Final Moments


Yongguk P.O.V



The night is not long enough.


I heard my alarm calling me to wake up, but i refused to get out of bed.


I squeezed my eyelids together and tightened my hold on Zelo's body. I wanted to make the moment last longer.


My last morning with Zelo.


I guess I thought that maybe if I didn't get up at all, I wouldn't have to give my Junhong up.


This just shows how ignorant I was. I had to face facts. Of course I'd have to get up, and of course Zelo would have to leave.


"Morning hyung," Zelo said sleepily.


I smiled sadly and kissed his head. He pulled me closer and nuzzled his face in my neck. I sighed and sat up, pulling Zelo up with me.


"Let's make this the best morning ever, hyung!" Junhong beamed.


I was taken aback by his bright attitude. He was always so positive. It seemed that everything had a little bit of good to it in his mind. But I don't know what he could possibly see as good in this situation.


He jumped off the bed and pulled me into the kitchen. Jongup and Daehyun were sitting at the dinner table eating pancakes.


"Daehyunnie hyung! Jonguppie hyung!" Zelo shouted excitedly. "We want pancakes too!"


Daehyun got up and took the ingredients back out from the pantry.


"Wait, Dae," I stopped him. "We can make them."


Daehyun smiled and sat back down at the table and continued eating.


Junhong and I mixed up some batter and put it in the pan Daehyun and Jongup had left on the stove. I stood in front of the stove, cooking the pancake, with Zelo standing behind me.


His hands slowly crept around my waist, hugging me tightly from the back. I sighed and turned around to face him.


"I'm really gonna miss you," I said.


"I'll miss you a lot too, hyung."


He pressed his lips softly against mine. It was a quick kiss, but it might have been longer if the boys in the dining room hadn't spoken up.


"Yah! Not in front of us! We've got an innocent child here!" Daehyun scolded, covering up Jongup's eyes. The younger boy just giggled behind his hyung's hands.



Zelo P.O.V



After Daehyun hyung's nervous outburst, Gukkie and I limited ourselves to just hugging.


After breakfast, Yongguk hyung and I decided to go on a walk, just the two of us. I held tight onto his hand, not wanting to let him go and waste the precious time we had left together. It was sort of chilly out, so I was wearing my favorite scarf. The dark red one Yongguk had bought for me a while ago.


We walked through the spacious park down the street for a while. We stopped at a park bench, Yongguk hyung setting the blanket he had brought down on the cold seat. He sat down, an I took my place next to him, resting my head on his broad shoulder, marveling at the thin clouds of breath that formed in the cool air in front of us.


We stayed like that for a while, huddled together on the bench in the middle of the frosty park.


After a few minutes, I leaned my head up and planted a soft, warm kiss on Yongguk's icy cheek. He blushed a little and smiled, then turned to kiss me back on the lips.


"I don't know what I'll do without you, Zelo-ah," he said quietly.


I felt my eyes start to water. I didn't know what I'd do without him either.


But I had to stay strong. Maybe if I kept a positive attitude, he would too.


"I call you a lot, hyung," I said, trying to sound happy, but my voice was still shaky. "And I'll visit you. As much as I can."



Yongguk P.O.V



How often would he be able to visit me? He'd be very busy, and so would I. There would be almost no time to see each other.


I could see that he was trying his best to look on the bright side, but that's kinda hard when the love of your life is being torn away from you.


I hugged the maknae closer. The street lamp next to us flicked on. It wasn't very dark out, but it was getting late. We slowly and quietly rose from the bench and headed home. 


It was almost time to say goodbye.





AH! I'm soooooo sorry this chapter took me so long! It's difficult to find time to write and post these with school back in session. I'll try my best to get what I can done as fast as possible. You guys are so patient though, so I'll start writing the third chapter right now! Hopefully I can get it finished and posted later tonight! ^^




p.s. Comments are veryyy appreciated! (:

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Chapter 18: I rly miss this story <3
CheonsaKeikeu9 #2
Chapter 18: Wow this is quiet short but really enjoyable
The updates weren't that bad either
Chapter 18: i want to subscribe to your story but im new to this and i dont know how xD ㅋㅋ i loved this story! ^.^
Chapter 18: wow.. pretty much all I have to say hahaha
Jjingbang #5
OMG! New reader here! I absolutely adore your fic, I mean.. I read it to the latest chapter in one seating. It's very comedic which suits my taste, but it also has the darker tone at some moments that really brings the story more uniqueness! Update soon~ I shall be waiting, hwating!
bornbigbang1 #6
Chapter 17: Eeeep!!! Amazing!
Chapter 17: Loved it <3 and yeahh freakin himchan haha its like that in like all the banglo's i read haha
purrrah #8
Chapter 17: omf Himchan of the century.... Good to see you udating again~
Chapter 16: i definetly want more
Chapter 15: I love it!