

Hyunki POV



Zelo had been going out of his way to avoid me ever since we slept together. It was killing me. There was something about Zelo that I really loved. Not just ually, but I really felt something different in my heart when I met him. He made me feel happy like no one else ever had; he made me actually smile, multiple times.


And now he won't even look at me.


Was it really my fault that my emotions were making me act like this? That I was trying to claim his as mine, even though he already belongs to someone else?  I couldn't help myself. I fell for this boy. I loved him.


I still had some hope that Zelo would change his mind and come to me, but that shred of hope shrunk considerably when I witnessed him crying over his poor boyfriend. He obviously loved Yongguk to no end, but he had also apparently developed some feelings for me as well. I mean, he's not the type to sleep with someone without truly wanting them.


Or maybe his lust got the best of him.


I sighed to myself and sat up in my bed and glanced at the clock. It read 10:37. I looked across the small room to the empty bed with the disheveled pink bed covers. Zelo had been sleeping on the couch in the living room lately. I got up from my bed to fetch a glass of milk in an attempt to calm myself and possibly get some sleep. From the kitchen, I spotted a shivering Junhong curled up on the couch under a little throw blanket that barely covered his bruised knees. He had forgotten to grab some blankets from our room that day, and he didn't dare come and retrieve them at night, when I was in bed. I snuck over and threw a soft quilt over his shaking body, careful not to wake him up.


He rolled over to his other side, clutching the quilt tightly to his chest, groaning a little. I froze, not wanting him to see my movements and awaken. After a couple more seconds, the blonde boy stopped stirring and lay still, facing the back of the couch, his narrow waist slightly expanding with each slow breath he took.


I decided that he was back in a deep slumber and deemed it safe to get my milk and go back to bed, but a small, nearly inaudible voice stopped me in my tracks.


"Thank you hyung."


It was the first time he had talked to me in a while. His voice cracked a little from his drowsiness, but it was still perfect anyway.


I let a tiny, hopeful smile form on my face. "You're welcome, Junhong. Good night." I downed my milk and headed back to my room, my grin growing a little bigger with each step.


There was still a chance.



Zelo POV (the next morning)



I woke up to the sound of eggs popping on the stove and the smell of freshly fried bacon. I slowly propped myself up on my elbows before rubbing my eyes sleepily. The eyeliner I had been too lazy to wash off last night smeared a little, but I was too tired to care. I scratched my head and made my way to the kitchen, following the tantalizing scents and sounds that teased my senses.


I leaned over the counter and watched as Changhee hurriedly added more eggs the the pan. He turned around, surprised to find me standing there.


"Ah, Zelo, you scared me! Heheh, you look like a raccoon," he giggled, pointing at my dark marks around my eyes.


"Shut up, hyung..." I mumbled, trying to rub the makeup away, but only succeeding in making it worse. This made Changhee laugh even more.


"Just go wash it off in the bathroom," he chuckled, shooing me in the direction of the washroom.


I frightened myself when I looked in the mirror. The entire area around my eyes was black.


This is going to be a pain to get off...


I wiped my eyes with a wet washcloth, but that barely helped, so I added some face wash and started vigorously scrubbing. It hurt, but the eyeliner was finally letting up. After a couple minutes, I had gotten enough off that it wasn't noticeable anymore, but my eyes were puffy and red, and they stung like heck.


I walked out of the bathroom to find Hyunki chatting with Changhee while munching on a piece of crispy bacon. He turned his attention to me and his face fell. I averted my gaze from him to the ground and scooted to the couch, where I bundled up Hyunki's quilt and disappeared into our room.


Once in the room, I folded the quilt I had in my arms and set it on Hyunki's bed. The soft scent of his cologne wafted up into the air when the quilt made impact with the bed.


I didn't want to be with Hyunki, but I was starving, so I forced myself to leave the room. When I got out to the kitchen, two plates of eggs and bacon were set on the counter and Changhee was no where in sight. Only Hyunki, who was silently eating his food.


I timidly pulled up a chair and sat down to eat breakfast. I refused to turn my head toward Hyunki, and even though I couldn't see him, I could feel his worried stare boring into me.


"Zelo...are you okay?"


I nodded, still keeping my focus on the food in front of me.


"Are you sure? You don't look so good."


I nodded again. He didn't speak again for a couple seconds.


"You can't lie to me, Zelo."


This time, I slowly let myself look at my hyung. I didn't say anything; I just looked at him.


"I know something's wrong. It's obvious you've been crying."


"...what? I haven't been crying..." I said quietly.


"Geez, just stop it! I know you're lying! Your eyes are puffy and red! You can't hide it! I know you're upset!"


At first I just kept looking at him, my eyes wide, blinking occasionally. Then I couldn't help but laugh. And it wasn't just a giggle; it was a full-on hysterical outburst.


Hyunki looked confused. "Wh-what? What's so funny?"


It was difficult to breathe, but I managed to get out some phrases. "My's red!" I sounded like an idiot, laughing so hard, but I couldn't help it. And the misunderstanding wasn't even that funny. I just think that all the happiness and laughter I had tucked away for the past few days had finally broken lose.


It felt good to laugh again, and when Hyunki finally got what was going on, I found that it also felt good to laugh with Hyunki again.


I didn't want to fight with him anymore. I missed him. I missed his perfect smile, his smooth, deep voice, even his sweet scent. I wanted it all back.


I wanted to be friends again, and I think Hyunki wanted that too.


I calmed myself a little and leaned forward, capturing Hyunki in a tender embrace. This caught him by surprise, but he didn't hesitate to hug me back. I could feel his quickened heartbeat thump against my chest as I pressed against him.


"I missed you, hyung," I whispered softly.


"I missed you too."



Hyunki POV



Zelo pulled away from me, but kept his hands on my shoulders. "I'm sorry."


"So am I. But you really don't have anything to apologize for. Well, to me, at least," I replied, gazing into his beautiful brown eyes.


"I want to be friends again. Please," he pleaded.


"Of course. I want to be friends too."


" know friends, we can' know," he said slowly.


"I understand. I know you love Yongguk, and I can't change that," I sighed. "You can't blame me for trying though."


The young boy in front of me cracked a little smile. "Thank you," he replied simply, wrapping his pale arms around me once more.


I had finally accepted that Junhong would never love me in the same way that I loved him. He was meant to be with Yongguk. And although he'd never think of me as more than a friend, I would always love him. And if you love something, you let it go, right? Well, this was me letting Junhong go. He'd be happier, and that was all that mattered to me.





Hey, I finally updated! It's kinda short, but it felt longer when I was actually writing it...oh well.

Yay! Hyunki and Zelo cleared things up! Sorry that it wasn't that exciting, but I needed to get the Hyunki drama out of the way so I could move on to some other stuff.

Hope you all enjoy it so far! Please comment and subscribeeeee!! :D




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Chapter 18: I rly miss this story <3
CheonsaKeikeu9 #2
Chapter 18: Wow this is quiet short but really enjoyable
The updates weren't that bad either
Chapter 18: i want to subscribe to your story but im new to this and i dont know how xD ㅋㅋ i loved this story! ^.^
Chapter 18: wow.. pretty much all I have to say hahaha
Jjingbang #5
OMG! New reader here! I absolutely adore your fic, I mean.. I read it to the latest chapter in one seating. It's very comedic which suits my taste, but it also has the darker tone at some moments that really brings the story more uniqueness! Update soon~ I shall be waiting, hwating!
bornbigbang1 #6
Chapter 17: Eeeep!!! Amazing!
Chapter 17: Loved it <3 and yeahh freakin himchan haha its like that in like all the banglo's i read haha
purrrah #8
Chapter 17: omf Himchan of the century.... Good to see you udating again~
Chapter 16: i definetly want more
Chapter 15: I love it!