Bad News





Depression was an easy thing to fall into. Yongguk knew this from experience.


He had been into a black hole of sorrow once before, and he hated it. It happened when the love of his life, Zelo, left for a week to visit his family. Even though it was only for a short time and he was perfectly safe where he was going, Yongguk couldn't help but worry about the boy.


On the few days the group had no schedule or practice, he would just lie on the couch, watching reruns of low-budget dramas that he had already seen many times before.


That was all he could do.


He couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep, he couldn't even go into Zelo's bedroom; avoiding the tear-jerking thoughts that would flood his mind whenever something reminded him of the absent maknae.


But the nights were the worst.


He would lie awake, thinking of his lover, missing the feeling of him being with him in bed. He missed the warmth of Zelo's soft breaths against his bare chest as they slept.


But now sleep was no longer available to Yongguk. Too painful.


It was better to completely abandon the idea of sleeping and just lie quietly in his bed, sulking in grief. He tried his best to hide his sorrow from the other members, as they didn't know he was gay and had Zelo as his partner. He didn't want to explain it all and deal with their reactions, which were not positive ones in Yongguk's imagination. So he decided it would be best to bottle up his feelings for the time being.


But now, months later, Yongguk and Junhong decide to tell the other members about their secret relationship.


"Zelo and I..." Yongguk began.


"Are a couple!" Zelo finished excitedly.


The members stared at the boys with blank expressions on their faces.


"I already knew that," Himchan shrugged.


"So did I..." Jongup added. "I can hear you guys making out in the bedroom..."


Daehyun chuckled and nodded.


"You guys should have been a lot quieter if you wanted it to be a secret..." Youngjae teased.


Zelo blushed.


"Yah, shut up..." Yongguk snapped. "Why didn't you tell us that you knew?"


"We wanted to see how long it took you guys to confess to us," Daehyun explained.


"It took you quite a while..." Youngjae said.


Yongguk omitted a sound that was somewhere between a sigh and a groan. He got up and headed back to his room, taking Zelo with him.


"Keep the noise down this time!" Himchan called after him. The members laughed.


"We're not coming in here to make out, babo!" Yongguk yelled back, closing the door behind him when he and Junhong got into the room.


When Yongguk got to the bed, he flopped back and lay there. Zelo just sat next to him and stared at his hyung.



Zelo P.O.V



Hyung is so beautiful. I want to tell him that, but he hates it when I do. He says he's too manly to be called beautiful. He is manly...but somehow he manages to be pretty at the same time. I don't know how he does it. 


I guess he notices my staring, because he sits up and stares right back.


"What's up?" He asks me, confused.


I have no verbal response, so I lean forward and press my lips to his. He kisses back and his plump lips overtake my smaller ones. It's a gentle kiss, yet passionate. He brings his hand up to the back of my head and tugs lightly on my hair. A small, nearly inaudible moan escapes my lips. I feel the corners of his mouth curve up as he smiles against me. He begins running his hand up my thigh when we hear the door open.


"Ah! My eyes!!" Himchan screams. "You said you wouldn't be making out in here!!!"


"We changed our minds," Yongguk smirked. "What do you want anyway?"


"I just came in to get my phone..." Himchan grumbled, quickly grabbing his cellular and making his way out the door.


"Make sure the others know not to come in here too!" Yongguk shouted to him. "Anyway...where were we?" Gukkie hyung smiled and leaned in to kiss me, but I stopped him. He looked at me, confused.


"Hyung..." I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking. "I...I love you so much..."


Yongguk, still a little puzzled, smiled and replied "I love you too, Junhong. But what's wrong? You're acting strange."


I turned my head away from my leader in an attempt to hide the tears that were welling up in my eyes.


"I...I have to leave, hyung." A mixture of emotions washed over him. Anger, confusion, shock, and sadness all took their places on my hyung's beautiful face.


"Zelo...what are you talking about?" He asked me, his voice cracking in the middle of the question.


"They're sending me away, hyung! To another group!" I cried.



Yongguk P.O.V



What? Did I hear that right? Sending him away? But...why?


"They said this group had enough talent without me and they could use my skills somewhere else! They're making me leave in a month!" Zelo sobbed, reading my mind.


I was in shock. I couldn't respond if I tried.


"H-hyung..." Junhong sniffled. "I don't want to go...I don't want to leave you!"


"I...I don't want you to either..." I respond. "And I won't let you."


I was determined to keep Junhong with us. We all loved him. And obviously, I loved him the most. It just wouldn't be B.A.P without our adorable maknae.


"Do the others know about this?" I asked. Zelo nodded. I grabbed Zelo's hand and dragged him out to the living room with me, to where Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, and Jongup were.


"Is your little lovefest over?" Himchan snickered.


I was in no mood for his jokes.


"You guys are just going to let our Junhong go?!" I yelled.


Himchan's face changed from amused to solemn.


"There's nothing we can do Yongguk..." he said quietly.


"But we have to at least try, don't we?!" I exclaimed. "We can't just let them take him away from us."


I recalled the time Zelo had left for a week to visit family. It was the worst week of my life, and if they took Zelo away for good, I don't know what I'd do.



Zelo P.O.V



I watched as Gukkie hyung let out his rage on the other hyungs. He seemed so worried about me. I was worried too. Of course, I didn't want to leave B.A.P.


What about the hyungs?


The BABYz?




But what could I do? I couldn't think of anything at the time, and one month later, still had no ideas.


It was my last night with B.A.P. I slept with Yongguk instead of in my own bed. I had to spend as much time as I could with him. This may be the last time I see him in who knows how long.


Yongguk hyung slept only in his boxers, and I wore a loose t-shirt and shorts. I wrapped my arms around his torso and slung one leg over his hip. I rested my head against his bare chest, my soft cheek rubbing against his smooth, pale skin. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me tighter against him.


I smiled a sad smile. This may be the last time I ever get to do this.


"Hyung?" I whispered.


He hummed sleepily in response.


"I love you."


"I love you too, Junhong."

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Chapter 18: I rly miss this story <3
CheonsaKeikeu9 #2
Chapter 18: Wow this is quiet short but really enjoyable
The updates weren't that bad either
Chapter 18: i want to subscribe to your story but im new to this and i dont know how xD ㅋㅋ i loved this story! ^.^
Chapter 18: wow.. pretty much all I have to say hahaha
Jjingbang #5
OMG! New reader here! I absolutely adore your fic, I mean.. I read it to the latest chapter in one seating. It's very comedic which suits my taste, but it also has the darker tone at some moments that really brings the story more uniqueness! Update soon~ I shall be waiting, hwating!
bornbigbang1 #6
Chapter 17: Eeeep!!! Amazing!
Chapter 17: Loved it <3 and yeahh freakin himchan haha its like that in like all the banglo's i read haha
purrrah #8
Chapter 17: omf Himchan of the century.... Good to see you udating again~
Chapter 16: i definetly want more
Chapter 15: I love it!