

Donghae and Hyukjae left the classroom, hands entwined with each other. Donghae was relieved that Hyukjae would not go back to Hyoyeon. He loved Hyukjae and would not be able to leave without him if he left for Hyoyeon. 

"OPPA! Where were you? I've been looking for you! What were you doing in the empty classroom with him? What more, you guys are holding hands. That's so gay!" Hyoyeon squealed.

Donghae visibly gulped, tightening his grip on Hyukjae's hand.  He glanced up at Hyukjae hoping for him to give Donghae a signal on what to do next. Hyukjae just smiled at Donghae, giving him a nod as if he was trying to tell Donghae 'Trust  me. I know what to do.' Donghae did trust Hyukjae. 

"Hyoyeon. I hope you can mind your own business from now on. If you are thinking on wanting to get back together with me then don't. Stop disturbing me and my boyfriend. Yes, don't be so surprised. Donghae is my boyfriend and yes, I'm a gay. So thank you but good bye." With that, Hyukjae tugged Donghae's hand, walking back to the cafeteria.

Hyoyeon was furious. How dare he reject her. FOR ANOTHER GUY. No one rejected Kim Hyoyeon. That Donghae was going to get it from her, hard. She thanked the stars that she had a friend whose father was a private investigator and had supplied her with details on Donghae's past. She was going to have to use those data as a last resort if she could not make Donghae give up on Hyukjae. 

~The next day~

"Donghae, could I speak to you for a minute? Alone." Hyoyeon asked, when she spotted Donghae with Hyukjae in the garden. Donghae looked at Hyukjae, confusion written on his face. Why would Hyoyeon want to speak with him? Hyukjae shrugged, clueless as well. Donghae then decided to follow Hyoyeon, curious as to what she wanted from him.

"I'm only going to say it once. Leave Hyukjae. He is better without you anyway. Do you know that he has a reputation to uphold here? Being with you would totally muddy his reputation. Besides, if it weren't for you, Hyukjae would have been even more popular and would not have become a gay. If it weren't for you, Hyukjae would still have been with me. You broke us up. You destroyed a relationship did not involve you in the first place.You just had to meddle with something that could never happen for you. Just help Hyukjae by leaving him. I'll mend his heart and everything would be back as what it once was."

Hyoyeon left, leaving a stunned Donghae behind. Was he really pulling Hyukjae down? Should he really leave Hyukjae? But wouldn't  me leaving Hyukjae cause him heartbreak? Questions zipped through his mind, unsure of what to do. Hyukjae on the other hand, was getting impatient as to why Donghae and Hyoyeon were taking so long. He walked over to where they supposedly were and saw Donghae alone, looking as if he was in shock.

Rushing over to Donghae's side, Hyukjae took Donghae into his arms, holding him while asking what had happened. But Donghae remained unresponsive. He lifted Donghae's chin, making his boyfriend look at him the eye before asking agin, in a gentler tone what was wrong.

"Am...Am I dragging you down? Tell me. Is it bad for your reputation if people found out you were gay? Because of me being with you? Please...tell me. I need to know." Donghae stumbled over his words, averting Hyukjae's gaze.

Hyukjae was shocked. Was this what Hyoyeon wanted to tell Donghae? Making him doubt himself? And their relationship with each other? This was not going to happen not if he could help it.

"Donghae. Didnt I tell you before that nothing could break us apart? Not Hyoyeon, not anyone. Me being a gay is not your fault. I'm a gay not because you caused it but because I love you. So stop doubting me or our relationship. Ok?" Hyukjae reassured Donghae with a kiss on his lips. Donghae was touched by this and nodded his head in response. He knew that being with Hyukjae was the right thing to do. Hyukjae protected him, cherished him and made him erase his doubts. He was glad that he had Hyukjae or he would not have known what to do.

Watching them from afar, Hyoyeon was furious. She had stayed behind to watch the show where Donghae would come to his senses and break off with Hyukjae but no, that was not the case. They were being lovey-dovey towards each other. They actually kissed. She could not let this happen any longer. Hyukjae was hers and no one elses.

Hurridly, she dialed a number she had gotten from the private investigator, a number that Donghae was sure to remember, a number that Donghae feared. Kim Kibum, Donghae's worst nightmare.



I'm sorry if this chapter was not as good as the rest. Wrote it in a rush. But anyway, be prepared for the next chapter or so to be a bit angsty. *Hint Hint* Hope you enjoyed this and do comment! It will really brighten up my day to read your opinions! Kamsahamnida...*Bows*


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Chapter 19: Awww I want a boyfriend like hyukjae ;;~; so caring sighhh it's a good story, thanks for sharing! However I'm highly suggesting you, if you have a spare time, please re-edit this story because it has a lot of typos (some make sense and some wasnt, I can't even guess what words you're trying to type ._. ) like in chapter 16 if I'm not wrong, you typed 'kibum was caned', maybe you mean caged? why would someone canning anyone? you clear simple mistakes like that, I think this story will be even better :)
Chapter 3: yes yes yes!
Chapter 2: mahgerd. eggzoiting.
Chapter 1: I kinda relate to him. :'(
I love this fic. Awesome!
Chapter 18: omaigahd why this ty girl keep bothering and make hae suffer??
glad hae can wake up again and he can feel love from his hyukkie again
Chapter 18: waaaaaaa...end already~ :'(
love the ending~
cause it ends with i love you~ >.<
kausalluveunhae #8
Chapter 17: it alright....good luck for ur O level author-nim... XD
Chapter 16: new reader here!
i like ur fic!
update soon!kibum and hyoyeon such a bastards...
Chapter 15: If Hyuk can't beat Hyoyeon then i'll beat her for him!!!...
Girl with a girl wouldn't be a problem right?..