

Youngjae POV



Yongguk charged out of his room, slamming the door wall-shakingly hard. He was breathing hard in fury and his eyes were red and glossed over with angry tears. We had all heard his screaming and paused our chatting to listen.


Bang stomped over to me and grabbed my arm, violently pulling me into my room. He threw me onto the bed and straddled me. He began to pull off my shirt but I pushed him off of me with all my strength.


"YONGGUK! Stop this!" I screamed at him. "This isn't going to change anything and you know that just as well as everyone else!!"


That's when our fearless leader snapped. He collapsed on his hands and knees on the floor and began sobbing. He was punching at the ground and his whole body was trembling.


I crawled down to sit next to him, rubbing his back in an attempt to calm him down a little.


"" He hiccuped. "Youngjae...h-help me-e..."


"Why are you doing this, Yongguk?" I asked softly. "You don't love me."


He didn't answer. He just shook his head back and forth, as if he were trying to shake himself from this nightmare come true.


"Who do you love?" I continued.


He pressed his forehead against the cold wood floor. "...J-Junhong...I love Junhong..."


I smiled a little. "That's right," I said, my eyes tearing up a tiny bit. "Now go tell him that."


He slowly sat up, wiping the salty water from his red cheeks. I hugged him gently before helping back to his feet.


"Thank you..." He whispered weakly. I just smiled sadly.


I watched him leave my room and go back towards his own. I half smiled as he opened the door to the room that held his one and only true love. It was Junhong, not me, and it would always be like that. And even though my love for Yongguk would always be unrequited, I was happy. He was finally going to be happy, after all this time of being miserable. 



Yongguk POV



I was still very angry about Junhong cheating, but Youngjae made me see that I could overlook this one mistake he made because my love for him was so strong. And I knew Junhong still loved me more than anything too.


I rushed into my room and found Zelo crying on the bed. I grabbed him and pressed my lips to his. He was startled at first, but eventually melted into the kiss. It wasn't a lusty, rough kiss, but a soft, gentle kiss full of love. When we came apart, Zelo just stared at me for a second before embracing me desperately.


"I'm so sorry Yongguk! I love you so much!" He sobbed.


"I'm sorry too, Junhong. I love you more than anything in the world. I'm never going to let you go again," I replied, feeling myself get teary eyed again.



Hyunki POV



I watched from the bed as Zelo and Yongguk made up. I smiled as little tears came to my swollen eyes. Junhong was happy again. I quietly let myself out of the room, careful not to disturb the bawling couple.


I limped into the living room and collapsed on the couch, feeling everyone's worried stares.


"Oh my gosh! Hyunki! Are you okay?! We need to get you to a hospital!" Minwoo cried.


I waved him off. "That won't be necessary. It's nothing that won't heal on it's own."


Minwoo continued to look concerned. "You sure?"


I nodded. "We're on our break anyway, so my appearance doesn't really matter right now."


It looked like he was going to make another argument, but we were interrupted by Himchan and Baekjo. They emerged from the bedroom with huge satisfied grins slapped across their faces. They walked (well, Himchan limped) into the kitchen to get a snack as if nothing had happened. Changhee, Minwoo, and Jongup made disgusted faces at them. I laughed just as Youngjae came out from his room. He silently sat down on the couch next to me. 


"Youngjae~ what happened?" Daehyun sang, squishing the other boy's fluffy cheeks.


"I fixed them," he replied with a small smile.


Daehyun's eyes grew wide. "YOU CUT OFF THEIR BALLS?"


Youngjae pushed his hyung away. "Ew, seriously, something must be wrong with your brain. I fixed their relationship. They're happy and together again."


I smiled again and heard a door opening behind me. I turned around to see Zelo and Yongguk exiting the bedroom. Yongguk's arm was around Zelo's shoulder and both were smiling.


The pair sat down together in the living room with the rest of us. Yongguk saw me in my battered state and his face tensed.


"D-did that?" He stuttered.


I nodded cautiously.


"I'm so so so sorry!" He cried. "Do you need something?? Ice? A doctor? Anything?"


I shook my head. "I'm fine. I deserved it anyway. Guess we're pretty much even." I held out my hand to him and he shook it firmly and smiled.


"How about we go get something to eat?" Jongup suggested. "Are you well enough to go out, Hyunki?"


I nodded and pulled myself up from the couch.


"Let's go to Kwangjang Market!" Daehyun shouted excitedly. "They always have lots of great food there!"


The group unanimously agreed to go to Kwangjang and we all put on our masks, scarves, glasses, and hats as disguises and headed out.


We all had a lot of fun. Daehyun was running like a maniac through the marketplace, tasting just about every food available. The BangZelo couple cutely fed each other and Youngjae and Changhee tried their best to stop Baekjo and Himchan from making out in public. Minwoo and Jongup kinda had to help me walk, but for the most part, I could get around fine without much pain.



Zelo POV



After hanging out in Kwangjang for a while, Yongguk and I got tired and Himchan and Baekjo were completely wasted. Yongguk and I practically carried them home because their limbs were totally disfunctional. We had to do it on our own because the others decided that they wanted to go out for some bubble tea.


When we finally got back to the dorm, I was exhausted. I threw Baekjo onto the couch and Yongguk dropped Himchan on top of him.


"Aish, hyung! Why are you so fat and drunk?!" I complained, lightly kicking Baekjo's back.


Yongguk laughed and pulled me back against his chest. I smiled and twisted around to kiss him.


"I love you," he hummed.


"I love you too," I whispered.


Yongguk chuckled and ruffled my hair. "I like your hair like this. The pink and blue suit you."


I laughed softly and grabbed his hand, excitedly pulling him into his bedroom. I sat on the bed and he gently pushed me down onto my back. He straddled my legs and snuck a cold hand up my t-shirt. He thumbed at my and I let out a silent moan. He pushed my shirt hem up to my neck and kissed my chest over and over again. He moved down and tapped the tent in my pants with his finger.


"Looks like someone's excited, eh, Jello?" He teased.


I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt myself blush from embarrassment.


"Ah, you're so adorable~" he mused, palming my growing .


Just as a moan escaped my drying lips, the bedroom door swung open to reveal Jongup's flushed face.


"Jongup! What do you want?!" Yongguk growled.


"S-Sorry! But, uh, Himchan hyung threw up and now he keeps trying to kiss's super gross," Jongup explained awkwardly.


Yongguk groaned and got up from the bed. I pulled my shirt back down and followed him out. We found Himchan lying on the floor babbling nonsensical things about Jongup.


"Kim! Him! Chan!" Yongguk yelled.


"Hyosunggie~? Is that you? Come give the commander a kiss, eh? Hehehehe..."


"Shut up and go to bed you fat drunk!" Yongguk demanded. Himchan muttered some incoherent stuff before weakly crawling to his room.


"Why are you even here, Jongup?" The leader asked the younger boy as he cleaned up the vomit on the floor.


Jongup shrugged. "I didn't feel like having bubble tea tonight."


"Well you're a total , and now my has definitely gone down after cleaning up these chunks..."


"Sorry...?" Jongup apologized, scratching his head.


I leaned over to Yongguk and whispered in his ear. "Don't worry. I'm always ready for you to take me, oppa." I blushed at the fact that I had just taken Himchan's advice and said something so lewd to Yongguk.


My lover looked at me in shock and quickly tried to hide the thin stream of blood trickling from his nose. I smiled and ran back into my room, not for , but to sleep. I was exhausted. It had been a long day. I curled up under Yongguk's blankets and closed my eyes. I felt pressure next to me on the bed and turned around to cuddle with my boyfriend. He wrapped his muscular arms around me and held me securely against his warm body.


Oh, how I missed this. 


I relaxed in Yongguk's embrace and fell asleep to the steady tempo of his warm breaths, comforted by the beating of the heart that loved only me.




Hey~ I don't have much to say this chapter, but I'm pretty sure the story will be ending soon. Probably next chapter, or the one after that. A lot of this chapter was just useless dialogue, but oh well. I hope you guys still love me...

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Chapter 18: I rly miss this story <3
CheonsaKeikeu9 #2
Chapter 18: Wow this is quiet short but really enjoyable
The updates weren't that bad either
Chapter 18: i want to subscribe to your story but im new to this and i dont know how xD ㅋㅋ i loved this story! ^.^
Chapter 18: wow.. pretty much all I have to say hahaha
Jjingbang #5
OMG! New reader here! I absolutely adore your fic, I mean.. I read it to the latest chapter in one seating. It's very comedic which suits my taste, but it also has the darker tone at some moments that really brings the story more uniqueness! Update soon~ I shall be waiting, hwating!
bornbigbang1 #6
Chapter 17: Eeeep!!! Amazing!
Chapter 17: Loved it <3 and yeahh freakin himchan haha its like that in like all the banglo's i read haha
purrrah #8
Chapter 17: omf Himchan of the century.... Good to see you udating again~
Chapter 16: i definetly want more
Chapter 15: I love it!