

Zelo POV



"We should get going to practice," Minwoo suggested after breakfast. "It's nearly 8:30." We nodded and got up from our seats. Changhee cleared the table and followed us outside to the van.


"Manager hyung! Can we listen to the radio?" Baekjo pleaded. The manager pressed a button on the dash and a very familiar song began resonating through the speakers.


"What's the name of the game? B.A.P!" Yongguk's voice bellowed.




I missed him so much. At least there was a small possibility that we'd see each other sometime in the future.


I mouthed the words to the song, the others punching the air in manly blows that didn't seem to suit their personalities.


We pulled up to the dance studios and poured out of the black van. We quickly filed into the practice room, needing to get in there by 9:00 so we wouldn't get yelled at. We immediately got to work, knowing we had a lot to get done before our debut, which was rapidly approaching. It was then when I finally discovered what Hyunki's job in the group was. It was obvious that he was the main dancer. The way he moved his body to the rhythm of the music was mesmerizing. I have to admit, it was a little difficult to focus when a good-looking guy is hip-ing right next to you.


With some extra effort, I was able to concentrate enough to get most of the moves down. It was difficult though. The moves were exhausting and Hyunki was very distracting.


We all collapsed on the floor, spreading out our limbs to air out our extra sweaty areas. After a couple minutes, Baekjo got to his feet and announced that he was going to hit the showers. Minwoo and Changhee decided they should wash up too and followed Baekjo out of the practice room. Hyunki and I were still lying on the floor.


I closed my eyes and tried to relax, but I was interrupted by a damp bundle of cloth flying into my face. I pulled the fabric off of me, which I found to be a white sleeveless shirt, and sat up, turning to Hyunki, who was now standing, his back to me. It was his shirt that was thrown to me. It was pretty obvious now, seeing his bare, muscular back glistening with perspiration a few feet in front of me. The grooves in his back were well carved, even better than Jongup hyung's.


He turned around unexpectedly, catching me staring at him red-handed, or rather, red-faced.



Hyunki POV



I turned around to find Junhong staring at me. I was shirtless, and dripping with sweat. I could feel wet clumps of my dark red hair clinging to my head and neck. I could tell Zelo was embarrassed. His cheeks flushed bright red, and a fresh, nervous sweat broke out above his brow. He immediately averted his eyes, avoiding my body and face.


"Were you staring at me, Zelo?" I asked teasingly.


"Uh, no way, Hyunki hyung! That would be strange and rude..." the young boy stammered.


I smirked. "It's okay if you were. I know this is pretty hard to resist," I said, gesturing to myself.


He gasped a little, but not before quickly his dry lips.


"I-I wasn't staring! I s-swear!" He stuttered.


I chuckled and smiled. "Whatever you say, Zelo. I'm going to take a shower. I'll see you later." I added in a wink just to even more. I saw his blush deepening as I turned and left the room.



Zelo POV



Aish, I was caught...that he trying to get me to want him? Well too bad for him. I'm in love with Yongguk hyung and no one else.


I noticed that I was pretty sticky and wet with sweat and I was starting to smell a little. I got up from the floor and headed towards the showers. I shared the bathroom with Hyunki and Changhee, so I listened for running water to avoid further embarrassment that would come with walking in on someone. I didn't hear anything and the door was unlocked. I turned the knob and peeked in. Standing in the middle of the bathroom, quietly ruffling his hair dry with a towel, facing away from me, was Hyunki. No, not again! I wanted to run out of there as fast as I could, but my feet wouldn't move. My legs ignored all my brain's commands to turn around and forget about everything and decided to get me into even deeper trouble.


My eyes began wandering on their own, taking in every part of my hyung's body, from his sculpted calves, to the sharp shoulder blades poking out from his upper back, to his small round behind.


Noooo! I didn't want to look there!


I lost control of the rest of my body when I caught sight of the forbidden area. I felt my crotch hardening and heating up.


No! Please, no!


My brain had finally made contact with the rest of me and I flew out from the doorway and rushed down the hall, accidentally slamming the bathroom door on the way out. I reached the practice room, panting and embarrassed beyond comprehension. Thankfully, Hyunki hadn't seen me, and my "problem" wasn't so bad that I would have to tend to it.



Hyunki POV



I heard a loud slam behind me and cautiously turned around. Not finding anyone in the room with me, I wrapped a towel around my waist and peeked out the door into the hallway. No one. I must have imagined that noise...although, it was pretty loud for an imaginary sound...


I shrugged it off and put on my clothes. I went back to the practice room to grab my bag to put it in the van. In the room, I saw a blushing Zelo. He's still red from seeing me shirtless?


"Come on, Zelo. We're leaving," I called, waving him towards the door.


He slowly got up and took small, quick steps out of the room.


He didn't speak at all in the van. I was getting a little worried.


"...Junhong?" I said softly, leaning forward and resting my hand on his shoulder. He jumped at my unexpected touch. "Are you feeling all right?" I continued.


"What? Oh...uh, yes, hyung. I'm fine," he replied nervously.


I was skeptical. Something must have happened while I was in the shower; there's no way he could stay embarrassed this long. I let it go for the time being and fell back into my seat and stayed quiet the rest of the way home.



Zelo POV



My bulge still hadn't gone down, and it'd been almost 15 minutes already! I covered my crotch with my hands, trying hard not to let it show. The last thing I needed was for the guys, especially Hyunki, to see that I had a hard-on. Fortunately, no one talked or paid any attention to me; we were all too tired.


Back at the dorm, Minwoo, Changhee, and Baekjo went to their room to take naps, and Hyunki and I stayed in the living room, watching TV. I sat on the floor, leaning against the couch, trying to avoid eye contact with my hyung. But I could feel him staring at me. It was impossible to focus on the TV with his eyes drilling into my head, trying to read my mind.



Hyunki POV



Zelo looked so nervous...what's gotten into him? It was apparent that something was troubling him, but I couldn't figure out what it was. It wasn't because of me, was it?


"Zelo, look at me," I said calmly.


His eyes widened a little, but he didn't move.


"Zelo...NOW," I demanded, more sternly. 


He turned his head towards me, but his eyes were aimed at the floor.


"Look at my face, Junhong."


I cold sweat broke out on his forehead as he forced his eyes upward.


"Now tell me what's wrong," I said, softening my voice a bit.


"'s nothing, really..." he said quietly, letting his gaze fall back down to his feet.


"Zelo, stop lying! I know something's bothering you, so just tell me."


No response.


" it because of what happened after practice?"



Zelo POV



I immediately looked back up at Hyunki and stared at him. "Y-you know about that?" I stuttered.


"Of course, Zelo! I was looking right at you!"




Either hyung has eyes in the back of his head, or we're talking about two different things...


"Zelo, you don't need to be embarrassed. You just saw me shirtless. It's no big deal."


"Oh, uh, hyung..."


"Really, don't worry about it! And I was just teasing before."






"That's not really what was bothering me..."


"Oh...what is it then?"


"I...I, uhm..."


"Come on, Zelo, spit it out!"


"Iwalkedinonyouinthebathroom..." I said quickly, squeezing my eyes shut tight.


After a few moments of silence, the only sound being the soft droning of the TV, I heard a laugh.


A soft, deep laugh that I loved the sound of, but was really confused by. I cautiously cracked open one of my eyes, seeing my hyung rolling around on the couch, laughing.


"H-hyung...? Did you heard me correctly?" I was worried that I would have to repeat myself.


"Yes, I heard," he managed to get out. "But is that all? It bothered you that much?"




He dialed down his laughter a little and turned his attention back to me. "There's more?" He questioned excitedly.




"Well, what is it?"


"I...I got a little...hard...from you."


He immediately stopped chuckling and shaking. His face had almost no expression.


" what?"



Hyunki POV



Zelo got when he saw me?


His pale face turned a deep red and he covered his eyes with his hands.


"Zelo..." I said soothingly, prying his hand away from his face. His eyes were already red and puffy and fat tears were welling up in them.


"It's okay, don't be embarrassed."


"...but it's so weird hyung! I'm sorry..." he sobbed. He tried to pull his hands back up to hide himself, but I held them tightly, keeping his face exposed.


It was then that I did possibly the stupidest thing I've ever done.


I kissed him.


Right on those pink, quivering lips. I didn't let it last long, maybe three seconds, but it was long enough to stun the boy and get him to stop pulling away.


When we separated, neither of us said a thing. We just stared at each other for a bit. Then Zelo began to speak.


"H-Hyunki hyung..." he started quietly, his small voice trembling.


"I-I'm sorry, Junhong! I don't know why I just did that!" I sputtered. "I just, ah! I don't know! Please don't be ups-"


"C-can that again...?"





Ooooh, DRAMA! Haha, sorry, I really don't know how to end my chapters. But at least this one's longer, right? ^^ Wowie, 21 subscribers! Thank you so much guys! I wanna give you a how BAP's fans are BABYz! I want a fandom! Haha, I probably don't deserve one at this point, but if you think I do, please comment or message your ideas for a name! Thank you!! ^^




P.S The italic text represents the thoughts of the characters.

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Chapter 18: I rly miss this story <3
CheonsaKeikeu9 #2
Chapter 18: Wow this is quiet short but really enjoyable
The updates weren't that bad either
Chapter 18: i want to subscribe to your story but im new to this and i dont know how xD ㅋㅋ i loved this story! ^.^
Chapter 18: wow.. pretty much all I have to say hahaha
Jjingbang #5
OMG! New reader here! I absolutely adore your fic, I mean.. I read it to the latest chapter in one seating. It's very comedic which suits my taste, but it also has the darker tone at some moments that really brings the story more uniqueness! Update soon~ I shall be waiting, hwating!
bornbigbang1 #6
Chapter 17: Eeeep!!! Amazing!
Chapter 17: Loved it <3 and yeahh freakin himchan haha its like that in like all the banglo's i read haha
purrrah #8
Chapter 17: omf Himchan of the century.... Good to see you udating again~
Chapter 16: i definetly want more
Chapter 15: I love it!