

Yongguk POV



"What?!" I exclaimed, quickly sitting up in Daehyun's bed, causing me to smack my head hard on the upper bunk. Aish, that hurt, but I didn't care at the moment. "Are you kidding?!"


Daehyun shook his head excitedly. "Just be patient for a week and a half or so and you should be able to see Zelo again!"


Jongup and Youngjae dashed into the room, jumping around like Tiggers. "Hyung, hyung! Zelo's gonna visit!" They cheered together happily.


"I know! And I can't wait!" I shouted, popping out of bed. I ran to the bathroom and started to do my hair. Daehyun peeked in and gave me a weird look.


"Uh...hyung? He's not going to be here for a while. Why are you getting ready for him now?" He smirked.


"Oh, uh...I don't really know," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "I guess I'm just excited."


"Heh, I can tell," he chuckled. "But why don't you start by cleaning around the house rather than getting all dolled up, hm?"


I nodded and returned to my room. It was a total mess. I had never felt like tidying it up, but now that Zelo and the rest of his group would be coming over, I'd have to at least make it presentable. At least so you can see the floor...



Zelo POV



In the van on the way back from the performance, everyone was in a good mood. The manager was giving us tips on how we could improve our stage presence, but I wasn't really paying much attention to him. I learned how to have charisma and personality on stage from Himchan hyung, so I figured I didn't really need manager hyung's lessons.


Besides, there was no way I'd be able to focus on his lecture even if I had wanted to. My mind was set on Yongguk, and the precious time we'd spend together in just a little while. I was a little disappointed that he had to find out about our visit through Himchan and not me, but that didn't really matter much. The point was, I'd be reunited with the love of my life after waiting so long without him.


"So, Junhonggie," Baekjo began. "Are you excited to see your old hyungs again?"


I nodded my head uncontrollably. "Yes! I've missed them so much!"


"I can't wait to meet them," Minwoo continued. "We're big fans."


"Do you think they'd give us autographs?" Changhee asked excitedly.


The whole van "ooh"ed at the idea of getting something signed by the members of B.A.P and I couldn't help but chuckle at them.


When we got back to the dorm, I fell back onto my bed and closed my eyes, imagining all the wonderful things Yongguk and I would do once we were together. We would watch movies on the couch, sharing my fuzzy blue blanket that is too small for two people, so we'd have to snuggle really close to each other to fit. We would eat food together, have friendly rap battles, and at the end of the day, cuddle beneath the covers of his bed, basking in the warmth of each others' bodies as we press against one another, occasionally stealing gentle kisses in the dark.


I sighed. Please make this next week and a half go by quickly.


I felt pressure on the bed next to me and cautiously opened my eyes to find Hyunki hyung lounging by my side. He my hair, not in an intimate, sensual way, but in a friendly, caring manner. I relaxed and leaned into his shoulder.


"Are you going to tell Yongguk?" He asked softly, referring to our recent affair.


I hadn't really thought about what I'd do. I didn't really want to tell him, but I didn't want him to find out on his own either.


I shrugged my shoulders and felt Hyunki exhale. "I think it's best that you do."


I nodded.


"And don't be scared," he added. "You know that I won't let him hurt you, and I'm always here for you, right?"


I nodded again. "But it's not that I'm afraid of him hurting me; he'd never do that. What I'm afraid of is hurting him..."


Hyunki rolled over and embraced me tightly. "I'm so sorry, Junhong...this is all my fault." I could practically hear the tears forming as he spoke.


"It's not all your fault, hyung. I was unfaithful to Yongguk, and I'm partially to blame for that, if not completely."


He hugged me tighter. "I suppose you're right...but I'm not letting you take all the credit for this," he said shakily. "I want to be there when you tell him."


"I'm not sure that's such a great idea, hy--"


"Please, Junhong. I want to apologize to him too."


"I don't want you to get hurt..."


"Don't worry, I'll be fine. This is the least I can do for you guys," he insisted, smiling half-heartedly.


I gave up arguing with him and closed my eyes again so I could sleep. After a few moments, I heard his soft sniffles fade into steady breaths. He was asleep, his arms and legs still wrapped around me. It was surprisingly comfortable, this position I was in, and let myself drift off as well.




Hey~~!! I'm back! ^3^ sorry again, it's a bit short, but I didn't feel like having the reunion in this chapter. My apologies. 

As always, please comment and subscribe! I'm losing commenters! And you know how I feel about silent readers...just kidding, I love all of you, but I'd really appreciate more feedback from you guys! It's getting lonely being a writer...



P.S Don't forget to vote for B.A.P at the MAMAs!!!

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Chapter 18: I rly miss this story <3
CheonsaKeikeu9 #2
Chapter 18: Wow this is quiet short but really enjoyable
The updates weren't that bad either
Chapter 18: i want to subscribe to your story but im new to this and i dont know how xD ㅋㅋ i loved this story! ^.^
Chapter 18: wow.. pretty much all I have to say hahaha
Jjingbang #5
OMG! New reader here! I absolutely adore your fic, I mean.. I read it to the latest chapter in one seating. It's very comedic which suits my taste, but it also has the darker tone at some moments that really brings the story more uniqueness! Update soon~ I shall be waiting, hwating!
bornbigbang1 #6
Chapter 17: Eeeep!!! Amazing!
Chapter 17: Loved it <3 and yeahh freakin himchan haha its like that in like all the banglo's i read haha
purrrah #8
Chapter 17: omf Himchan of the century.... Good to see you udating again~
Chapter 16: i definetly want more
Chapter 15: I love it!