My Savior

Me and My Arrogant Kim Myungsoo


I ran and ran not caring where I go. I just needed to be away from here,I was too embarrassed. I felt the  tears sting my eyes as I ran, I didn't even know where I was anymore. After a while I decided to stop and only then I realized I was in a Forrest. I inspected my clothes and noticed the cuts and rips. What was I thinking? This is a dangerous place to be, there was little light I could see and on top of that, there might be some wild animal lurking around here. Deciding that I didn't wanna be eatin by a bunch of hungry bears, I made my way back to where I came. 
I didn't really payed attention to where I was going a while ago when I ran so technically I am now lost. It felt like I've been walking for hours... My whole body hurts and my legs were going weaker and weaker by the minute. 
Then I just remembered that I have a phone. I reached for my pocket but then got disappointed when I can't seem to find my phone. I was sure I brought it with me. I probably dropped it somewhere while running like a lunatic. I sighed and continued walking. 
It was getting dark and I was still walking through the trees. I began to panic and soon I was pumping my arms and was running...again. Suddenly my head began spinning then I felt the blackness overwhelm me. 
It was already 9 in the evening and I still haven't seen Min Soo, she even skipped dinner. I was now pacing back and forth in our room waiting for her and thinking what could possibly be happening to her right now. 
After another 10 minutes I couldn't take it anymore. 
"Aish!! That's it!" I grabbed my jacket and headed out. 
I kept running and running, screaming her name, not caring if people thought I was crazy. I looked all over the place, the canteen, other people's rooms, the bathroom, the closet, I even asked random people if they saw her but no luck. 
After coming up with a conclusion that I should look where I least expect her to be, I headed back to the room to grab a flashlight and headed to the woods. 
"Min Soo-ah!! Where are you?! Please! Please answer me!! Please.." My voice was getting hoarse from all the screaming and yelling. My forehead was damp with sweat and I was beyond worried for her. 
"Min Soo! Min Soo please!" I was getting desperate. "Han Min Soo!!!" Tears started forming in my eyes. "I have to find her. I have to find her. I have to find her. No matter what happens, I will find her."
I walked and walked, yelled, and screamed my heart out. 
Suddenly I saw a figure lying beside a tree. My heartbeat was getting faster and faster as I approach the figure. When I took a close look, I saw it was Min Soo, relief and worry flooded through me. 
"Min Soo! Oh thank god I found you!" I said and gathered her in my arms. She then stirred and slowly opened her eyes. "What...where             ...where am I? Who are you?! Get away from me! Let me go!" She said, trying to push me away. She was shivering and she looked pale. My heart ached looking at her state right now.
"Shh... I'm here, I'm here. You're safe now. I'm here now. You're safe..." I repeated over and over, cradling her, rocking her back and forth. My arms tightly wrapped around her small figure. 
"M-myungsoo? Is that you? How did you..."
"Shh... It's ok. I'm here, I won't leave you anymore. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a jerk. I'm sorry. I'm an idiot for doing that to you earlier. I'm sorry. Do you know how worried I was?? I've been looking for you for hours.." I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her. I pulled her as close as possible and hugged her tightly. 
"I'm sorry if I worried you... I was just too hurt and embarrassed.. I'm sorry.." She said, choking back a sob. Tears streamed down her cheeks and I didn't hesitate to wipe them. 
"It's ok. What matters is you're here with me now."
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have looked for me, it was already dark, something could've happened. I don't want you getting hurt."
"Everything has a price. And I was determined to find you. No matter what the cost may be.." I sighed as I touched my forehead to hers. "Let's get out of here."
I picked her up bridal style and went back to where I came from. I know what you're thinking...that we'd get lost again. But I already left marks to help me remember where I came from. 
"You know I can walk right?"
" can put me down now."
"Ani. No way you're walking after I found you unconscious under a tree."
"Come on, pleeeeaasssse??"
"Fine." She pouts and crosses her arms. Cute. I chuckle and continue walking. 
Later, we finally arrived back at the room and just then I noticed her clothes...
"Yah, what happened to your clothes? It's barely there anymore."
"What? What are you..." I pointed at her clothes and she followed where my finger was pointing and suddenly gasped. "Yah!! Byuntae! " I chuckled as she dashed to the bathroom. 
Oh my gosh. I still can't believe what happened earlier... He looked for me! He actually cares! I can still feel the warmth where his skin touched mine. 
I looked myself at the mirror. I look like a mess. A really big mess. I needed a shower. A long one at that. Stripping off of my clothes, I stepped in the shower and let the warm water relax me. 
Once I apwas out of the shower, I realized I hadn't brought any clothes with me and mentally slapped myself. How could I have forgotten?? Stupid. 
I poked my head out the door. "Myungsoo?"
"Can you um....hand me some clothes please? I kinda forgot to bring them.." I felt my cheeks burning. 
"Sure, just wait a sec." I heard shuffling and opening of closet as I waited by the door. 
"Here." He hands me some clothes which I'm guessing was his since it was much bigger than I expected. 
"Gumawo." With that I shut the door and changed. 
Minutes later I was out and I couldn't see Myungsoo anywhere. 10 minutes later the door opened and revealed Myungsoo holding a glass of water and some pills. 
"Um, I thought you might be needing this so..."
"Thank you." I smiled at him and took the water and pills and drank them in a gulp. 
Myungsoo strode to his bed and patted it. "Come here." I looked at him confused but followed anyway. 
I sat at the edge of his bed and looked at him. He noticed how far I was from him and grabbed my hands leading me towards him. "Waeyo?"
He pulled me down close to him and wrapped his arms around me. "Just let me hold you like this for a while." I was shocked yet it felt so right being in his embrace. I nod and just sat there stiff. He moved my head to rest on his chest and I just let him. Breathing his scent, he smelled like mint and chocolate. 
He started humming this melody and I felt myself relax even more. We stayed like that until I felt my eyelids drop and sleep overtook me. 
Please don't hate me........... Hope you like this chappie! 
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ExoGirl022 here ^^


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NamSooHyun #1
Chapter 19: Hey your fanfic really best and i love it..please update soon..i can't wait forthe next chapter..please please please..
clyne22 #3
Chapter 19: update soon please
Chapter 18: Oops i commented on the wrong page hahahahah this story is awesome! Loving it!
Chapter 17: Daebakkkk!!!!! Please update ^^
Sounds good :)
I was wondering and hoping if you may check my L's story :)
✿You Are y But, You Know✿

I hope you subscribe and read it and tell me what you think :)
Chapter 16: Omg!!!!! Daebak!!!!! Update soon Aliza or I'll bury you when school starts! ^^
Chapter 16: can i buy myungsoo xD?
Chapter 15: Hey guys, please check out my new story, 'My Bitter-sweet Love~'