His Majesty The Queen

Mission Impossible II

Hey guysss!!!! Here's the next chappie!! Comment and subscribe pleaseee!! Many thanks to subbies <333333



Who was he?

Daehyun stared. Tried to determine if the man beside him was a threat. He didn't really look like one though--full of elbows and knees, that grew on scrawny arms and legs. Daehyun compared them to his own biceps (that were, he had to admit reluctantly, not as good as Jongup's), that were about twice the size of the guy's. Despite the situation, Daehyun felt a rush of pride. He looked at the man beside him again.

The man was mumbling something to himself, while trying to scroll down on his smart phone which he held between his bound legs. Daehyun raised an eyebrow, unsurprised, when the captors, two darker silhouettes standing in the gloom, stepped forward to snatch the device away, dissolving once more into the darkness beyond the room, closing the door behind them. The final sound of a turning lock signalled that Daehyun was alone in the room with the stranger.

The stranger's eyes opened wide, at the confiscation of his device, hopelessly straining against the cords that trussed him up. This action made the man rock about in exertion, which caused him to bump into Daehyun again and again. Daehyun's eyebrows furrowed, and twisted his body to deliver a kick to the man, to get him to stop the irritating action. This turned the stranger's attention back to Daehyun.

"You. Where's Youngjae?" The stranger asked the same question again, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"Youngjae?" Daehyun wondered if the man was talking about his teammate. But then what was his relationship with the stranger? A brother? Daehyun looked at the man closely, making him squirm a little. They looked nothing alike. Daehyun decided to play dumb about Youngjae. He didn't know why the stranger was after this piece of information, and giving information on Youngjae's whereabouts could mean bad news for his teammate. Besides, Daehyun couldn't be sure where Youngjae was. If he was safe.

Daehyun closed his eyes briefly at that. He felt a little sick at the thought of Youngjae getting caught, and beaten up by those thugs. Please let Youngjae be safe.

"Yeah. Youngjae. What did you guys do to him." The stranger spoke slower, and in short sentences, as if Daehyun was a retard.

Daehyun snorted. Who did the guy think he was?

"You guys? I'm sitting here, tied up with you, in some stinking basement closet, and you think I'm in cahoots with the pre... With them?!" Daehyun shook himself mentally. He'd almost blurted out that they were his prey. He'd almost revealed who he was. He eyed the man nervously for any reaction that indicated he'd caught on. But the guy's face didn't change, he didn't look anything but suspicious.

"Then have you seen him? He's my partner. My Youngjae? My little dongsaeng?" The guy looked close to tears, as he reached out to clutch Daehyun's shirt.

Daehyun shifted on his bum, so that he was out of reach. What was up with the guy? He looked like a mother searching for a lost child. He felt a twinge of pity for the man at that thought, and turned to face him properly once again.

"What does he look like, your partner Youngjae?" Daehyun asked slowly.

"He has...two moles on the small of his back...except...you probably wouldn't be able to see them..." The man considered the question for a while. Then, his face cleared, and he turned to face Daehyun. "He looks alot like the Youngjae of B.A.P! Virtually identical! They could be...be clones!" The man looked at him expectantly.

Daehyun's breath caught. He found himself nodding at the stranger's description. "Yeah, Youngjae does have those weird moles..." He trailed off, realising what he'd just said. They were talking about the same Youngjae after all. Daehyun's train of thoughts froze. How did the man know about the moles?! Daehyun'd only found out about them the night after their first showcase, when they'd... Daehyun tried not to think what they'd done in bed that night, worried about the heat that'd rushed to his face. Once again, Daehyun wondered what Youngjae's relationship was with this man.

"How'd you know about the moles?" Daehyun was unable to keep the jealousy out of his voice. Heck! He was acting like the abandoned girlfriend or something.

The man shurgged, as best as he could, with arms still tightly bound. "He had a fever one night, and I sponged him down, helped him into a new set of clothes..." The man trailed off, and looked sharply at Daehyun. He leaned forward, so that their noses almost touched. Daehyun had a bad feeling about what he was going to say next.

"How'd you know about the moles?" Daehyun tried to avoid the man's eyes, that were inches away from his own.

"S-Same situation...as...you...?" Daehyun tried to cover up his embarrassment. He couldn't possibly tell the true reason.

The man made a sudden movement. Daehyun tried not to flinch, as the man shouted once in his face.

"Oh my god. You're Daehyun from B.A.P!" The man scooted backwards, and relaxed his defensive stance--if, it could even be called a stance. "I almost didn't recognise you--from what Youngjae tells me, I'd have thought you'd look like a god, or something..." Daehyun cursed under his breath. His cover had been blown. Next time, he'd remember to bring one of his masks that he wore during the filming of Ta-da It's B.A.P... Daehyun realised that it'd also blow his cover. He groaned inwardly. He'd never had to worry about his disguise too much in the past. But then he'd never been so famous before either. Daehyun scratched his head, lost in his thoughts. He jumped a little when the man nudged him playfully in the ribs, smiling at him.

"Did you both decide to do this mission together? Aww! How cute!" The man was positively gushing.

Daehyun raised an eyebrow. "Mission? Together? What?" Daehyun didn't understand. How could he ever go on a mission with Youngjae? He wasn't even a...

"Spies! Both of you are spies! Don't worry, your secret's safe with me..." Daehyun's question earned him another playful jab in the ribs from Youngjae's hyung. Daehyun rolled his eyes at the man.

"A spy? Yeah. And I'm the queen of England." Daehyun said sarcastically. Youngjae's hyung raised his eyebrows.

"But he is a spy!" Youngjae's hyung insisted, face scrunching up in earnest.

"And I am the queen of England." Daehyun's lip curled incredulously.

"He never told you? You need proof? That my little Youngjae bunny is my partner?"  The man began trying to reach his back pockets, bound body contorting in all sorts of unnatural ways.

Daehyun watched him, and snorted. "You're a spy too?" Then, it hit him.

"Woah. Wait up." The man stopped his disturbing activities, to glance up at Daehyun (what kind of spy brought identification proof with them on a mission anyways?!). "Just what did you call him, my. dear. friend?" Daehyun's voice became lower.

"Uhh, my little Youngjae bunny?" The man repeated himself, a curious expression on his face.

Daehyun couldn't control himself any longer. "Your little Youngjae bunny?!" Daehyun half shouted in exasperation.

Youngjae's hyung raised his head a little higher, chin jutting out obstinately. "Yeah. My little Youngjae bunny."  Daehyun's mouth hung open a little at this statement. Then his eyes narrowed, to match those of Youngjae's hyung.

"Since when, was he yours?!" Daehyun growled this time. He couldn't believe the nerve of the guy in front of him. Youngjae's hyung was lucky they were trussed up like this. Otherwise, Daehyun would have made short work of tearing his head off. How dare the man claim Youngjae belonged to him.

"What? Is he yours?!" Youngjae's hyung's voice went a notch higher.

This time, it was Daehyun's turn to stick his nose in the air, and jut his chin out with an air of finality.

"Yeah." Daehyun spit out the word, as venomously as he could. He'd show the man.

The door burst open, just as Youngjae's hyung opened his mouth, to hurl an insult at Daehyun. Both males were breathing hard, and straining at their bonds, trying their best to land punches on each other.

Looking at their captors, who just watched them with bemused expressions on their faces, Youngjae's hyung choked back the retort, and Daehyun smirked. He'd won this round.

Both captives looked at the captors, that weilded guns, and didn't look as if they'd hesitate to shoot them if they retaliated. Daehyun scanned the room out of the corner of his eye. He needed to find a way out of here. His attention focused on the captors once again, when the scruffiest, meanest of them spoke (Daehyun assumed he was the leader).

"Where's your partner, spy." The prey's voice was gruff, low. What he'd spoken wasn't a question, didn't leave any room for an option. It was a demand.

Daehyun was about to open his mouth, to retort back to the man, tell them how he'd not needed a partner against them, when Youngjae's hyung spoke up.

"You'll never find her."

Daehyun's eyes widened, as he stared at Youngjae's hyung. He expected the captor to laugh, and shoot the man for answering a question directed at Daehyun, but the man just narrowed his eyes.

Another one of the guy's minions burst into the small room, that was slowly getting more and more stuffy, with the increase of people in it. A bead of sweat slowly ran down the side of Daehyun's face, stinging his eyes, and he wished his arms were free to wipe it away. He couldn't afford for Youngjae's hyung to think he was crying. Daehyun watched as the guy held a meeting with his partners in crime. It looked as if the minion had failed to find something--or someone.

The man whom Daehyun supposed was the leader turned back to the males on the ground.

"Her?" The man's eyes bore into Youngjae's hyung.

Daehyun turned to watch Youngjae's hyung's face, which wore an I-told-you-so expression as he faced Daehyun.

Youngjae was really a spy?! Daehyun's head reeled. Then who did the 'her' refer to? Youngjae?! Nah. Youngjae's hyung must have said that by accident. He must have been too befuddled by fright. Daehyun smirked again at the thought. Taking a chance when the captor's backs were turned in yet another discussion, Youngjae's hyung edged closer to Daehyun.

"Your majesty, the queen." He said, an annoying smile on his face. Daehyun wanted to rip it off. He squinted at the man.

"I was being sarcastic. Ever heard of sarcasm?" Daehyun retorted hotly.

"No." Youngjae's hyung matched Daehyun's tone, eyes rolling heavenward.

"Now you have." Daehyun muttered. He decided he didn't like the guy. Not. One. Bit. Their captors banged a gun against the wall to gain their attention again.

"Your partner's a woman?" The captor asked again, eyes narrowing. Daehyun's eyes went wide, as he saw Youngjae's hyung confirm the fact, with a decisive nod.

Daehyun made a noise that sounded like a dying whale. He didn't understand.

How was Youngjae a female?!

Daehyun discreetly shifted away from Youngjae's hyung on his bum, towards the captors. Sure, they were big, and bad, and weilded guns that would kill him if he made a false move, but now, he was sure Youngjae's hyung was absolutely nuts. And Daehyun knew from experience that crazy people were scarier.


Hope you enjoyed this chappie!! Don't forget to leave your commentsssss <333


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I'll update Mission Impossible II tomorrow. Sorry guys, got carried away with my other stories >


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iftgyu #1
this is amazing
I'm stupid. =.=
I read this first before the other one. orz xD
And then when I finished reading that, it lead me back here, and I was wondering why it felt like I've read this already. I was like 'wut the ' xDD
Chapter 11: sq,cdeonkmgjktr^gkùmlùKl, /dies
this is just perfect PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: oh my goddddd u ended it w Daejae sm*t omfg i love u so muchhhhh ;;;;;; dun worry its beautiful n im burning in feels rn omg finally they did it ;;;;
back to the start,tk u B.A.P for coming n rescue the pair xD did Jae have to explain to them that he's like Dae too,a secret agent?it was a suprise alrd that he's even more mysterious than Dae haha how can he keep his mask on for so long xD
anw love the Daejae hot love making n i love this fic too ;;;; i rly enjoyed it,tk u au-nim ;;;; fighting!!!
Chapter 11: best abs0lute perfect..
yeah..they are s0 sweet..
forever_alone_lol #7
Chapter 10: THAT ENDING. LOL.
Himchan, I don't think it's the time to show off your voice
Black_x_Rabbit #8
Chapter 10: hahahahahaha XD lmao at the ending~ sooo random~
brainyjs #9
Chapter 10: O.O.....................
er..... okay....????? random bap much????
but....ok... x:
at least they're save i guess XP