nim said to you both.


Unnoticed,Siwon looked at you and Kris.

Something in Siwon's heart feel that you should not help him.





The lesson continues until the bell rang at 7PM...


"Hey,_____________....Let's go to eat something outside,,,,and play iceskates with me..The winter was so beautiful today...."Siwon asked you while you were keeping your books at  your lockers.

"I don't have any iceskaters.....and,,,I don't think I had so much time to do that...I feel so tired today...I'm sorry....Really sorry.." You tried to avoid him because you don't  want to tell him the fact that you are sick.


"Well,,look like I'm going alone.."Siwon feel sad.

"I'm sorry..." You slowly rejected him.....




"Yahh,,,__________Wait for me..!!!!" Kris shouted as you walking faster than him.

You turned back and you saw Kris.

"owh,,you...Actually,I never thought that you will joined my class....It's like we were meant together...hahaha..."You expressed your feels about your meets.You only joking with him actually.

"yeah,,I thought that too....." Kris told you.



"We would have dinner  at the cafe there...Would you like to join us??"Kai suddenly invited you.

"Yes,I would like too....But,jakgamanya...... - here,it comes..." You pointed at Shinnie.

"Shinnie - ah!!!I want to have dinner with them,,,Let's go!!" You asked her.

"Unnie,,,You asked me to eat with this Big Lips again??? No!!!" Shinnie rejected it.

"Honey,please...I'm hungry right now,,,Our parents shall come home at 9...I don't want to starve instead.....You  know,,," You persuade her and tried to give hints that you cannot delay  to take your medicine..


Shinnie get your hints..

She followed you from the back...

As you talking with Kris,

Kai greet Shinnie,,

"Hi,I'm Kai,,,You're Shinnie, right???" Kai started to be on good terms with Shinnie.

"Stay away from me!!" Shinnie angry with Kai...


Kai actually feel something bothered him after he meet and fight with Shinnie that day..

So,Kai tried to discover it by being in good terms with Shinnie..

His heart like force him to do so...


You,Kris,Kai,and Shinnie arrived at the cafe.

"So,what will you choose??"Kris asked you..

"We will have these Special Kimchi,,,We love to eat this..." You and Shinnie ordered Kimchi.

"Same as us!!We also planned to have Kimchi just now...Does that mean that we will feel comfortable each other after this??We don't know yet,right???" Kai tried to bring their conversation up.


"No!!!No way!!!We don't have Big Lips like you...Annoying!!" Shinnie make a crack towards Kai.

"You,,with your Round Eyes,,,No Wonder there is no man want to take you as their girl,They scared of your Round and Bulky eyes!!!" Kai argued with Shinnie.


"YAH!!!!!" You and Kris shouted..

"Don't be like this,,,We will lose our appetite later." You told Kai and Shinnie.

"Yes,It's a beautiful winter out there,,Why we have to break this good view??" Kris tried to save the tenseness.

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hello i am najib razak.. ohh ayamas
harhar_wa #2
Chapter 12: "kris ecah x mainkn kau larrrr!!!! dei cume keliru tntng perasaan die....dont you dare to think ecah so nagetively ok...ecah terbaik d ladng" ckp dlm hati geram
harhar_wa #3
XOXO...ChaCha dont get mad of me hehehehe
harhar_wa #4
Chapter 12: part that _____-ah grab kris's neck and her lips on his ear really make my hairs get up....felt like i do it...ohhhh naik gile aq...
Chapter 11: just give kris to me if you choose siwon .keke
harhar_ cuuumm!!! you obviously AEWA SUB-GROUP,babe!!
harhar_wa #7
plz chacha update this story ok :)...ohhh plz rate M hahahahahahha
Chapter 10: ignore siwon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go kris !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 10: but she needs to end up with Kriss!!! ://
sam_IM #10
i hope that she'll be with kris in the end!!