

Zelo POV (10 minutes before the end of Chapter 9)



Things had gotten weird between Hyunki and me. There was a lot of tension building up. I tried my best to avoid him. I slept on the couch at night, but it was difficult to do so because the other members liked to watch TV in the living room late at night, interrupting my slumber. Even at practice, I asked for my position in the dance to be moved from next to Hyunki to as far away as possible from him.


I just couldn't deal with him right now.


I felt extremely guilty as well. I was unfaithful to Yongguk, and even though I felt remorseful afterwards, I had enjoyed sleeping with Hyunki.


We finished practice and I went to sit down next to my bag. I pulled my phone out of the front pocket and found that it was vibrating. Yongguk was calling! I almost pressed the green pick-up button, but I stopped myself.


You're not ready for this, Zelo. You can't talk to him yet. You have to get things all figured out first.


I sighed and just let it go to voicemail. To my surprise, the little "new voicemail" icon popped up on my slightly cracked screen when the vibrations ceased. Yongguk was never one to leave messages.


"Uh,'s me...Yongguk..."


Of course, I know it's you, babo.


I listened to the rest of the message, little tears forming in my eyes.


"...I love you."


I love you too, Yongguk. It may not seem like it now, but I really do. More than anyone in the world. I'm sorry.


The message ended and I locked my phone, slipping it back into the pocket I got it out of.


"Come on, Zelo-ah," Baekjo called. "We're going home." I got up and followed the others out of the building and to the van.



Yongguk POV



Youngjae's warm hold on my hand was comforting. He had helped me the most since Zelo left. And I was thankful. I couldn't possibly survive all this on my own.


We arrived at the dorm, and I was just about to open the front door, but Youngjae pulled me back. I looked at him, puzzled.


"Yongguk hyung, I have something I need to say to you," he sighed, squeezing my hand in his. I nodded for him to go on.


"I know you love I don't expect anything from you after this..." He paused for a moment.


I had no idea where this was going so I just kept staring at him until he spoke again.


"I...I like you, hyung...and I feel that since Zelo's been gone, you and I have gotten closer." He stopped again, waiting for my response.


I chuckled softly. "Yeah, I like you too, Youngjae. I really appreciate you helping me through this." I smiled at him and reached for the doorknob, but he stopped me again.


"I don't think you're understanding me...I like you. A lot," he said, slightly furrowing his eyebrows.


"Yes, and I said I like you too. A lot. Now can we please go inside? It's getting cold," I replied, rubbing my arm with my free hand to create warmth.


"No, hyung! You don't get it! I-I'm in love with you!" He blurted out, a hint of frustration in his voice.




"Yeah, see? Now you understand," he said, his voice kind of cracking.


"I...I don't know what to say, Youngjae..."


"You don't have to say anything..." he mumbled, his gaze dropping down to the ground.


"I'm sorry...I just...Zelo..." I could barely get the words out.


"I know, Yonggukie hyung," he said, lifting his head back up so he could look at me. He tried his best to smile. "Like I said, I don't expect you to return my feelings. You're actually taking this better than I thought you would."


"How did you think I'd react?"


"Well, I have been practicing my confession for a while now," he blushed. "And any way I could think of telling you ending in you yelling at me and storming off because I was just causing more conflict. I was worried to tell you...I didn't want to be a bother."


"Youngjae..." I breathed, pulling him into a warm hug. "You will never be a bother. Do you understand?"


He nodded into my chest, tightening his embrace on my waist.


We stood there on the porch, wrapped in each others' arms. We stayed there for maybe a minute. Like I had earlier mentioned, it was getting frigid outside, but somehow, being with Youngjae, with his pale limbs s around my body, it didn't feel so cold.


Eventually, we broke apart and entered the heated dorm, still hand in hand, catching the attention of the other members' curious eyes. We didn't mind them, parting ways to go to our separate rooms.


My room.


I hadn't been in it since the day Zelo left. But with Youngjae's help, I'd finally built up the strength to go in. The scent of Junhong's sweet pea air freshener still lingered in the air. I inhaled deeply, taking in the lovely aroma.


I walked over to my bed and collapsed onto it. I hadn't slept in an actual bed in what seemed like an eternity, and the feeling of the springy material beneath my aching back was wonderful.


There was only one person responsible for helping me so much that I'd actually come back to my room.


Thank you, Youngjae.





Ah, I'm sorry it's so short. But I had to update. I missed writing for you guys, hehe. I hope you like it :)

Please comment and subscribe! ^^




P.S. KuroBara83, looks like you weren't crazy ;)

P.P.S. This is me, if you wanted to know what I look like, hehe ^^


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Chapter 18: I rly miss this story <3
CheonsaKeikeu9 #2
Chapter 18: Wow this is quiet short but really enjoyable
The updates weren't that bad either
Chapter 18: i want to subscribe to your story but im new to this and i dont know how xD ㅋㅋ i loved this story! ^.^
Chapter 18: wow.. pretty much all I have to say hahaha
Jjingbang #5
OMG! New reader here! I absolutely adore your fic, I mean.. I read it to the latest chapter in one seating. It's very comedic which suits my taste, but it also has the darker tone at some moments that really brings the story more uniqueness! Update soon~ I shall be waiting, hwating!
bornbigbang1 #6
Chapter 17: Eeeep!!! Amazing!
Chapter 17: Loved it <3 and yeahh freakin himchan haha its like that in like all the banglo's i read haha
purrrah #8
Chapter 17: omf Himchan of the century.... Good to see you udating again~
Chapter 16: i definetly want more
Chapter 15: I love it!